Stadol preservative free (butorphanol tartrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Stadol preservative free (butorphanol tartrate)

After switching from morphine, they added stadol to my IV pump. I was not allowed an epidural and I had been in labor for over ten hours. The medication gave me hallucinations and paranoia. I thought the nurse was laughing at me and I was having trouble with my vision (focusing/dysplopia). I do not recall the pain being minimized as I was too scared out of my wits.

STADOL PRESERVATIVE FREE (BUTORPHANOL TARTRATE): This medication is used to treat moderate to severe pain, including pain from surgery, muscle pain, and migraine headaches. Butorphanol is an opioid (narcotic) pain reliever similar to morphine. It acts on certain centers in the brain to give you pain relief. Butorphanol can also block the effects of opioids and can cause withdrawal symptoms in people dependent on opioids. If possible, people who have recently used opioids in high doses or for a long time should not use butorphanol. (See also Side Effects section.) (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Doctors are giving this seriously powerful drug out like candy to people that have no business being on it. If you're not seriously psychotic and this shot is given to you, you WILL suffer worse than ever before. There is no relief either, as the dopamine receptors blocked by it are responsible for how the human brain and body responds to ALL OTHER DRUGS. They either won't work or the effects will be drastically altered. The drug will linger in your body for a year if given a high dosage. It should be a crime to produce a drug that lasts this long, anyone that has problems with it is in trouble for a long time. A mental prison sentence until it evacuates and may even take longer to recover since the receptors are so messed up. Unbelievable, really.

feel horrible. Havent been able to leave thr house in fear of having diarrhea outside or at work. Was taken to Er for abdominal pain and diarrhea

do not give this medicine to an individual who is experiencing anxiety or a panic attack, cause it will not work. give them a xanax! If you give them BusPar, let them know the attack MAY end in 4 weeks, suffer until then.

Lost approx. 15 lbs.(from 235 to 220)--no longer "need" to eat to feel good. Altace works for me--so far. Take 10mg in am and 10mg in pm (approx. 12 hours apart). Dropped my bp from around 170/100 to 130s/80. Dr. started me with 2.5, then 5 and then 10mg altace, then added coreg, the latter horrible for me; dropped coreg real quick and increased altace and I'm okay now. From looks of other comments here, one has to find what works for them as an individual. Over the long haul, one hopes the med doesn't attack the function of a vital, internal organ--the danger with most of these "miracle" drugs, in my worthless opinion.

Feeling a little warmer than usual, get hot easy. Tire more easily than normal. Have not noticed side effects in others in the family. Hard to know with 2 year olds though.

I used to have sharp stabbing pains with burning. It felt like they were on fire. After starting Neurontin, all the sharp pains and the burning went away. Thank-You for Neurontin!!!! I take 300mg in the morning, and 300mg at bedtime.

After having tried a number of anti-depressants, I was thrilled that my Effexor XR 75 mg seemed to rid me of my crying jags etc. I also didn't have alot of the side effects that I experienced on other anti-depressants. However, I have always been considered a very patient person. With the effexor, I become extremely irritable very easily. I'm frustrated and embarrassed by it.

This drug was given to me right after taking Paxil. Don't know if that had something to do with the seizures.

Weight loss, headaches, nausea, constipation, insomnia, night sweats, wired feeling

Dizzy, Fatigue, insomnia, cant think, Weight gain, this is a bad drug!