Tylox (acetaminophen; oxycodone hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tylox (acetaminophen; oxycodone hydrochloride)

vomitting, constipation, dizziness, disorientation/drowsy

It definitely help get me through the first month following a 2.5 hour surgery. I was asleep for most of that :-). Once I adjusted and would stay awake this medication did subside pain in my foot so that I could function.

Euphoria, Constipation, Itchiness, Paranoia, Severe Constipation and Nausea.

When taking this med. make sure you have someone close by. It can cause extreme changes in your mood and alter your mentl state. I also felt like I had spiders crawling all over my body biting and scratching me. I wound up having to go to the hospital becuase of the side effects only to learn I had a mild alergic reaction to it.

"Oh my, I feel like a marshmallow!" Were my words after about 20 minutes of taking my first one of these! Woo Hoo!!! The pain of my recent knee surgery was gone and I was ready for the world in a lazy hazy kind of way. I had to take myself off of these after three days and endure the pain without them because I was liking them way too much! Excellent for severe pain, however very addictive. Be careful!

Everything in the world was right and good. Basically, the pain was completely eliminated and all the colors I could see just sounded so beautiful!

Its magically delicious. I can understand now why some people want oxycodone / oxycontin.

Couldnt Poo! Warm and fuzzy all over...I could see myself becoming an addict on this drug.Thats why I asked for no more refills.

I was higher than a kite ; ) But it REALLY got me through those days of my 4 year old screaming "mommy, mommy!!! I want this I want that!" It helped me get up and cope with the every day things with out being in pain.

Tylox is perfect for most stones, however Demerol is required for larger ones.

A feeling of warmth and happiness; sleepiness; weird dreams; some constipation

This drug got me through the worst days following foot surgery. On the very worst day I took two Tylox every four hours. After that I tapered it down. Now I am one week post-op and just take two before bed so I don't wake up in the middle of the night with foot pain. Tylox takes the pain away. And honestly, I enjoy these pills. I've been depressed since my foot surgery because I can't exercise or do anything for myself-- Tylox lifts my mood and makes me feel optimistic. My prescription runs out in a couple of days and that's the last time I will take it-- I have never been addicted to anything but i can see how people would become addicted to this.

nice high for a couple of hours,one side effect constipation

Side Effects fortylox (acetaminophen; oxycodone hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Extreme sensativity to "Sulfa" drugs my entire life and have always told doctors this on first visit.....So what does this drug contains? SULFA "Component"......(I had a violent reaction to bactrim antibiotic years ago....still vividly remember the childhood hospitalization).Now 49 been on BP meds since 29 yoa and it's been down-hill big-time for the last five years.After going from different "Specialists" for listed problems and latest trip to ER, I stop this med pronto after cutting out everything else and still had problems!Dr's hate (and will not) even acknowledge side effects....They are suppose to CHECK and do periodic blood work and they don't!!!!.........Every doctor in my area in the south, will only "push" diovan in one form or another (kick-back city) ....Word play with "Oh, not "sulphur" but "Sulfa"... Ok....smarty pants.Now taking potassium, magnesium, raw honey,"mother" ap

Some watery stools and then the opposite, so I guess IBS symptoms. Left pupil is dialated more than right on several mornings upon awakening. And, then some night sweating, but not profusely. Anorgasmia problems, but not entirely.

I was on Lipitor for 3 years with no problems. Then I sated having hip/leg/foot pain and numbness. It finally go so bad that I could not sleep lying down. Also, bouts of nausia. I went off the lipitor and within 3 days the pains were going away, 10 days and all was well.

Severe depression, palpitations, stomach cramps, severe fatigue, no motivation, suicidal thoughts