Vicodin hp (acetaminophen; hydrocodone bitartrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Vicodin hp (acetaminophen; hydrocodone bitartrate)

Itching (makes falling asleep difficult), increased thirst, fast talking and excitibility, constipation, severe bowel cramping

I use this as a medication for breakthrough pain that OxyContin doesn't control.

Extreme drowsiness, awful nausea, mental confusion

Swollen lymph nodes in stomach

After a long night in the emergency room with what seemed like appendicitis (it was actually swollen lymph nodes in my stomach), I was prescribed 15 Vicodin. It gave me the most solid sleep I have ever had in my life (causing me to sleep less than usual) and I had never felt more rested. When it would wear off I would get headaches almost worse than the swollen lymph nodes that lasted an hour or so, but that negative was outweighed by how much better I felt.

Nausea, irritability, itching, drowsy ,euphoric feeling when I take this I feel extremely happy about random stuff. The next day I feel like I have a hangover .

Can be very addictive luckily I don't have anymore .i was prescribed this medicine after having laparoscopic surgery it gets rid of the pain pretty fast. I took the rest of the medicine to relax And to help me sleep but using Benadryl is non habit forming and more effective for sleeping. Be carefully taking this if you have a history of addiction .

only took one tablet-- was up and down all night,hardly slept, maybe 1or 2 hours,next day hyperactive

skin itches, a little buzzed at times, INSOMNIA. Cannot sleep when taking these!

Euphoria! Feel great, social, active, energized.

I was taking the highest dose (cant remember the MG's). If you could only seperate the "good stuff" from the ecetominophen, you would be "all powerful"!! The world's greatest drug! Percodane and percocet dont do it. My Mom was elderly and on it for years and she didnt mind sharing. She is dead now, and I really miss my Vic's :( I suffer from social-paranoia, depression and panic attacks. This works better than ANY SSRI's or benzodiazipines to help me cope with social situations, but no Doc on earth will give them for that reason.

tons of energy, very happy, no bad side effects

I cannot take this at night due to insomnia but that's about the only side effect I've ever had. I do not get drowsy with this medication nor do I have an nausea or vomiting. It's a "lighter than air" feeling in my head.

I can see how people could get addicted to this drug. It makes me very "happy" but when I took it 10 years ago for back pain, it didn't do anything at all. No effects whatsoever. I only take it about 2 times a week at the most and will not be refilling my script for it.

helped me sleep when i needed to sleep so just drowsy when laying down otherwise was able to function at work on it

I was put on 10-325mg first after i went through a still birth...I had very bad cramping and although it did not take the pain away completly it did help enough that was was able to sleep when i wanted and was able to work when i had to...the last time i had it was for back and stomach pain from the depo was just the 5-325mg so not as strong but still helped enough again to sleep when needed and work when needed...way beter then what i was given next (Toradol). First time i was on it for about 4 or 5 weeks the second i was on it for only 3 days

whole body became itchy, sleepy, relieved pain.

Made me feel woozy, high sometimes even. Best feeling! The doctor gave me 45 pills, but I only used 4 for the pain ;)

The best hydrocodone pain reliever if it satisfies the pain for me it did at the begining but wore of fast. Simply the best

every side effect was awesome, after awhile you look forward to the itchies cause it means your high on vics! pk's are sick

I didn't experience any negative side effects. I felt euphoric, hard to concentrate, finding pointless things to be amusing, and a slight stomach ache that went away with a piece of bread, crackers, and some water.

It did the trick. I had been suffering horrible sharp shooting pains attributed to a cracked and exposed wisdom tooth. The pains were so bad that I would sweat and almost pass out. The vicodin did the trick, and other than what I listed as the couple small side effects, the pain went from horrible to nothing.



A few times were bad, but soon enough my body became very tolorent to it. DO NOT take this medicine on an empty stomache(obviously) and do not snort if not absolutely needed. taking this medicine too much for pleasure (expecially snorting) may cuz the bones in the back of your neck to warp. yee not fun!. be careful everyone!!

Made me hyper and very, very sad. I felt like I was having a breakdown. I would cry for an hour straight for the smallest reasons. It didn't help with my pain at all.

None. It was a terrific pain killer with no down sides for me

I took the 10/500 tablets. I needed two to kill the pain enough to sleep in the hospital and for the first three weeks or so after I got out. Also took one occasionally during the day the first couple of weeks to deal with pain. As the clot has started to dissolve, I have now gone two weeks without taking any in the day, and five nights in a row without any to sleep. My spouse gets insomnia if she takes it at night, but I have not had that effect. I don't get any euphoria from it, so I'm not worried about addiction. It's the best pain reliever I've ever had; since I'm on coumadin, I can't take aspirin or ibuprofen, so this is great.

In the very beginning I experienced insomnia probably a couple times.Other than that felt great three kids not much sleep and I can cope.I have been on and off them for 4 years.With every pregancy my pain got worse and worse.So after my last son it was the worst.So now faithfully for 2 years I have been on them.

I am tryimg to come off them now I was up to five a day at the worst pain of my life.Now I really want off its been along time I've been on them.I had surgery 8 months ago for the problem.I still have pain but I feel I can cope with out this.I find strength with the lord that I can get through this with him by my side.I am down to 2 a day with 1/2 a bottle left and no intentions to refill the other script.Please let me know of any side effects I with be faced with.Also pray for me Thanks

VICODIN HP (ACETAMINOPHEN; HYDROCODONE BITARTRATE): This combination medication is used to relieve moderate to severe pain. It contains an opioid (narcotic) pain reliever (hydrocodone) and a non-opioid pain reliever (acetaminophen). Hydrocodone works in the brain to change how your body feels and responds to pain. Acetaminophen can also reduce a fever. This product is not recommended for use in children younger than 6 years due to an increased risk of serious side effects (such as slow/shallow breathing). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Possibly slow-healing in-mouth sores. They've mostly cleared up, and might not even be related. Not sure.

The Endocrinologist told me after month 1 that i must have gotten the flu right before i took the first dose. I was adamant that that was NOT the case. She said take dose 2 and we will go from there. After dose 2 which was 4 days ago, I feel like a truck ran me over. I found this site today to blog on and I thank you all for sharing your stories because I will NEVER take another dose of this poisonous,toxic substance. I will stick with D2 D3 K2 silica, magnesium and minerals and plant calcium or calcium citrate. I'm a health focused person who can not be used as a guinea pig for these bisphosphates. Go to an integrative Dr. and let her/him steer you the right way with healthy alternatives. This is my next move. No more in the box Dr.s that know very little about diet, nutrition and supplements.

nerve damage symptoms on chest, ribs, abdomen, paresthesia in throat, sore and painful skin, ribs and torso and chest squeezing non stop for months, trouble breathing, labored breathing, breathlessness, abdomen pressure, pressure in temple, irregular breathing, hyperventilating, insomnia, sleep disturbances, crawling on skin and in throat, muscular pain, aching, itching inside skin on chest.

Seems to work well, bp much lower.

Completely amazed that taking one .5 mg pill took away the horrible panic attacks i had while driving on freeway. now i take one .5 pill an hour before driving and can drive through downtown of a huge city on the freeway. I am testing other freeways but looks like this medication has liberated me. I only take it before driving on freeway so am not fearful of the addiction or side effects others are experiencing. To me this drug has been a life saver and i am grateful for it.

No short-term side effects. Started on low dose and slowly upped to 200 mg/day. A few months in I began to have acne for the first time in my life. A year in I started to notice memory problems, and maybe it's unrelated but I began having breast tenderness each month along with irregular periods. 2 1/2 years into this and now I'm confused all the time, have memory and concentration problems, forget appts, names, where I put things, why I called someone, etc. Also I'm tired often lately.

hypothyroid, Synthroid didn't work

Extreme tiredness/exhaustion. Blurred vision and body aches.