Librium (chlordiazepoxide hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Librium (chlordiazepoxide hydrochloride)

Side Effects forlibrium (chlordiazepoxide hydrochloride) - User Comments


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I initially took Gabapentin for my generalized anxiety disorder. This medicine helps with my anxiety but also helps significantly with my depression. I have tried taking it in the morning to reduce my anxiety throughout the day, but it does cause some fatigue, dizziness, and brain fog. If I take it too late in the evening (11 pm ), it is extremely hard to wake up in the morning. I take it around dinner time and that works great for me. If you have GAD or MDD, I highly recommend taking this medication. Try to remember that it takes a few weeks before it works, it isn't an as needed medication.

Anxiety, insomnia, paranoia, dizziness

Extreme fatigue; no energy; very heavy legs;cannot walk long anymore. Quick exhaustionBrain fog; not as alert; no motivation. Cough.20 lb weight gain. Insomnia. Very anxious

My experience with Lupron has been a positive one. I have hot flashes daily but they're pretty mild. No night sweats. I have a history of depression and needed to go back on Zoloft around the 2nd week of the first shot because of irritability and frequent crying spells. I felt better immediately. I expected to have weight gain but I actually began losing weight, about 5 lbs total. The worst side effect for me has probably been the acne. It's very stubborn despite using tretinoin cream and metronidazole cream to my face. Lucky for me, I haven't had any of the nightmare side effects some people describe. No pain, no memory loss, etc. I'm taking 1 shot/month x 6 mos.

My daughter had no side effects. I was ok while taking my 5 day course, but the night I stopped, I woke up in the night, hallucinating, walking like I was drunk, and putting toys in my daughters crib while she was sleeping. For several days I had increased anxiety, and I am still suffering from mild depression.

takes away headaches gives feeling of euphoria/overall well being.

I gave tamiflu to my son at 8:30 pm and his fever went down by morning. Gave him his 2nd dose at 9 am and he starting acting funny. I gave him his 3rd dose at 9:30 pm but he didn't want it, so he only got 1/2 the dose and thank god for that because he starting getting a rash and had problems breathing, so who knows what would have happened if he got another dose. I was really skeptical about giving him this in the first place and for good reason. Trust your gut feeling on this medication because it definitely can cause side effects that may not be controllable and scared me to see. I will never use it again!

Sweating, constipation, headache, decreased appetite, but worst of all an increase in MS symptoms like walking difficulties and fatigue.

dizziness, shortness of breath, intense hunger (even after eating), shaking

After 10 days on this the joints in my wrists, elbows, knees and ankles make it difficult to function. Both feet swell up like footballs at night and I have a difficult time sleeping. The side effects of this drug are awful.