Casodex (bicalutamide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Casodex (bicalutamide)

I would not recommend this drug

Extreme soreness in nipples, significant weight gain, sleeping problems and serious bouts of depression.This is after receiving 8 weeks of radiotherapy.All in all can't wait to stop taking this drugPSA is zero but have had a prostatectomy

When I first started taking it I had hot flashes but they went away,boobs grew and we're sore

We're sore,I stopped for 4 months and soreness and hardness went away

Enlarged breasts, sore flushes .

It is helping me to live, and that is the main thing.I also had radiotherapy for a month.

Extreme fatigue..sore nipples..right breast growing..severe ed

I hate this drug but it is keeping me last 2 months however my psa is rising already at 22.6 as of last wants to up dose to 150mg daily I'm not wanting to do that but again it is keeping me alive

aching,tender nipples, enlarged breasts, hot flashes.

Stopped taking after one month.

I have had no side effects that I can contribute to Casodex since I am taking other medicines that might be causing the weakness and lack of energy. The other medicine, imipraine, seems to be the major cause of my weakness. I also had an orchiectomy (castration) and that didn't help either. All in all I praise the Lord that I am alive and can still get about.

When I started taking casodex my PSA was 0.6. Now it is less than 0.2. I watch my liver "numbers" since I have also had hepititis B and have a core antibody resulting from that. So far so good.

I have had not side effects that I can contribute to Casodex since I am taking other medicines that might be causing the weakness and lack of energy. The other medicine, imipraine, seems to be the major cause of my weakness. I also had an orchiectomy (castration) and that didn't help either. All in all I praise the Lord that I am alive and can still get about.

When I started taking casodex my PSA was 0.6. Now it is less than 0.2. I watch my liver "numbers" since I have also had hepititis B and have a core antibody resulting from that. So far so good.

Hot flashes, but they are diminished. Urinary frequency, but diminishing. Sore knees! Sudden onset of arthritis, osteoporoesis? AHHH!

after 4 months of 50mg breasts began to swell and real sore behind nipples....penis shrunk with severe ed...2wks to go on treatment and hope things improve

I had a 23 PSA & a 9 Gleason T3a--Score after LRP surgery and 60 days after surgery my PSA was 0.35 and should have been less then 0.20. I was put on 100 mg of casodex per day, after 30 days my PSA reading was <0.05 a very acceptable level. I am now on 50mg daily and should be taken off the medication in 6-9 months. I do recomend it.good luck.

loss of muscle tone,sex drive,and all male traits. have had depression and i think this drug sucks.

CASODEX (BICALUTAMIDE): Bicalutamide is used with another drug (LHRH-type such as leuprolide, goserelin) to treat prostate cancer. This medication works by blocking the action of male hormones in the prostate, slowing the growth of cancer cells. This medication should not be used in women and children. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

I have had ZERO side effects, I love this stuff! I used to tke it like a couple times a week, now maybe a couple every six months. It calms me down when feeling panicky.

I was prescribed a small dosage of about 25mg at first and it did nothing. So I put it under my tongue and spat it out for about 10 months, lying to caretakers and psychs that I was taking it. They upped my dose a couple times before I had to go to the psych ward for psychosis and suicide attempts, got forced to take them; I went from 0mg to about 100 to 150mg within a short amount of time.. I shouldve been honest with people about that because I was high as a kite for a few months. Undesirably too as it increased the reasons for admission, plus it gave me mania and mood swings as well. But once that all subsided, it became a very helpful medication. I had to increase it to 200mg a year later and it's finally working. That's why the rating I'm giving it is as high as it is.. because it does work.Only thing is, it will take me a long time if I were to ever get weened off this medication. I don't think I will be for a long time still, as I still get periods of intense emotional distress, and I am still living in the environment I got sick in. But once I move out and get stable access to DBT, I'll hopefully be able to at least reduce my dosage.

I do not EVER post comments about anything but this was the worst experience of my life. I was given compazine for stabbing headache at night. At first I was fine then all of a sudden I got extremely annoyed by the cold air in the hospital. I wanted to rip out my IV and run because I felt trapped. Panic attack followed but I still drove myself home. The feelings that came later was unexplained desperation, fast heart beat, and not being able to sit still. Finally I felt like I could not breathe and had to go back to ER. They gave me Ativan twice to reverse the effects.

"Medicine head", slight nausea, with headache.

started on 3/4 mg got upped to 1mg becuz od disasosiation, then back down cuz of dissasociaton. at 1mg now. i had slight weight gain (yay was skinny now just lean and slim) got my apetite back also. went off it for 7 months cuz of depression then crashed due to suicidal thots. went back on but went on jeneric brand same dose 1mg. sex drive ok but cant always coum at same rate some time takes longer or just not at all other times ok. overall is ok works for halucinations (for me) performance good and longer but only due to not couming at normal rate very frusterating. a bit depressing too. arrg.

My blood sugar level seems to be out of control and I am not a diabetic (although I may be a bit hypo-glycemic). I take 200mg in the am with breakfast and 200mg in the pm before bed. I am extremely dizzy and feel slightly disoriented just after I eat my lunch. I find it hard to concentrate.

I was on the depo shot, which worked great for me, then my dr. pushed me to switch to seasonale because of the osteoperosis risks of the shot. WHAT A MISTAKE!!!!!! I have had nothing but problems since the switch. Extreme mood swings, painfully sensitive breasts, weight gain, painful cramps, & I've now had by period for 3 weeks straight...I've had it with seasonale!!! These side effects are not worth it!!!

Extreme Fatigue, weakness, extreme nausea, empty feeling in stomach, mild diarrhoea

Loss of appetite (sometimes),Weight Loss (153 to 145), the ability to think ahead of the day, slight insomnia.

This is one of the only drugs that has helped my severe depression. I am not where I want to be with it yet, but it is better than the results (or lackthereof) that I have received with other drugs.