Tramadol hydrochloride (tramadol hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tramadol hydrochloride (tramadol hydrochloride)

I'm no longer taking this medication. Tramadole? Increase muscle nerve pain it's addictive my stomach digestion bowels are impaired, my view any opioid ( long short term should be under supervision) there appears to be no help in getting off prescribed medications

No appetite, breathlessness, legs aching, anxiety, depression, memory, cobsitipation, bowel slowdown, fast heartbeat,

It's a good drug for pain but not long term I feel lost on it

Brain fog not got same control over eating diet or everyday life making decisions ( lyrica worse) I have cut back to one 50 mg at night time better but would like to be pain free and feel normal in mind and body

It's a good drug to take for pain

Did not work good for severe headache

Pain first then my depression lifted

Take lowest effective dose. I'm switching to tramadol er so I can feel it's therapeutic effects up to 24 hours on one daily dose. My doctor prescribes it for my lifelong battle with deep depression which now is all but gone

I plan on taking tramadol for the rest of my life. I am NOT willing to let my joy and zest for life ever again be robbed by depression.

First given to me post surgeries. But immediately took away my deep lifelong depression. I have exhausted all SSRI's with really no improvement in my depression

I am appalled and very very sad beyond words that tramadol is bottomline due to it being a non money making drug, so denied to people countless people who's lives have been stolen by their depression. Leading to suicide, family deterioration in a nutshell this reality of in my opinion frankly "evil". It's evil that powers that be ruin precious innocent lives. I'm sickened disgusted beyond infinity.

Primarily constipation that sometimes can be severe

Which people are not aware that tramadol can be used to control psychiatric symptoms such as severe anxiety and obsessive compulsive desire. This is the reason I take it. It has proved more efficacious than any SSRI.

I get headaches if I take 50mg so I break each dose in half. The side effects compared to every other pain med and I have taken most are minimal. I do notice I can feel a little anxious sometimes which is unusual for me, but it's difficult to say whether it's the tramadol or another med I take.

Tramadol does not take away my severe nerve pain, but it makes it easier to live with. I can't take NSAIDS because of gut issues, so it's nice that this doesn't give me stomachaches. It seems to be the least addictive and most gentle of the prescribed pain meds I've tried. I don't like to take anything that causes withdrawals or a need to add more.

Wonderful compare to antidepressants

My elderly father took Tramadol for anxiety brought on by hospitalization. The medication helped him settle down at night and sleep, while also lessening his bladder pain. No side effects, addiction or withdrawal. It's a fantastic drug and should be be given a chance.

Pain from herniated discs and nerve

Tramadol is great for chronic severe pain. I think it's better than stronger meds I have tried and over the counter anti- inflammatories began to hurt my gut and do not help much. I take the minimum amount when I can get them from my doctor and have far fewer side effects than from Lyrica or Gabapentin. I wish pain patients with clear diagnoses and no history of drug addiction could be prescribed the medication that helps. Tramadol is effective and easy to tolerate for me.

no side effects like very happy and feel like I'm floating and relaxed

I take 2 tramadol for pain and within a hour I can feel the pain subsiding and begin to relax and start to feel sleepy. I would recommend this painkiller any day

Weird dreams that seemed real when I first started taking them but now ok and don't experience anything except constipation sometimes when I don't eat right.

I thank God for this pain reliever. I would be in a lot of pain without it.

The only thing so I could work, after five yrs refill nothing zero one dose to the next. New script small in house pharmacy worked again but not next refill and never again. Replaced by 100mg morphine bid NOT as good for me. So very sad too much pain. Somebody efed up.

It’s definitely a mood elevator ! And helps the garden variety of symptoms of fibromyalgia discomfort/ but I think it causes bladder symptoms- retention - pressure etc .. as it’s considered an opioid type medication so this can happen

It’s lifesaver for fibromyalgia if taken in low doses.. I take 50 mgs 2x a day but if I take more than that, I don’t feel like it’s as effective... so it’s important to stay in a very low dose for this condition

Fibro, Depression, Focus, Energy

Side effects: constipation. Energy. Focus, happiness. Increased body temp.

Miracle drug. I hate the FDA for making it difficult to access this drug. Just because a few idiots can't control themselves and abuse drugs, those of us who need it are affected.This one drug does the job of 5I've been on it 12 years and the only withdrawal I get is pooping. I poop a lot and slight vertigo that goes away after a day. I don't abuse this drug because it has been a life saver for me. I want it to work until the day I die so I respect it.

Control pain after hip replacement

Tramadol worked quite well to minimize the pain I experienced after my hip surgery, however withdrawal from this medicine is terrible if you are prone to anxiety. I experienced some panic attacks and wicked nightmares and crying. Had to take clonazepam to bring the anxiety to a halt. Coming off of tramadol Reminds me of coming off of Xanax, which was even worse. Really unpleasant.

Believe one must be taper down on this med to lessen unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.

Constipation. Reduced appetite.

This medication gave me my life back. But a warning..miss a dose and you'll know it! Withdrawal is BRUTAL with Tramadol. Classic opioid withdrawal ...anxiety, dread, hot and cold, nausea, restless leg and flu like stuff. Horrible. Sometimes I think about wearing off but it has been so helpful for me.

this was a miracle drug for me. it stopped: my depression, anxiety and panic attacks.i used it almost every day for approx a year and felt great.then 5 yrs later, i was put back on it, for pain and fibro.. but for some reason it went badly!!! wrong and my face puffed up and i was covered in scabs. i do not know what happened and how it went from a wonder drug to a other thing: this drug has some serotonin effects to it- so it can be used like an ssri, but if you take it w/ other ssri meds there is a serious risk of serotonin storm / serotonin syndrome, so be very! carefull what you take this med w/.

Side Effects fortramadol hydrochloride (tramadol hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Slight increase in appetite and a little tightness in my rear neck muscles, but this didn't last long. This antihistamine worked better for me (with less side effects) than Zyrtec (which caused asthma) or Allegra.

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I love Claratin! (NOT claratin D) It has saved me! I used to get chronic sinus infections. I don't now. I am allergic to many plants where I live, so I have taken it every day for years. I can't sleep with the decongestant in Claratin D.

After the first 9 months I experienced spotting every month that would last about 2 days.

Vivid, emotional dreams. Dissociation. Fatigue. Altered thinking. It has been very strange. I'd wake up at night very scared. I'd wake up and think I was losing my mind. Hard to get along with my family while on this - I'm married with 4 kids, so not a great side effect. Great for allergies, no doubt, I'm just not eager to start all the psychiatric medications I'm going to need for the side effects.

weight gain, sexual dysfunction, nausea

I feel that this product has helped to regulate my menstral cycle and reduced appearance of acne. My only complaint(s) is that it has caused mild cramping that I did not have prior to use, heavy bleeding and when I stopped taking them for 1month I did not have a period for 38 days because my body became dependant on the hormones.

Dizziness and balance problem on walking, Hot flushes, progressive lower back pain from sitting position, Fatigue, Blistering rash and loss of appetite.

Severe increase in blood pressure, red rash, pulse rate skyrocketed.

insomnia - which I wanted the med to curenausea - if not taken with plenty of foodbizarre nightmares - not as severe after 6 months but still havepulsating buzzing - right side of head (if you're not crazy tostart with, this will help you to get there)forgetfullness - less so now that I'm being weaned off this meddizziness - if late with med and now that I'm being weanedThis is a medication from hell. If I ever get off it, I'd never ever want to get on again. Wyeth-Ayerst do not give you the really bad side effects. There is a pending lawsuit (petition) signed by almost 4,000 people with horrific side effects. It's on the web.Mary Bateman