Mepergan (meperidine hydrochloride; promethazine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Mepergan (meperidine hydrochloride; promethazine hydrochloride)

Complete pain relief and slept most of the three days I was on it without much memory of that time frame. It was given staggered with valium. Either way, I was completely comfy on it.

This is the only pain med I can take for severe pain, I'm allergic to codeine. Works great for me, usually just knocks me out, but I do have a hangover the next day. So I try to take only half a capsule to relieve pain.

great medicine help greatly..had severve mouth pain

Wicked good mood. Real happy. Easy to sleep, as was easy to wake up. Attention to detail. Real sharp, witty feeling. All in all amazing. ONLY BAD THING=== After taking this prescription for two weeks, I did feel a slight addiction when I realized I was out..It drove me to the point of insanity.

Wow. Talking about a trip. I love That doctor! I broke my carples and medacarples in my left hand when I got it wedged between two football helmets at a game friday night, and went to the doctor tuesday afternoon. Great pain med, gets rid of it quicker then George W. Bush with questions from the media.

sleepy, dry mouth, nothing that would be unenjoyable. i take it for that once a month and for migranes that are sparatic.

I vote if it takes away my pain i am ok with it. it defanitely did.

None really, slight drowsiness at times

I do not tolerate pain meds well because of Crohn's Disease-everything makes me sick at my stomach. Mepergan was a life saver when I had bi-lateral knee surgery. It completely suppressed the pain, and I didn't get sick. It's the best medicine I've ever taken!

chronic pain-postshouldersurgeries

takes (me) 24 hour to get rid of- stay in a dazed state long after apin relief is gone.I take it several times a week, not several times daily, when in dire need for relief...I hate the dopey feel

breast augmentation and mastoplexy

drowsiness, weakness, dry mouth

tonsillectomy and sinus surgery

General grogginess, slightly blurred vision, mild itching, lucid dreams

I would never have believed a drug would do such an amazing job with the pain and still leave me with enough function to take care of things around the house. It does impair mental function a bit; I'll start something and forget what I was doing. It has made my dreams much more vivid, even when I was just dozing lightly after surgery. I kept answering questions no one had asked me (my family got a kick out of that). My surgery was yesterday morning and I'm just ecstatic that I'm doing so well so far.

Helps me get comfortable enough at night to sleep well all night. If taken during the day, it makes me very sleepy if I am not active. If I stay up and moving it does not make me sleepy.

Definitely takes the pain away, but it does not last very long. I could probably take it every two or three hours, although that is not recommended. Overall I say it is a very good pain med. Thank goodness I have not experienced any of the hallucinations that other people say they have had from it.

snapped penis in mousetrap - ouch

hard to pee, dry mouth, erectile disfunction, wild hallucinations of me having sexy time with Princess Di.

Really wonderful stuff. Can I get a witness?

helped with pain for the first couple of days

Extremely frightening hallucinations, mouth so dry I couldn't talk, dizziness, could not walk without much assistance.

This, in my opinion, is a terrible drug. I thought I was losing my mind. Didn't seem to alleviate the pain either. Took 3 doses, and it was truly a hell.

No Pain, very sleepy, can't remember anything, all in all a good time

While taking this medication, I was completely out of it. I was having hallucinations. I was saying things that made no sense to anyone. When I went back to the doctor the day after my surgery, they almost admitted me to the hospital because of the fact that I passed out once, and almost passed out several more times.

While taking this medication, I was completely out of it. I was having hallucinations. I was saying things that made no sense to anyone. When I went back to the doctor the day after my surgery, they almost admitted me to the hospital because of the fact that I passed out once, and almost passed out several more times.

extreme drowsiness mild hallucinations

I tried other pain medications first. This was the only one that gave me any relief. I noticed no pain while on this medication.

Side Effects formepergan (meperidine hydrochloride; promethazine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Linda has made a remarkable recovery--four months after stopping Fosamax the side effects were mostly gone. She is almost pain free, sleeps through the night, no longer suffers from severe depression and has lost the 20 pounds she gained while taking the drug. She feels like a new woman. I am really happy that we were able to get to the bottom of the problem with the help of this website and your posts. The warning literature only hinted at the problem. It seems that the once weekly, monthly, quarterly (Boniva injection) increase the incidents and severity of side effects. It also seems clear that the longer the drug is used the higher the probability of generating various and/or more severe side effects. This is Fosamax's dirty "little" secret, which members of the bisphosphonate class of drugs all share.Based on what I have read, the risks of these drugs far outweighs the benefits. What is more alarming is that MDs seem to be unaware of the severity of the side effects

feeling of fatigue, eyes blurry, arms heavy, need to take naps, trouble concentrating-that all has lessened somewhat but has not gone away, maybe just getting used to it

Excellent hormone replacement therapy... Feel so young and look it, too....

Just commenting to thank all the people who mentioned chills. Nobody told me it could do that. I am absolutely freezing and can't stop shaking.

Extremely tired, bordering on sedation, slightly more depressed, nearly confused thinking, need to sleep all the time.

Bad Pressure in my head, serious memory problems, time gets away from me and it seems like years have just flown by way too fast, bad pain in my hands when I wake from sleeping, I can't spell anymore and have no interest in thing that are fun. My word recall is very bad and my balance is terrible. I sweat really bad. I also have bad burning pain at times that just dont stop. I fall asleep sitting up and just fall into bed. I'm afraid to drive because when I sit still I fall asleep. I'm not really asleep. It feels more like I'm in a deep haze. If I miss a dose by 30 minutes I get in serious severe pain. Ill never be able to get off of this medicine. The pain is so great that I'm afraid of another stroke. I'm so miserable and depressed on this medication. My hands and feet also swell and hurt.

My son took this med as soon as it was released for use. The med worked for what it was supposed to do.. .control ADHD symptoms at school. We noticed he was more irritable and had more mood swings, but that was just the beginning of his troubling behaviors. The final straw was one of many episodes that can only be described as "psychotic." On Halloween night he rolled around and cried, screamed, etc for 2 hours about not having the right costume. A half an hour after trick or treating had already started, he abruptly stopped, and without one word, he put on an old costume, painted his entire face blue, grabbed his candy bag, and walked straight down the middle of the street all the way around the neighborhood not stopping at a single house. He finally stopped at a friend's house for candy, then walked straight back to our house. His behavior was so extreme, that I video taped the episode. That was the last day he took this med. I do believe every med works differently for every kid. I just think this particular medication was not compatible with my child's brain.

I thought this pill was great at first b/c it regulated my period (I had tried three pills prior to this: ortho tri lo, ortho tri, and yaz but they did not regulate my period) but now I feel out of control. I have constant mood swings, anxiety, crying spells, lonliness, and just recently I experienced my first panic attack. I tried to blame it on starting my first job out of college, but I feel like my body is just completely out of whack. I have not felt 'myself' for the past three months. I am switching ASAP

Hair loss, weight gain, depressed mood, wierd dreams, hungry all the time, miserable feeling towards well being

Everything was fine for the first few days of taking Bactrim. After that, though, I started to develop shortness of breath, anxiety (exacerbated by the shortness of breath), restlessness, inability to focus, decreased appetite, decreased libido, and mild fatigue. These side effects are very distressing, as I initially thought I had a worsening staph infection. After reading that the drug can cause the side effects, I was a little relieved, but I can't wait until the 10 days are up. I'm on day 7 now, and while I don't think the side effect is worsening, per se, it's caused a lot of mental distress.I hope the side-effects go away relatively quickly. Some people have expressed that it takes a few days for them to go away. I really hope that's not the case, and I really hope it doesn't get any worse.