Roxicodone (oxycodone hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Roxicodone (oxycodone hydrochloride)

ROXICODONE (OXYCODONE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to help relieve moderate to severe pain. Oxycodone belongs to a class of drugs known as opioid (narcotic) analgesics. It works in the brain to change how your body feels and responds to pain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Anxiety, panic attacks, brain fog, impaired vision and memory, head pressure, suicidal thoughts, depersonalisation, severe insomnia, nightmares, balance problems.

I have been losing handfuls of hair every time I brush, wash or run my fingers through it. I now have to brush my hair outside by the trashcan and I only wash it twice a week. I've become more depressed about this and cry every day. I am also so fatigued that I am sleeping several times during the day, as well as 8-9 hours at night.

loose stools, intestinal cramping, loss of appetite, elevated liver enzymes

drunk feeling if I don't lay down & go to sleep right away

Joint pan, tendon rupture, poly nueropathy, vision loss, hearing loss, degenerative discs,tooth loss, memory loss, sjs, mrsa, tinitus, tendonitus, brain fog, shortness of breath, severe fatigue, lack of coordiation, no concentration, unable to finish tasks, vericose viens, heart palpatations, nightmares, suicidal thoughts, change of tastes and othere senses....

experiencing severe insomnia - slept 6 hours past two nights rather than the 10 hours i have been sleeping the past month. general feeling of anxiousness and twitchiness in my legs. (its 2am as i type this) dry mouth, metal taste in mouth, slight lightheaded feeling after taking it

Our law office is investigating the effects of Zyrtec on infants, children and teenagers. If you have a child who has taken Zyrtec and would be interested in speaking with us further about the adverse effects experienced while taking the drug, please contact Lisa Scherer or Harvey Franklin at 888/705-6800 between the hours of 8 and 5. We are located in California.

i want to know wy my dermotoligist gave me a anti-depressant drug

incredible depression almost immediately after I started taking it. crying all the time, not sleeping, reliving of past terrible events that had occurred in my life, like someone pushing a doorbell and holding it to keep ringing and reliving all the terrible negative things in my life over and over again. I kept asking my doctor if there were any side effects like mine and he said no. I had been taking zocor with no problem but insurance company wouldn't pay for it anymore and made me go on lipitor. After about six months I had my docteor write a letter to ins. co. saying I couldn't take lipitor and they agreed to put me back on zocor. But the long term effect of those six months sent me into a psyhcological tailspin that I never recovered from. I went to three psychiatrist and they finally came up with a diagnoses of bipolar disorder. Cause unknown. This was three years ago. The drug ruined my life, I am now seperated after this all occurred and before the lipitor I was an energtic happy family man with a great wife and two kids.

Poor cat was prescribed this medicine for a stomach infection. Given 2 times a day via the dosage of .08 mg....for 14days. It has now bee 7 days and she is not doing so well. Diarrea, dizzy and tongue swollen..also having problems eating, most probably due to her tongue. They told us that she would like the taste as it is fruit flavored! How many cats eat fruit! Will call vet today and explain this problem. This medicine sounds too experimental to be placed on the market, especially for animals as they can not tell you what it is doing to them.