Sublimaze preservative free (fentanyl citrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Sublimaze preservative free (fentanyl citrate)

SUBLIMAZE PRESERVATIVE FREE (FENTANYL CITRATE): See also Warning section. This medication is used to help relieve sudden (breakthrough) cancer pain in people who are regularly taking moderate to large amounts of opioid pain medication. Fentanyl belongs to a class of drugs known as opioid (narcotic) analgesics. It works in the brain to change how your body feels and responds to pain. This medication should not be used to relieve mild or short-term pain (such as due to headache/migraine, dental procedures, surgery). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

I am experiencing many side affects - constipation, bloating/gas, no energy, tingling in hands/feet, muscle cramps if potassium not taken.

After reading all these comments it has royally pissed me off. Word, next time things don't seem right. Go with your gut and look at what has changed recently. It may be the meds you have been prescribed. All I can say is this elbow pain better go away and the sex drive better come roaring back or somebody is going to get a can of it ! Whats worse is some clown from the company that makes this crap is on this site using our comments as hamster clones to make the next set of crap when they pull this garbage from the market after people start dying or become disabled. For you, I have a finger. The middle one!

Can't keep the damn thing on!!! 5 days and it is ready to fall off. Having read all the other comments I now know why may hair looks YUK. Don't recall seeing that on any information. Going back to Dr shortly so will have to find out what is alternative. No hot flushes but no sex drive - must fix this. Femtram suited much better but not now available in New Zealand - it was $260 for three months ( that would be $540 USD so very expensive). Must be something else.

I started taking 50mg at night but it gave me insomnia so I switched to day. If I took it on an empty stomach it gave me unbearable heartburn. Zoloft made me feel numb, I couldn't cry but I certainly wasn't happy. It might have slightly helped my anxiety but I can't say for sure. That's how small its benefits were. I am 5'4'' and weigh around 110 and luckily it did not cause weight gain (That was the side effect I was most concerned about). The only reason I stayed on zoloft for 3 months is b/c I had withdrawls when I tried to ween off of it including heart palpitations. I finally managed to get off of it but it wasn't easy. I so wanted zoloft to work for me but I guess my body just didn't react to it the way some people do.

I took depakote, 1250 mg twice a day, for 15 years and it destroyed my life. It did stop my seizures at first. And that was all my neurologist cared about even though it was evident that it had changed me and I kept telling him that it made me depressed. At first it was okay, I finished undergrad and grad school but my personality changed overtime, I became severely depressed, suicidal, I had memory problems, loss of interest, gained 40 pounds, my period stopped and I was unable to work. I started seeing a psychiatrist/psychopharmacologist for the depression and he became my advocate. He said I should not be on this drug and definitely not at 2500mg a day. With his help I finally switched to another doctor and then to another drug. It was like I came out of a fog. My brother said that the sister he remembered was back. Slowly, I was able start working again and to have a life – to laugh and have fun. This medication stopped my ability to live and I will never get the last 10 of those 15 years back. NO ONE should ever take this drug for epilepsy. It may help people with bipolar disorder from being manic but if you do not have a manic problem it takes you so far down past the medium line of normal emotions into depression that I would have preferred to have seizures everyday. There are other epilepsy drugs that have little to no side effects. Make it clear to your doctor if you are having problems. I now take lamictal and keppra and am doing great!

euphoria about an hour after taking it, moody by the end of the day, dry mouth

I also experienced blood "gushes" a couple of days after the procedure - thank goodness I was at home - I went back to Planned Parenhood - thought I was hemorrhaging.

This will be my 4th month taking this pill. I haven't been very happy so far. I just feel sick all the time. I have taken a pregnancy test and it was negative. I want to try another pill, but there are so many negative comments about the other ones too.

Miralax is a MIRACLE. When I was 25 my colon basically shut down, causing constipation so severe that it caused agonizing pain, extreme toxicity, chronic fatigue, food insensitivities, and insomnia, forcing me to quit my graduate studies and move back home so my parents could care for me. I took every test imaginable, but the doctors could find no visible cause for the constipation, leaving it up to "colonic inertia." No medicine (herbal, over the counter, prescription), lifestyle, or dietary change offered any relief. I was drinking miserable pre-surgery bowel cleansers like GoLytely like water. In desperation I finally went to the Mayo Clinic and they prescribed Miralax. It instantly relieved my constipation, making my bowels soft and easily expellable. What a glorious feeling to be cleaned out! It is tasteless and gentle on my body, and I have gradually overcome my other health problems as toxicity is no longer an issue. There has been no side effects after 2-3 doses a day for 3 years. My colon still doesn't function on its own, but because of Miralax I have gotten my life back. It is MARVELOUS!

I previously post a "4" (mistakenly as a male) and was about to have my Lamictal upped to counter headaches. It worked! Wellbutrin has given me back me spirit. I started 10-24-05 and today is 11-14-05. I suffered from moderate clinical depression that waxed and waned, and also chronic fatigue (from severe endometriosis.) Now I'm a different person. I have energy. I laugh. I'm interested in life again. I can't wait to see how much more it will continue to improve. Curious about whether my sex drive will return. We'll see....