Tylenol w/ codeine no. 1 (acetaminophen; codeine phosphate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tylenol w/ codeine no. 1 (acetaminophen; codeine phosphate)

I was actually on Tylenol #3 (same as #1, but with caffeine added). Nausea was the primary side effect, although I also experienced nausea from the migraine headaches I had. Took this med from the time I was about 5 or 6 years old until I was in my early twenties. I have never had a strong libido and I just found out that lack of libido is a side effect of this drug. I wonder if I am still experiencing lack of libido many years later because I took this drug for so long. No major side effects other than that.

I suffered from chronic, SEVERE migraine headaches (with aura) from the time I was an infant up to my early twenties (when they tapered off and finally stopped). If I took my dose at the EARLIEST sign of a migraine, then this stuff did a pretty good job of lessening the severity/duration, but would never eliminate the migraine completely. Worked pretty well, but not great.

Unlike many people, I never had any problems taking this medicine. I could take this before sleeping and never experience nightmares, which are a frequent concern for some people. It's fairly weak though, and absolutely not suitable to stop pain stronger than a migraine headache such as an acute injury.

It worked for awhile to relieve pain but made me throw up after about a day.

Dry mouth. Constipation. Sleepy. Make sure you drink extra water because this drug can cause constipation.

After trying several narcotics for back pain, this one seems to work better than most. It doesn't knock you out, but it can make you feel sleepy at times. But I can take it at work and still function. It helps ease the pain, but doesn't eliminate it.

It took almost an hour for it to kick in, but it worked well all day. I did feel a little tired and was very constipated during the time that I took it. I also felt kind of happy when I took 2 or 3 at time.

Stronger pain relief when a plain tylenol doesn't cut it. Also stops coughing when taking during a cold.

If taken late a night the caffeine makes it harder to sleep.

This is the best medicine if you have a light fever or a stronger than usual headache. It is no where as strong as percocet but certainly does the job. It also works very well with hangovers.

it makes you a little sleepy...but its hard to sleep cuz you're still in so much pain!

I would recommend taking it with an advil or excedrine..till you can get in to see the dentist.

I hurt my knee at work and it helps with the pain. I popped my knee

It is great for your average mild headache or cold.

I was given this drug by Planned Parenthood to take home while having the induced abortion at home; pain is equal to childbirth contructions. The drug did nothing to me, though they said it would help.

My tooth still hurt after taking this pain medication it just didn't kill the pain. I'v taken tylenol 1 and 3 they still don't seem to work that well as narcotic pain killers.

Side Effects fortylenol w/ codeine no. 1 (acetaminophen; codeine phosphate) - User Comments


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Severe constipation, nausea, sugar cravings, and severe difficulty breathing!

I've gained almost 30 pounds taking this damn pill. I recently stopped and have already noticed my belly/waist getting smaller!! However, I haven't stopped bleeding! I'm tempted to just start again to get the bleeding to stop!!

Chronic insomnia/waking up early

I had stomach pain on the first and second days of taking this (the first dose was 2 pills) and I had pretty immediate stomach pain. Not really cramping or urgency, just pain. The pain continued intermittently for the next few days while I finished up the z pak. I also had loose stools, which was unpleasant. I counteracted by taking probiotics each day and ate yogurt with live cultures in it. This helped make the symptoms less severe. My sinus infection didn't even start feeling better until the 3rd day and wasn't totally cleared up until a few days after I finished the course. It has not come back in the month since I've been done, though. All in all, it worked, but the side effects were kind of unpleasant.

This has been great for my 8 year old who has had problems since she was 18 months old. It is the first thing to really work. Now we are starting our 1 year old on it due to the same problems.

this medication took the edge off but not all of the pain, i would take anywhere from 2 to 8 a day would not get the high, like many did, i actually had to drive and go to work on this stuff. the pain eventually subsided and now i am having to go on other meds to get me off of this. i am now down to one per day and my doctor wants me off of it by the end of next week.

This drug works for me in that it helps keep the endometrial lining from becoming too thick. So it does work in terms of inducing a bleed. The side effects are so bad for me personally though. It really affects my quality of life for 10 days. The fatigue and dizziness are extreme. Mood issues (depression, feelings of losing control) are bad too. I feel like I become another person on this medication. I’ve never been able to tolerate hormormonal medication well.

Because my condition is very unique and fairly complicated, it would be inaccurate for me to characterize anything I have experienced as a side effect. However, I will say this. For the better part of the last 18 years I've taken either "mixed salt" amphetamine tablets (Adderall: dextro & levo) or "dextro only" amphetamine tablets (Dexedrine tablets: dextro only). For the last 9 years I've only taken Dexedrine (Generic Brand: Dextrostat). I will always be indebted to the person who posted a "Addreall vs Dexedrine" type of comment on one of the many sites I was using to try and identify individuals with a similar experience to my own. This one comment would have a significant impact on my life in the years that followed. This was the gist of the posted comment I read. ...Most of the negative side effects experienced by people taking Addreall are believed to come from the "levo" side of the mixture (the left-handed amphetamine molecul

Headache almost immediately after taking. Nausea, severe abdominal pain, Diarrhea, all over body pain, and entire body trembling. Could not warm up. Very tired, lack of energy and appetite.

anxiety, depression, panic attacks