Talwin (pentazocine lactate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Talwin (pentazocine lactate)

Worst medication effects I have ever had seriously upset stomach dizzyness weird elucidations like when trying to sleep but unable to at all awful all together

I see from comments some had good reactions some had bad as I did. I am similar to few. No vomiting but severe dizziness the next morning. I take a few different other medications (prescribed and not abused) on a regular basis. I took this because of the opiate blocker due to being a 7 year recovering alcoholic/attic and being one I know the feeling of a good pain pill or lots of them lol. This has to have a reaction to some medications. I can barely walk to the fridge to get water, thinking it might help, the next morning. It was closing my eyes like I was going to sleep but not sleeping after I took it, slept through the night ok then this severe vertigo that I hope goes away soon. Truly the worst trip I've been on and have been on a few in my lifetime. Missing out on work again today that I am behind on from the diverticulitis that has a deadline for people to have Thanksgiving in the home they bought that every contractor that remodeled it, even the guy overseeing it, f****** up stomach is growling as I'm typing I hope the vomiting or sh*** don't start now. FDA needs to check side effects when taken with different medicines. If I move my head laying down its vertigo laying down, how the hell does that happen. crazy feeling I've never had and even scary, hoping it goes away. You've probably already taken it and have problems or are on a good high if your reading this, good luck!!

Bad stomach cramps instantly...n i do have a smoking weed type high dont like that kind of high

I wouldnt recommend it to NO ONE... i took norco 10s for my condition n now im on talwin sh** suck...im scared to take my next doseage bc of the stomach cramps

Pain control following knee surgery

Did not begin to touch pain, caused anxiety, tremors. Did not feel it helped at all.

Severe chronic neck & back aches

At first, it upset my stomach. But after two days, all was fine. I don't think I'll ever take anything else for my pain.

With being in pain 24/7, Talwin has been a lifesaver. Wish I would have found out about it sooner.

after about an hour I started feeling its effects. I didn't enjoy the stoned feeling but the pain was GONE.

Car accident, mri noted ls probs

irritability, hot flashes, fast/irregular heartbeat, tremors, nausea

it did not diminish pain whatsoever. i was concerned when i saw it used to be widely abused but it's beyond me why anyone would want to take this drug. i do not usually take narcotics so i have a low tolerence for them and this provided no relief at all but felt like being in a nightmare the last time i took a dose. i would NEVER take this prescription again.

It doesn't help with severe pain, and makes me jittery with lots of energy..Can't stay still, blurry vision, irritable, can't get comfortable...but it's only sometime

My Doctor recommended taking this medication immediately after my surgery. (Stay ahead of the pain). I followed his instructions even though I wasn't in any pain. Immediately after taking one pill, I became sick and vomited. I waited the required hours before taking the second pill, which caused the same reaction. I will NEVER take this medication again.

I can't talk walk or walk in a straight linee or evenn type this messege lol These are aaaaaaaawesome!

Can't walk a straight, can barely type this message lol and I have a head high

1. Shoulder injury, 2. Depression

Taking a full 50 mg pill leads to increasing disorientation and tiredness. 1/4 pill (12.5 mg) usually has no side effects except the occasional upset stomach.

Although I started with Talwin for pain (worked very well), I have mainly used it (unprescribed) to help with depression. I am also on anti-depressants. When I am extremely depressed and non-functional, 1/4 pill (12.5 mg) gets me out of it. There is the temptation to continue taking 1/4 pills, but I can limit it to 2/day for 3-4 days. By then, I'm ok.

Might as well have taken nothing. Absolutley no relief.

Im using talwin with tylenol allready added. Its the best pill I have found. Regular Talwin made me have vision problems. I am Pain free finally.

I had no side effects at all using this. I was taking so many vicodin 750 that I had major allergic reaction.

This is the best pain killer I have ever used and did not make me stupid or dizzy or high.. If you are in severe pain and I mean severe, this works wonderful without any side effects used as prescribed. Also because I took 1 per day and it killed pain all day til the next morning, I had no withdrawals.

It was the best thing I have ever taken for headaches

extreme disorientation, passed out, the "fuzzyness" lasted for over 24 hours and couldnt walk or stand without falling down.

Side Effects fortalwin (pentazocine lactate) - User Comments


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We will stop use of this drug immediately and go back to Benadryl.

I like it. It does make me happy. No rapid voices in my head and dont hear or see shit. So we will see.

Overall, I am satisfied. My periods are shorter and my acne has cleared up.

Give the drug time to work. I was actually worse the morning after starting the drug. Fever began to diminish in 24 hours, though, and in a few days I was much better.For me, stomach side effects were less severe (though more persistent) than with erythromycin. Taking food with the drug helps a great deal. Dairy products seem especially soothing. Try ice cream.

This med sucks. Don’t take it if you actually want to get better. There are other options.

Back pain, legs and arms weakness. Sleepiness.

I used to have a high metabolism and was able to eat everything without gaining any weight at all. After taking the pill I gained about 25 pounds in a matter of months. I am constantly hungry. Even ignoring the hunger and not eating while exercising causes me to gain weight with the pill.

constipation, itchy belly, vivid and strange dreams - some very sexual, mental fatigue (getting easy words confused, forgetfulness)

I believe I have white coat HTN not HBP. I relented and agreed to take it after doc upset about numbers. Worst mistake of my life. I'm weening of fit now and hoping for no long term damage or issues. This crap is poison. Three ER visits. ER doc even stated this was not good for any HBP issues and advised primary to get me off itPlease do your homework. Strong FDA warning on this stuff. I failed to research it. Don't make the same mistake. I've always watched weight eat healthy etc. gained 40 pound I'm hoping to lose after I'm cleaned out of this horrible drug. Should be OFF the market.

I am only on my second cycle with the Nuvaring, but so far I am not satisfied. For the first several days, I was very nauseous and had cramps. Those symptoms went away, but I am still dealing with the other symptoms listed. My doctor has advised giving it a couple more months, but I'm not sure I'll stick it out. I have NEVER had vaginal dryness and am now dealing with that. I've been dealing with some personal issues, so I'm sure some of the moodiness can be attributed to that. However, I still feel that my emotions are more heighthened than normal. I've cried every couple of days, and little things set me off. The worse part is that I have barely been interested in sex. My sex drive plummeted fast.