Duramorph pf (morphine sulfate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Duramorph pf (morphine sulfate)

I am dealing with extreme lower back pain due to arthritis of the lumbar spine and cervical spine, i also deal with fibromyalgia and plantar fascitis. From a pain level 1 to 10 i only get some relief with meds the morphine in combination with norco 4x a day and lyrica twice a day and amitriptyline once at bed time i only experience a pain at a level 6 and 7. I didnt take them one morning and i couldnt move i was in so much pain i was crying and all due to miscommunication. Finally took the meds and after and hour i was able to get up and get ready for work. I have pain, numbness, tingling, swealling, and very minimal pain relief. Today i was asleep most of the day and woke up by the pain i was feeling and an extreme hot feeling in my back, i also experience several bowel movements in a matter of minutes and sudden hot flashes and chills accompanied with cold sweats went to work but unable to perform i went home only to realized i might have been experiencing some type of withdrawal since it was 4pm and id yet not taken a single dose of any of my meds and still wonder if that was possible from missing a dosage and why didnt i experience pain other than flu like symptoms. I dont know... I have lots of questions, im writing them down for my doc visit on the 15th

DURAMORPH PF (MORPHINE SULFATE): This medication is used to help relieve severe ongoing pain (such as due to cancer). Morphine belongs to a class of drugs known as opioid (narcotic) analgesics. It works in the brain to change how your body feels and responds to pain. The higher strengths of this drug (100 milligrams or more per tablet) should be used only if you have been regularly taking moderate to large amounts of opioid pain medications. These strengths may cause overdose (even death) if taken by a person who has not been regularly taking opioids. Do not use the extended-release form of morphine to relieve pain that is mild or that will go away in a few days. This medication is not for occasional ("as needed") use. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Taking Omeprazole presription-genaric 'Prilosec', 20mg caps, once a day in morning, half hr b/4 meals. (for 5 yrs. now) Glad I found this site! Was starting to feel desperate, wondering what was wrong, thought all types of things could be going on, from allergies, to just depression, but why I wondered? Never really suspected this drug until I thought to look up side effects since it is only prescription I take, was going to ask doctor but ha! guess that will be useless. Why do they prescribe this crap!? What an eye-opener. Anxiety & depression were getting very bad, headaches too, extreme dry mouth, bad backache... anyway... as of now I will STOP and hope I get better. This stuff sucks. I will look for more natural alternatives if acid reflux continues. T.Y. for all your comments, it sure helped. Thx too for reading my rant, it just is sooooo unfair!! :( G.B in Va.

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