Ultram (tramadol hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ultram (tramadol hydrochloride)

ULTRAM (TRAMADOL HYDROCHLORIDE): See also Warning section. This medication is used to help relieve moderate to moderately severe pain. Tramadol is similar to opioid (narcotic) analgesics. It works in the brain to change how your body feels and responds to pain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I do not recommend taking Levaquin for any reason. I took Levaquin in July 2005 and am still having serious side effects from taking Levaquin along with Prednisone. I had taken Levaquin previously in small doses and had no problems, but this time I was given a larger dose and had a psychiatric reaction. About 2-3 days after the first dose, I woke up during the night terrified and hallucinating. I stopped taking it. Although it is possible the Prednisone contributed to this reaction, my doctors believe it was more likely the Levaquin. I had tests done and my EEG is abnormal suggesting a toxic drug reaction. I strongly believe this drug should be taken off the market. People need to be aware that Levaquin along with many other prescription drugs crosses the blood brain barrier. The blood brain barrier prevents chemicals from reaching the brain. When a drug such as Levaquin crosses this barrier it can result in serious problems. If I had known about this, I never would have taken

This drug is no bueno. I've eaten yogurt everyday but probably should have had it at least twice a day. Can't take penicillin or sulfa (bactrim) drugs. Why not z-pac or cipro? I won't take this ever again. it's going down on my list of drug allergies.

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My experience with Boniva was a nightmare!! I received a sample from my OB/GYN and took it as directed. After taking in the morning and having no problems, I began to feel muscle and joint pains while sleeping that night. That next morning I had no energy and my pain continued to worsen. My stomach began to bloat and by that night I was in so much pain that I asked my husband to massage my neck and shoulders for some relief. My hips and spine were tender also. The worse side effect for me was the 3rd night after taking I had the most severe case of insomnia I had ever experienced. I went to bed around 11pm and laid awake until 5am the next morning. THIS MEDICINE IS POISON.

I took one dose of this medication exactly as prescribed on 4/15/10 to try to minimize any side effects. Within 10 hours I experienced extreme flu-like symptoms. Could not get out of bed the next morning to go to work (I never miss work), and was in bed for 3 days. Felt like I was hit by a train - nothing seemed to ease the headache and body aches. Finally, after about a week, it got better, but I still now have intermittent joint pain and swelling in hands, legs, shoulders, back. My left index finger has been swollen and sore for over a week. I am a very healthy and active person and have never had these ongoing symptoms before. I also immediately began having hot flashes and missed my monthly cycle which makes me wonder if it is related to Actonel.


urinary tract infection, prevent/tr

Been on depo and it's the worse experience. Head aches all the time. Sick every morning. Breast hurts. Lower back hurts. Mood swings really bad. Tired all the time. Got pregnant while on it the 1st time I was on it. Everyone use different birth control don't ever go on the depo shot!!! It's terrible on your body!! I'm never going back on it!!!

Soreness in upper lift arm, as if a bruise or recent vaccination (which it is not), numbness in left side of face, itchy eyes, some blurriness of vision?