Anadrol-50 (oxymetholone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Anadrol-50 (oxymetholone)

Ningon efecto secundario, todo lo contrario, mucho deseo de hacer muchas cosas para la vida.

It was great, saw fullness and strength gains in legit 2 days time. Lower back pumps is only negative I got from it where I had to chill mid set to wait for it to go away but other than that it was great. Don't listen to these bums saying it doesn't work or you'll lose everything, no you won't.

Dark urine, increased liver enzymes, water retention, acne

Took it because I got an old injury in my arm to heal faster, it did it's job because this wasn't the first time I had a muscle strain healing.My muscle healed and increased in strenght without pain some 2 or 3 times faster. Stoped it because of side-effects, and switched to another substance for the remainder of healing.

bloat during use, some zits, lots of energy, increased strength, a feeling of wellbeing, moon - watery face during use

I gained 25 pounds and kept 18. Pct is important bought it here I was very satisfied with this anabolic steroid. The side effects were mainly water retention especially in the facial area and some zits. All of it went away after 14 days after use, sadly I also lost 7 pounds of water, but still I kept 18 pounds all in all I am happy.

increased acne, irritability, raised liver enzymes.

it's false to claim that weight gained on anadrol is all water...more like 1/4-1/2 is. if you exercise diligently, eat copiously and rest sufficiently, you can replace lost muscle tissue very quickly and keep at least half your gains.a bout of severe diarrhea made me lose 25lbs of muscle in 4 weeks that it had taken me 2 years to put on...i regained that muscle in 2 seperate 30-day cycles of Anadrol, with 6 weeks rest in between. at the end of the 2nd cycle i was 8 lbs above my original weight, and 10 days later i fell to my original weight before the diarrhea...water loss.a very powerful and potentially dangerous drug, requiring great care and regular monitoring of your liver, which MUST be healthy to begin a lot of food, exercise and rest. in that context, Anadrol has a place in treatment for weight loss. for some, it's also a useful alternate treatment for anemia.

An incredibly stupid steroid to take. Yes, the gains are great, soon as they come, they go. Moreover, the androgenic side effects from Anadrol are absolutely horrible: instant hair loss for those prone to male pattern baldness, severe acne (often leading to scarring), oily skin, and liver danger.

Don't do what I did! I thought, "Yeah, bad possible side effects, but...the gains!" Well, the gains are incredible, but impossible to keep, and the body's natural hormonal balance is so disturbed by Anadrol that you'll need estrogen blockers, other hormones, etc. just to compensate for paying for gains you can't keep. Don't!

An incredibly stupid steroid to take. Yes, the gains are great, soon as they come, they go. Moreover, the androgenic side effects from Anadrol are absolutely horrible: instant hair loss for those prone to male pattern baldness, severe acne (often leading to scarring), oily skin, and liver danger.

Don't do what I did! I thought, "Yeah, bad possible side effects, but...the gains!" Well, the gains are incredible, but impossible to keep, and the body's natural hormonal balance is so disturbed by Anadrol that you'll need estrogen blockers, other hormones, etc. just to compensate for paying for gains you can't keep. Don't!

ANADROL-50 (OXYMETHOLONE): This medication is a synthetic male hormone (androgen or anabolic steroid) used to treat a low red blood cell count (anemia). It works by increasing the amount of the hormone (erythropoietin) involved in the production of red blood cells. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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My eyes were dialated and vision blurred. I felt completely fuzzy. 12 hours after removing the first patch I started vomiting (which caused me to rip stitches) and did so for 6 hours. I was shaking and hallucinating. My doctor prescribed another patch. 15 min after putting it on the nausea stopped but the blurred vision and fuzziness remained.

I tried Provigil, and I loved it! I have to play the insurance companies games, though; try and fail Nuvigil prior to using Provigil. I acted like a junkie. I kept licking my front teeth and chewing my tongue. I was paranoid and jumpy- I kept thinking people were sneaking up on me. I was itchy. I had waves of nausea, and couldn't get to sleep. I woke up this morning with a huge headache, and have no intention of taking the "legal crack" again.

I had very slight nausea about 30 mins after taking the pill for the first couple days. That dissipated and I have not had any problems since (on day 5 of 7 right now)! Very satisified with this as it cleared up the infection fast! :)