Excedrin (migraine) (acetaminophen; aspirin; caffeine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Excedrin (migraine) (acetaminophen; aspirin; caffeine)

Extreme nausea, vomiting, anxiety and rapid heartbeat

I had a migraine and decided to take 1 pill, about an hour later it had not completely gone away, I ate and too another one. The biggest mistake of my life. About 2 hours later I thought I was going to die.. I had never in my life had such a stomachache. My back was hurting. I was shivering. I was cold I was extremely nauseous. My heart rate was high. I had anxiety.. it's been about 15 hours and I still haven't been able to get up from bed. I will never as long as I live. Take this medication again I used to be able to take it when I was younger never had a problem. I'm not sure what they changed but it definitely does not benefit me. I'd rather deal with a migraine, 100 times over and taking these pills again.

I used to take Excedrin when I was a little bit younger and it helped significantly with headaches and migraines. these days I don't medicate, but Recently I took it for a migraine that lasted a couple days. I noticed that my body became shaky, my heart rate skyrocketed and stayed above 110 for 4 hours and it made me very nauseous. It also made me feel “out of it” and very tired which i think it because my heart is working so hard it's as if i went for a 5 mile run. If you have anxiety, I highly recommend taking something else.

Took Excedrin migraine today due to a migraine at work and shortly after I was feeling extreme anxiety, I felt like I was going to pass out I had to find a bathroom and calm myself down, heart was pounding, dizzy and disoriented. I've had panic attacks in the past but this was so different. I will never take this medication again. I'll suffer through a migraine first.

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anxiety, insomnia, stomach pain

Head ache went away after about 30 minutes, felt great, than about 2 hours later I believe, just felt so fuzzy and was unable to concentrate, then the anxiety started to rise up and I had a panic attack, felt so jittery and had to pace around and was breathing shallow. Massive feelings of worry, and feeling like was gonna die. This did not happen when I take medication with acetaminophen WITHOUT caffeine.

Would be very cautious if prone to anxiety

I had a terrible migraine yesterday afternoon. It was centered behind my left eye and temple. My eye was twitching it was so bad, and I got nauseated and dizzy when I got off the couch. I took one Excedrin pill with dinner hoping to get rid of it. My migraine did lessen and eventually disappeared, but then I paid a steep price. Within a few hours my stomach felt like I had been punched. I started getting nauseous and alternatively was sweating and getting the chills. The stomach pain intensified through the night. I couldn't sleep. It burned like I drank battery acid. My stomach bloated up and I full on had the chills. I had to take 6 chewable antacids at 3 am just to get the pain to a tolerable enough level to sleep. But the chills continued all night, and I tossed and turned. The pain was intense when I woke up 4 hours later, so I took 2 more antacids. I'm miserable. I have no idea how long this agony is going to last. I will never take this medicine again. Thank the Lord I only took one. I can't imagine what two would have done to me. I hope I don't have an ulcer after this. Between the stomach pain and the migraine, I would rather deal with the migraine. Beware!

I've taken this on and off for the past few years when my migraines get really bad and have nothing else. Every time without fail I get excruciating stomach pain and diarrhea. Although it helps the migraines rather quickly, the pain isn't worth it. The amount of food or water ingested before hand doesn't affect the pain, it all just comes out. I'm not sure what's causing it, because I've had all the ingredients separately before (caffeine, aspirin, acetaminophen), perhaps together my stomach can't handle it.

As many have mentioned, I used to take this years ago. I thought it would help today. Headache gone, but my stomach pain is SEVERE! It brought on an anxiety attack. I have been nauseous for hours. I will never take this again!

INTENSE stomach ache and heartburn. This is my first time taking this medicine as I have only recently developed migraines. This medicine upset my stomach so much and gave me intense heartburn to the point I will not ever take this again. I took it with a full glass of water and not on an empty stomach and took two pills as listed on the bottle. I would say if you have a sensitive stomach do not take this

nausea, almost instant vomiting, painful bowel

HORRIBLE! I have been having a migraine for a couple days now. I decided to take one pill and man o man dizzy, nauseous, shakey, nervous, blurry vision, and panic attack is horrible.

upset stomach, anxiety, sweating, chills, weakness

I took this for the first time to help a Sunday morning headache I woke up with. I drank a whole glass of water with the full dosage but didn't eat breakfast yet. Maybe ~2 hours after I started to get an upset stomach but didn't think anything of it because I already have a sensitive stomach. Throughout the day I was on and off warm even though in my house with AC. By 6pm that day I started to feel really cold and got the chills all night. The next morning it never clicked it was the excedrin causing it so I took 2 more to act as fever reducers since there's acetametaphin and the side effects persisted but now adding in anxiety, sweating, and general weakness. I had to leave work early I felt extremely ill and needed to rest. I don't think I took an afternoon dose and went to sleep feeling better. The next morning I took 2 more at 8AM to have a good work day (STILL not realizing it was the excedrin causing the issues) and I profusely sweat from approx 9am-1:30pm to the point I had to sit on a beach towel. I felt way better in the afternoon and wanted a good sleep and prevent oncoming period cramps, I take 2 more before bed at 10pm and the sweating started again. That's when it finally clicked and I haven't taken any since. It's currently 7pm (21 hours since last dosage) and I felt back to normal all day until 4pm ish and my stomach ache came back

I used to take this always for my headaches/migraines without a problem. Not now

SEVERE anxiety, numbness in arms, legs and face, confusion, difficulty breathing, chest tightness, dizzy, trouble speaking, loss of coordination

NEVER take this medication. This was the worst experience Ive ever had with a medicine. I probably should have gone to the hospital but didnt. Its been around 12 hours since I took it and I still havent gotten out of bed. Literally worst experience Ive ever had, terrifying feeling! Stay away!!!

I woke up with a killer hangover and decided to take something to cure it. I had never taken this before and made the mistake of taking 3. A few hours later, oh god. Worst anxiety of my life, I was panicking and felt like I was gonna pass out. The scariest part is I didn't know what was wrong with, I didn't realize til later that it was the medicine. Stomach was churning a lot bit and I was nauseous but it the anxiety was by far the worst part.

I have been taking excederin migraine for years. It was always my go to. But today I have been in bed for hours with such severe nausea and belly pains and diarrhea. There is no other explanation. I'm so sad because this headache medicine is the best. I don't know what I'm going to do. I know I'll be fearful of taking this again anytime soon in the future.

I just don't understand why after all these years this would happen?

For over a year I've had terrible unrelenting chills; nausea especially at night. I never correlated the chills with Excedrin as I have auto immune issues. Was off Excedrin for a couple of weeks and the chills subsided. Took one a couple of hours ago and just woke up with shaking chills. I'm so disappointed because the Excedrin really knocks out my migraines.

I gave it a 3 because it works on my headaches but the side effects are forcing me to look for something else to take.

Strong headache progressing to migraine

Nausea / unsettled stomach, fatigue / weakness, cramping 14 hours so far, malaise all day

My body is beat. I typically have not had this bad of side effects from this medication, typically used for hormonal triggered headaches. Woke up this morning with bad headache, couldn't sleep off, so took pills at 6:30am before going to get groceries. Took on empty stomach. Had to make bathroom stop in store, cramping throughout, felt out of it and like I had to really summon my inner strength to make it through getting groceries. The past couple times I have had slight upset stomach, but nothing like today. Wanted to always be in bathroom even when nothing left. No diarrhea but the cramping was terrible. Stomach growling but had to eat bland all day and stomach still moving tonight, 14 hrs after first dose. By the time I started searching to figure out what could be causing my symptoms, I had taken a second dose since first didn't kill headache. I'm hoping in two hours I don't have to choose to sleep on the couch.Sounds like it has significant variation in how it affects people, so if you want to try, would suggest talking to your doctor that knows your health history and medications first, and start with lowest dose to see how your body reacts. I think mine has gotten progressively and intermittently worse...super bummed because it has historically completely resolved severe headaches / migraines.

My stomach started burning a day after taking the pill. It helped the headache but with the stomach pain, I really don't think I'll be taking anymore. I thought it could have been ulcers until I read the other reviews. Really informative.

One of the reviews mentioned taking the medication that excludes aspirin. That's the cause of stomach discomfort.

Side Effects forexcedrin (migraine) (acetaminophen; aspirin; caffeine) - User Comments


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I have these terrible headaches, lack of appetite, diarrhea within 10 minutes after me taking the medication.It also leaves a very horrible taste in my mouth that I have never had before.

Took 10mg for 3 wks, 20 mg for 3 wks, now 6wks on 37,5

I stupidly took this thinking O one day and I'll be done my boyfriend will be in town in two days and it'll be great. I had no idea that the pain and burning that I would experience was 100 times worse than the mild slightly irritating yeast infection symptoms that I had been having.after about 1 hour of putting in the medication my vagina was so on fire I literally felt like I want to slide my hand in claw the walls of my vagina out it burnt and it at the same time so badly. I was screaming in agony and crying as if I was giving birth! Never ever ever would I recommend this medication not even to my worst enemy this medication should be a crime it should be illegal to be given to anyone it is definitely not worth the pain and misery and you will experience do not take this medication I wish I had researched it before I took it I just saw one day and thought great it had no warning label.

Ocassional drowsiness but lessens after time. Also possibly some memory loss (or maybe it's my age?)

Muscle weakness (especially on one side of body...scary), decreased ejaculate, joint pain, rapid heartbeat, anxiety

I had pain all over my body!!! My legs were the worst and my left leg felt like it was on fire! It hurt so bad, I ended up in the E.R. Because I thought that I might have a blood clot. The doctor told me that it was the Lexapro's side effects. my arms felt like needles are poking them, Felt like a knife in my shoulder, I got chills easily, felt like my legs were not getting enough circulation, it felt like my blood had carbonation in it! This is the most awful feeling! I am still having aches, pains, pins and needles throughout my entire body after being off of the Lexapro for a few days. I hope and pray it subsides...

It has done a good job of lowering my cholestoral but, are the side effects worth it?

Still experiencing the side effects after 1yr

Anxiety/Panic attacks slightly worsened.