Tylenol w/ codeine (acetaminophen; codeine phosphate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tylenol w/ codeine (acetaminophen; codeine phosphate)

I could not tell any side effects, the shingles were so painful like knives slicing thru my face, I didn't notice any side effects

This medicine pulled me out of that strong stabbing knife pain, it was a God send

I was prescribed Tylenol with codeine #4 for both a chronic severe cough and pain associated with bronchitis. It worked wonders for me. My dosage was 60/300 4 times daily. No side effects

Though some think codeyis inferior, recent double-blind scholarly studies have demonstrated the same efficacy of T w Codeine to Hydocodone.It worked well for my cough and pain at the dosage mentioned

By far the worst experience I've ever had in my life I literally felt like I was dying with the this medication I experienced a lot of anxiety attacks with the medication. My heart rate was extremely fast ! Shortness of breath, confused,dizzy,shaking,anxious,

Sides hurt can barely breath and sweating alot

Crushed up 5 and put it in water and drank it...

Severe itching all over body. Broke out in hives and felt very warm. Scratched so bad I thought I gave myself broken blood vessels in spots I my body.

Hands felt extrememly itchy and swollen ,throat felt tight like knot in my throat and dizziness.

Extreme itching ache all over legs drawing bad severe joint pain

Did not work at all not strong enough

Woke up in the middle of the night with severe chest pain, taken by ambulance to emergency room, no signs of heart attack, blood test showed multiple abnormal levels in liver function. Repeated liver function blood tests the following day which showed improved, but still abnormal levels. A month later, liver function blood tests showed normal.

I took 2 Tylenol w/ codeine pills on a full stomach after 30 min of my meal, I became so sick, I thought I was going to die, I had pain all over my stomach, I couldn't breath, I had nausea, I got fever, I was truly sick to my stomach and thought I was going to DIE. Plus was itchy all over my body.

unbearable itching all over. did not help the pain at all. a lot of tension and everytime I take it I just feel sore

Itchiness everywhere, increasingly bad chest pains, nausea, drowsiness, upset stomach.

-Itchy skin and scalp-irritable-addictive-variating effectiveness-difficulty concentrating-nausea-after headaches*I have been taking them on and off for many years. If I take two at the first sign of a migraine it dulls it down to tolerable but does not rid them completely. I have also found that one day it will help my headache and another occasion it won't do anything. Then on another occasion it makes me very intoxicated when its begining to work. So much that ive had to stop everything to just lay there like a teenage stoner. It also takes 30 mins to work and weara off well before 4hrs. Highly addictive as well. It takes a reaponsible person to realize this when using them. I also experience a lot of itchy skin and scalp.

post fusion back and muscle pain

It helped take the edge off from the physical therapy required to regain strength and mobility. Lasted through most of the night so not as stiff and sore upon waking.

Extreme dry mouth, itchiness all over all the time...very addictive...need to wean off

Was hardly effective. Very weak Narcotic. Had to take it a few times a day and even then, it only took the edge off. Constipation. Sleepy.

I was 18 when I took Codeine 3.

mild itching. Cotton mouth after day 1. White tongue

Not for anyone in real pain. Unless you go over the recommended amount, your not going to be seeing a very good result of complete pain removal. I'm taking the correct amount, take about 30 min to kick in and the peak only lasts about 20 min. Just using it when the pain is to much to mentally deal with.

This medication didn't relieve my sore throat. Sugar pills would givin me the mind power to fight the pain. The itching didn't hurt it was more like annoying tingled like tickling no bumps though. And the dose is what the doctor had entered on my medication sheet. There is no dosage printed on the label.

Side Effects fortylenol w/ codeine (acetaminophen; codeine phosphate) - User Comments


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I have been on Synthroid for Hashimoto's now for almost 3 years before that desiccated thyroid for 1.5 years. With Armour they just kept increasing it and I felt some change but not significant. Finally a doctor told me there would be no difference between it and synthroid, so I went on synthroid. Again, my dosage just kept going up without a significant improvement. It turned out just recently ( and I figured this out ON MY OWN and had to basically tell my doc what I wanted her to do), just the T4 couldn't be converted by my body into sufficient T3 (my TSH was indicative of this, as it was in overdrive), so I needed cytomel (i.e.T3) added to the synthroid and now I finally feel good. I am now on 112 mcg synthroid and 5 mcg cytomel twice a day. HAving said all this, my current endo has admitted that basically Armour is a natural combination of T3 and T4 (i.e. synthroid plus cytomel) and I think once I am at the right level I will go on it again, just to see if it works as well.I am also looking into alternative ways of healing myself as I do not want to spend a lifetime on synthroid and I am becoming more and more suspicious about the absolute need to take synthroid. Hypothyroidism is a veritable epidemic and I believe it has hugely to do with our diets, supplements and environmental factors. I am just wondering why doctors are so quick to put people on synthroid. I read " How i reversed my Hashimoto's thyroiditis hypothyroidism" by Robert Dirgo.

no other birth control has worked

Feel like I have a bad flu when I take it!

Read this if you want to take/get off yasmin. I was given Yasmin samples when it first came out, and took them for many years. I have been on birth control for ten years total, and got off seven months ago.

I blacked out in the shower after one pill at 10 mg. Woke up to muscle weakness, shakiness, extreme vertigo and nausea.

I am not on any other drugs that would interact with the Warfarin, so maybe that is why I am not suffering many side effects or problems getting it levelized. I am only 38 and was in great health before my stroke, so maybe that has helped. I was on birth control pills, which were immediately stopped at time of stroke....they may be a cause, may not.

feelings of fatigue,muscle and joint pain,insomnia

I appreciate the rating and comments from other prevacid users. I was beginning to think there was something seriously wrong with me. This medication helped the acid reflux, but I have had diarrhea and stomach pains for about a week now. I am not feeling well, am experiencing flu-like symptoms, and will consider another alternative.

I was put on Biaxin 500mg twice daily for Bronchitis and sinusitis. Day 1 I had no side effects at all. Day 2 mild metallic taste in mouth but bearable, very sleepy all day and spacey feeling. Day 3 HORRIBLE matallic taste, unbearable,and was worse when coughing, was constantly snacking and drinking trying to get rid of taste. I found that peanut butter and crackers help alot with this. Also when I would blow my nose, it would smell like an ashtray, coming from that taste I believe. Day 3 very nauseated, wanting to gag but never vomited. Metallic taste still very bad but as the day went it got better. No appetite all day. The rest of course of medicine was bearable. No more nausea after day 3. Metallic taste persisted but not as bad as day 3. Biaxin did clear bronchitis(and I had a very bad case) and it cleared the sinusitis too. I would reccomend this drug, the side effects are tough but not as bad as the bronchitis I had.

I recently stopped taking Humira. I would NOT recommend any biologic drugs to anyone. Humira is not called a chemo drug, despite that being what it is. Targeting, killing and modifying cells in our bodies is the very way that it is designed to work. These biologic drugs wage chemo warfare in our bodies, and the side effects and issues these drugs cause is because our bodies are fighting to get rid of the invader, which is the drug itself. No drug will save your life because we are human. We are not meant to live forever. Stay away from the -mabs and all the other biologic drugs. Live every day of your life like it is your last.