Depo-testosterone (testosterone cypionate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Depo-testosterone (testosterone cypionate)

Sex drive is amazing. Less mood swings. Blood pressure is normal again. Feel like I'm 20 again. More energy.

I am sure this drug works great for low testosterone levels in adulthood, but DO NOT TAKE THIS FOR DELAYED PUBERTY. It ruined my life, my personality and my growth. I was predicted to become 1.85 and this thing has prematurely closed my growth plates. I used to have a best friend whom i did literally everything with, we were so close, and when I started this all I felt was rage and emptiness. Do not take this for delayed puberty! I thought it would be great and I would finally grow and my penis would develop. Well I did grow and my penis developed but it completely screwed me up mentally. Wait until you are 18! to take this. It ruined me and left em with only anger when I used to be one of the kindest, most peaceful little boys ever who had a best friend named zac whom i have lost now due to the rage this testosterone shots caused. Testosterone is not dangerous for adults! But it is very dangerous for children, especially for kick starting puberty. Now my personality is ruined.

I took 100mg once a month. They did not even schedule it right. You would need to take it atleast weekly to have steady levels so my mood was all over the place. The half life is only 5-6 days, so by day 30 I would have almost none in my blood. 25mg a week would have been much better. The best would have been none though, as it just left me with rage and stole my personality from me. For adults it is very safe, but not for kids!

Headache, ringing in the ears.

I take 1.5ml every three weeks. The first day I normally get a headache. After this I feel great for about two weeks, then I start to get depressed and irritable.

None really. Once in a blue moon I inject into a nerve? And the leg is a bit sore. I use ice to numb the area before injections which seems to help.

I do weekly injections and it improves my mood, energy, sex drive and clears away the mental fog I had.

High cholesterol (but I also had a genetic predisposition for it). Sweat more. I'm using a patch now and have more energy, now that hormone levels are consistent. On the shots, the levels drop before the next shot.

Increased muscle mass w/o working out, lower voice, fat redistribution, hair, more energy.

Depression, anxiety, panic attacks, paranoia, persistent erotic fantasies. Mild occasional preapism, increases in blood pressure and cholesterol. Heart arrhythmias. Sensations of excess body heat. Fluid retention. Impaired feeling of overall wellbeing.

I had bilateral testicular damage in late teenagehood. While the patch produces increase in physical strenght, stamina and muscle mass, as well as some loss in bodyweight - the side effects of testosterone, especially on mental health and body fluid, are simply not worth it. I am staying off this stuff for good, and prefer the (far more mild) effects of hypogonadism instead. I wish I never have taken the drug.

depression, loss of concentration, attention, and focus, lowering of voice, slight aggression, decrease in fine motor skills (in particular, handwriting became sloppier).

I was prescribed Depo-Testosterone at 15 years of age to increase height growth due to short stature. Initially, I did not connect my symptoms with the introduction of taking the Depo-Testosterone, but once I suspected a possible connection, I mentioned it to my endocrinologist, who, after a while, switched me to Depo-Estradiol. Once I discontinued the Depo-Testosterone, I noticed an overall (though not complete) improvement in my symptoms.

Voice drop, libido increase, hair growth, and fat redistribution occurred.

I take it to counter the sexual side effects of antidepressants. It helps me recover from an orgasm. By the next day I'm interested in sex again. Without it, after orgasm it would be 4 day's before my sex drive returned to normal. Does not help with erection problems. It is very cheap if you get the injectable type. After injection you may feel a little better, but more often than not, the feeling better part slowly builds over a two week period (you cannot give yourself a shot and immediately expect sex).

DEPO-TESTOSTERONE (TESTOSTERONE CYPIONATE): This medication is used in men who do not make enough of a natural substance called testosterone. In males, testosterone is responsible for many normal functions, including growth and development of the genitals, muscles, and bones. It also helps cause normal sexual development (puberty) in boys. Testosterone belongs to a class of drugs known as androgens. It works by affecting many body systems so that the body can develop and function normally. Testosterone may also be used in certain adolescent boys to cause puberty in those with delayed puberty. It may also be used to treat certain types of breast cancer in women. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Drug make my anxiety go up a little in the beginning. Gave me some diarrhea. It started to work on my 5th week but I started to feel weird pins and needles in my feet. I also notice every time I take Prozac the chest discomfort comes back and acid reflux is almost unbearable. I can't take something that causes your chest to feel that way. Trying something else. This is my second attempt with this medication however it works well and the panic attacks lessen but you feel kind of numb.

Never had fissure or int hemm in my life. The pain and bleeding was terrible. I WAS suffering 4 almost 3wks for no reason! I took miralax @bedtime on sat n sun morning my bm was very soft, the pain and bleeding greatly decreased. By tues the bleeding completely stopped n wed no more pain.I did a clear liquids diet for bout 3 1/2 days to help my body heal. This truly has been a miracle 4 me!! I am so greatful. I knew if I didn't get my stool soft enough(like liquidy tootpaste) I would probally kept injuring myself and eventually need surgery (didn't want that @ all). I tried all the tings dr recommended (fiber, incr water intake, stool softener) but nothing really worked. I read this site n decided 2 do miralax n it gave me back my life. I don't hav anxiety n fear anymore when I go n I feel truly blessed. My problems resolved in just a few days! This time last wk was horrible.. I'm so happy! Make sure u hav the rite dose 4 yur issues.I hope you are helped like I was! I wouldn't ever want to go thru dis again so intially I'll continue daily capful dosing but will decr my dose over time.

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got violently ill (meaning not stop vomiting) after throwing up for 4 hours straight my wife had to call the ambulance then sat in the emergency room, to get anti nausea medicine.

One of the scarest moments in my life.

I felt as if a light went on. I felt like my old self unfortunately I'm allergic.

Gand mal seizures lasting 10 to 20 minutes and knocking me out for 24 hours after the seizure had stopped.

i was certain this drug would be a nightmare based on what i've read here. i even put off taking it and tried the natural, herbal alternatives for a week to no avail. within 24 hours of taking flagyl my giardia symptoms were virtually gone. after three weeks of terrible stomach pain, bloating & diarrhea the relief was heavenly! i found that eating a ton, drinking plenty of water, supplementing with probiotics & milk thistle capsules (to protect liver) virtually eliminated all side effects. i just finished 500 mg 3x day for 5 days and i feel back to normal again.

I have been experienceing extreme lower back pain.I had a kidney infection years ago while in Montreal vacationing - worst pain in my life. This feels alot like a kidney infection. Can hardly get out of bed or tie my shoes withoutmajor lower back pain. Why so many side effects? Who knows what other damage this stuff is doing to people!

...(continued from below)... medicine they don't like? You tell them they have to take it because it will make them better right? Well, that's the same thing with Nulytely. If you have to have a colonoscopy for the sake of your health, then you need to take a colon cleanser to ensure the safety of your test. To people coming here for advice about Nulytely here are my recommendations: 1)follow a low-residue diet for several days before the prep and drink lots of water (this will help things start faster which will minimize the bloating which I found to be the worst part; 2)use a soda you like as a chaser (this will help mask the taste and also help you burp which will relieve some of the pressure); 3) don't listen to the 1-ratings on here. There is no question that this is not a pleasant prep, but it is nowhere near as horrible as some of these people make it out to be. I can't believe the people saying they will not get a colonoscopy WHICH COULD SAVE THEIR LIFE just because they don't