Deca-durabolin (nandrolone decanoate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Deca-durabolin (nandrolone decanoate)

Side Effects fordeca-durabolin (nandrolone decanoate) - User Comments


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I'm not sure these are related to Boniva or not. But, my blood protein, since I have been taking Boniva, has increased. Not drastically but in the last 2 years it has increased by 1.2. I have also noticed a heaviness in my jaw and some swelling in my cheeks. I have stopped taking it and will probably never take it again.

I was on Ortho Ti-cyclen for years virtually no side effects. Possibly a little nausea.

Nausia, dizziness, light headedness, Low sexdrive, indigestion

I took 50mg of Desyrel 36 hours ago and I'm still not feeling right. I feel like I have the alien mother of all hangovers and nothing helps. I'd rather have insomnia than feel the way I do right now.

lips burn and swell, red, itchy rash around mouth/chin/nose that dries out and peels. lips crack/bleed at the corners. rash lasts for about a week before healing. looks and feels horrible.

The side effects started on the first day that I took it. I shook so bad from the chills that my whole body ached, I called the doctor and she said that I probably had the flu. I DID NOT have the flu. I thought I was dying and thought I would have to die in order to feel better.On the 5th day I was desperate so I looked up the side effects on the internet. BINGO - I think I had every side effect listed!I called the doctor AGAIN and told them all of my side effects and that I had stopped taking that SATAN drug. She didn't say much and never did acknowledge that I was having a severe drug reaction. All she did was give me a new antibiotic. Most of the side effects cleared up after one day but it has been 10 days now and I still itch all over, I have had bouts of diarrhea and I am extremely tired. I can't believe this drug is on the market!!! What was the FDA thinking???

I started with severe palpitations about 4 weeks ago. I am waiting for a 24 hour heart monitor to fitted. Also I'm suffering worse anxiety than normal and feeling Very low. I was googling palpitations last night and came across that decongestants can cause all these symptoms. I have thrown my bottle in the bin. Shame because it was brilliant for my hay fever

Administered in my left upperarm muscle it was my 1st shotand my last. WILL NOT GET2ND SHOT especially afterreading some of theexperiences shared here onthis site. Thank You everyone who has shared Theirexperience we are helpingothers I'm sure!!!!

It worked great on my nose but is not worth the side effects. I was ok with it now and then until I started using it regularly. I may try it again if I have a bad cold but I'll put up with the stuffy nose instead of these side effects.

Well at this point, I am just as you all are, EXHAUSTED Mentally after the last year.... Teva should expect no less from it's customers... To have your world turned upside down form a Pandemic, then have this Nefazodone shortage the last year is a Double Whammy for us... The Teva Reps have ALWAYS been courteous to me, but no answers as to when it will end, as I realize they do not make that ultimate decision... I truly hope this will indeed comeback, it is unique and life saving for hundreds of us, if not over a thousand..... Either way, it is not easily replaced, so if it isn't broke don't fix it, well this last year SO MANY of us were not broke, and are forced to try something else that might break us, this all just so agonizing, PLEASE TEVA help us and make this asap, please.......