Inapsine (droperidol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Inapsine (droperidol)

Severe anxiety, crawling out of skin feeling, can't stop tingling in legs, can't sleep but super tired

This should not be given to anyone ever!

Horrible. I feel like I've actually been traumatized by this medication. Severe anxiety, dread, ultimately I just left the hospital after being admitted for possible emergency gallbladder surgery. Why would they give this to people, even if the risk of a reaction is low, the reaction is so bad it doesn't justify using it at all. I wanted to crawl out of my skin and unalive myself. After 5 days, the physical bugs under my skin feeling is better, but I'm still having bouts of anxiety and tachycardia. Please don't take this. If you're a doctor reading this, please don't give it to patients, they won't even be able to properly communicate to you what's happening to them, they'll just run away from the hospital because of the panic and inability to think clearly, when they're sick and need to be there. Please don't give it to people. So traumatic.

Don't ever let the ER give you this. Most people don't have a bad reaction, but when they do it's so bad that the small risk is not worth it. The risk outweighs the benefits.

Panic and anxiety. Feeling hot. Can't sit down. Can't work. Can't focus. Scared.

Nausea and upper abdominal pain

Panic so bad I couldn't breathe, I'm going on day 3 of it and I'm having major panic attacks, I can't process and everything feels foggy/not real. I did not get tachycardia but bradycardia, and my blood pressure has been high (at least for me) I literally cannot stop crying. I imagine this is what the after math of a lobotomy feels like.

DO NOT TAKE. I am going to try and put together a class action suit against this drug/the company that made it. Please email me of you have questions or are interested in joining.

I was given this nightmare drug two nights ago in the ER for a migraine and I am now trapped in hell. Within seconds of receiving the med, I began to feel agitated and disconnected from reality. About 10 minutes later, I began shaking uncontrollably with my muscles contorting and shook for several hours before being given IV Benadryl. The Benadryl stopped the shakes for a while, but it also caused an arrhythmia and the then the shaking returned with a vengeance. I also began hallucinating and heard my deceased grandmother telling me to stay with the RN who was trying to help me after the Benadryl reaction. My eyes are also fixed upwards and I cannot drive now. I am also experiencing debilitating panic attacks and my family thinks I am losing my mind. This med was taken off the market once and needs to be removed again. This is pure poison and I am terrified I have been permanently harmed. I have contacted an attorney and filed an FDA safety report, and I encourage others to do the same.

Thus medication could be used for torture.

This drug was made by the devil himself. It caused severe muscle cramping and an indescribable panic/fear as if I was removed from time itself and placed in hell forever. I now have almost daily panic attacks which I never had before. I would rather suffer the worst possible pain or die than experience this drug again. I hope the Dr who gave it to me burns in the fires of hell forever along with those who made it and those who approved its use.

Parkinson like effects. Hormonal imbalances. Neurological issues. Anxiety. Too much saliva. Was totally Paralyzed. Effects lasting for weeks so far. Absolutely awful. Please email me if you have had any hormonal or menstral effects did these go away?

Was crawling out of my body, jerking, could not sit still. Hallucinating. Ripped my iv out. Don't remember much. 3 days later and I'm still not ok.

I went to the ER with this strange feeling I've been having in my legs that's been keeping me up and making me go crazy all throughout the day. I told them I was constantly nauseated for the last 3 weeks so they administered Inapsine in my veins. Within 10 minutes I started getting an uncontrollable urge to move my neck to the right and then it started violently contracting to the left and my eyes were fixated straight up without being able to move them at all. My whole right side of my body started twitching. We just went home because I could barely talk to my gf to let her know what was going on. She kept asking why I wasn't responding but I just couldn't. My heart was beating through the roof. The neck dystonia lasted for about 15 hours. But I still don't feel like myself. It's been about 25 hours since it started. My neck is still slightly jittery and my anxiety is through the roof. Does anyone have any advice on making it go away? I got my girlfriend to go pick me up some Benadryl to maybe counteract is as I've seen some people in here do with positive results but it didn't really change anything. Do I need to keep taking it?

Don't EVER take this drug. Whatever the hell is going on with you it's not worth it. I contemplated suicide last night because of it. -100. Email me if you have had the same symptoms from this hell like drug

Supposed nausea after pain meds

I went to hospital for right flank stomach pain from pelvis to ribs. They gave me zofran in the ambulance and when I got to er they gave me morphine and inapsine. I felt anxious and they gave me Ativan but it didn't help and I was still in pain. They gave me dilaudid with valume and it worked fairly well I felt more calm. 2 hrs later they gave me toradol when my pain came back and then inapsine again by iv and I had the worst panic attack. I told them I didn't feel OK and they didn't do anything about it. They continued tests on me for my stomach and found nothing but an ovarian cyst that wasn't abnormal. I said again that I don't feel okay mentally. They discharged me anyways. It has been a month and I'm still not okay. Being in the dark under a weighted blanket helps and taking Ativan but my agoraphobia is really getting worse from it. I don't think I'll ever be the same again.

Don't take it! It's not worth the nightmare side effects! Use zofran, or promethazine, or meclazine anything else is better.

It was hell. I would not wish this drug on anyone. I felt like I couldn't escape the overwhelming sense of dread. I wanted to die. My body became like a prison, and I was terrified. Years later I still would rather go through childbirth again.

Panic attack, anxiety, uneasiness, eye problems

I went into the ER for severe kidney pain, but I couldn't take any narcotics considering I am 18 weeks pregnant so the Doctor gave me 10 mg of the Droperidol. She never told me what the potential side effects were. 2 minutes later I went into a FULL ON PANIC ATTACK. I wanted to crawl out of my skin!! Luckily it only lasted a few minutes, but still even after it passed, I was still incredibly anxious, had agitation (but retained from showing it so I didn't get the cops involved), and HORRIBLE eye fixation. My eyes could only look up and they were basically glued looking up! I could hardly look at anything else!! I had to take a Xanax and Ambien to make me fall asleep to take the side effects away or else it would have lasted who knows how long. This medication needs to be taken off the market!! I wouldn't wish this medication upon my worst enemy!

This was in 1998. I tracked it down a long time ago.I never had panic attacks before then but I have had kidney stones before and after. Inapsine or drioperal I don't think I spelled the generic correct. I was a active commercial pilot with a Flight instructor rating. I lost my livelihood over this drug and nobody else has filed a lawsuit. Please contact me. Their has to be a attorney to take this case

Paralysis, hallucinations, difficulty breathing, feeling unreal, dizziness, blurred vision, suicidal thoughts.I was given inapsine to help with nausea after an appendectomy at about 10 am. After about 10 minutes I felt like I needed to tilt my head back and then all of the major muscle groups began to flex and freeze up. I was paralyzed with my head and neck bent at such an extreme angle that was arched in the hospital bed. My mom called the nurse and while they were taking blood and working around me the rest of my muscles started freezing up. I couldn’t move my jaw or my eyes in my head a my vision went blurry. It was hard to breathe. My sides hurt and my ribs didn’t feel like they were moving with my breaths. Lots of weird hallucinations and out of body experiences right about then. The Doctor gave me a Benadryl shot. (Later on the nurse said it was probably a bit big for a 75 lb kid. But I was able to move and breathe again so I was happy about that.) Then I couldn’t stop moving. Was agitated and hyper. Destroyed some furniture. Exhausted and wanted to sleep but couldn’t stop moving. I finally started feeling a bit more normal and calmed down. Went to sleep around 7:30 the next morning.

Have had suicidal thoughts ever since.

This medicine caused me to have severe frightening hallucinations. I was extremely hot and then shivering cold. I was agitated and shaking with anxiety and could not stop moving. Crawling around on my bed, jerking muscles. Disorientation. I threw up so much and so violently that I tore my esophagus and was vomiting blood that looked like coffee grounds. I was so hot with severe restlessness that I opened the car door to get out on the HIGHWAY @70 mph. My husband literally saved my life grabbing me while driving....this was the single most terrifying,painful,long lasting, horrific experience. I spent 8 YES, EIGHT days in the hospital. I lost 9 lbs in 8 days. My kidney test came back abnormal. I had tachycardia and I thought I would die. Literally. DIE. The pain from the acids in my stomach burned my esophagus. The pain was excruciating. I'd have done anything to stop the hallucinations and pain. I mean even death seemed preferable. God, please stop this med from being used so flippantly. How can the money be worth it? NEVER.AGAIN.

This should NEVER be used for a simple migraine. I'd rather jump off a bridge then experience what I went through again.

I went to the ER for severe migraine. Was given an IV with Inapsine and my heart began to pound so fast I thought I was going to die. I started panicking and was in a panicked state for so long. I felt like I didnt know where I was and could barely move. I tried calling for a nurse bur nobody came ( I may have only waited a minute but felt like very long in the state I was in). When someone finally came I told them my heart is pounding and they took my BP and said it was only slightly elevated. I've never done drugs but I imagine this is how a ' bad trip' would feel. I was so paranoid and panicked that I pulled the IV out, left the hospital and drove in the snow barely making it home. It lasted for hours after that until I finally went to sleep.

do not let them give you this. It did much more harm than good.

I was first given Inapsine after having a fibroid tumor removed in the hospital. I was 19 years old. I had a big scar across my belly and was experiencing nausea and vomiting which pulled on the scar. The doctors gave me injections of Inapsine into my thigh to stop the nausea. I remember as clear as day the reaction I had after the third injection. I was watching the TV when suddenly I felt very agitated and all the muscles in my body started convulsing. I was told to calm down by the nurses to not stress out. My friend was there and told the nurse she's not stressing out she's having a reaction. they came and noticed that my job was clenching my head was turning all the muscles in my stomach or convulsing it was extremely painful and I was frightened. The doctors didn't know what was wrong. It took them three or four hours to understand I was having a dystonic reaction. I remember being absolutely terrified. They gave me Valium which did nothing. They gave me other drugs which did nothing. They finally gave me Benadryl when they brought up the pharmacist to look at what I've been administered. The Benadryl helped with the dystonia. But unfortunately from that day forward I developed extreme panic attacks and obsessive compulsive disorder related to the extreme anxiety I experience every day. It all started after I was administered Inapsine. I am amazed to see so many people who have suffered like I have. It's now 20 years later and I still have anxiety. I was permanently

I was treated back in 1996 at a suburban Atlanta ER for a kidney stone attack. I was given Dilaudid and Inapsine. After being administered the Inapsine I became very edgy, agitated, and jumpy, for lack of a better term. I was released about 6 hours later and was amazed at how I could not shake off the effects of the drug. I could not sit down, focus, and truly felt like I was losing my mind. I paced, was riddled with anxiety, and felt like I was being driven by a motor. I called the charge nurse and was instructed to return to the hospital. I was given an IV of Benadryl which I expected to slow me down, but it only partially worked. I was again released, went home, and felt the effects of it for about a week. Two years later I began exhibiting odd symptoms: my head would involuntarily pull to the left, and within 6 weeks was completely locked. I was in excruciating pain and was bedridden (I was 35 and had two young children). Two neurologists later I was diagnosed with a type of dyston

The FDA needs to look into the severe and adverse effects of this insidious drug.

I was in and out of the ER almost weekly for my migraines for about two months and they finally said they wanted to try something different and this was a med they give three doses spaced out, well after about 2 min of having the dose through IV my whole body started going numb and I went into a horrible panic attack - I also couldn't move any of my body because I eventually went into a full paralyzed state - and if was the most terrifying experience I've ever had. I kept nodding in and out and every time I came To I was having a HORRIBLE panic attack and right before everything went numb I told the nurse why is my tongue numb? She said it's an effect of the meds and didn't even care when I told her I was panicking - they left me in the room alone for hours til my next dose - I was left unable to move or scream for help, and each time they would come give the next dose I wanted to scream no stop let me leave!!! And I couldn't.. before the third dose I was finally able to tell them to stop as it had worn off a little and I was able to talk some and move barely.. NONE of the drs did anything about the reaction, no one cared at all. This happened at the parkland hospital in Derry, NEVER go there. And NEVER take this medicine!! It should be banned forever! Literally the most terrifying experience I've EVER had. And now I have severe panic attacks daily - it's been 4 years since.

Side Effects forinapsine (droperidol) - User Comments


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dizziness at times. Wondering if hair loss is due to drug since post market research on one site stated that alopecia can be a dermatalogical side effect.

I feel like I am CALM. I also get sleepy if I don't walk around or do something. Somewhat of a feeling of being "heavy". Headaches when I lean forward or bend over to tie a shoe (from a sitting position).

Serious HIVES!! Went thru all allergy testing but failed to tell the DR. that I was taking ALEVE. After conversation with an associate I stopped taking ALEVE and the HIVES have gone away.

insomnia, muscle and joint pain which began in lower legs and especially feet, and moved to hands, shoulders over a couple of days. If I go from a sitting position to standing my legs hurt terribly and I have to take it alowly. This is NOT normal.

fatigue, depression, weight gain

cronic cough from post nasal draini

nausea, fatigue, fever, body aches, stomach pain, the sense that I could vomit at any given second, daily headaches, red rash all over my body

If stop taking for 1 day, 1 or 2 days later get diarrhea.

extreme drowsiness, heart racing, dizziness

We thought the aggression and tantrums this past summer were just age-related, but in the fall our son started hitting/kicking kids at preschool. We took him off the Zyrtec after we had a frost and his allergy symptoms subsided, and when the Zyrtec stopped, so did the negative reports from preschool. We also noticed a significant drop in tantrums at home. But then the weather warmed back up and the mold count shot up and his allergy symptoms came back. Gave our son a Zyrtec dose yesterday before school (the first time in 3 weeks), and when I picked him up from school, was told he had grabbed a girl by the hair and dragged her across the playground. This is a kid who hasn't shown aggressive behavior since we stopped the Zyrtec. Talked to his teacher about a possible connection, and she said that she took herself off Zyrtec because it made her feel jittery and nervous. Our son's allergy symptoms are better when he's on Zyrtec, but I am going to stop giving it to him. As I read about s