Roxicet (acetaminophen; oxycodone hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Roxicet (acetaminophen; oxycodone hydrochloride)

Uncontrollable myoclonic jerks

My pharmacy substituted this for the Watson brand which I did not have this problem. I suspect a binding ingredient.

Was supposed to be on for 14 days, had to switch off after only four. Great for pain relief, but gave me constant diarrhea. After my surgery it is imperative to stay hydrated, and the Roxicet made that impossible.

Good painkiller. I have not found it addictive -- eased the use down without difficulty.

very itchy about 1 hour after taking, constipation

itching is all that seems to be with an occassional upset stomach

Great for pain, but makes me itchy.

severe itching when drug wears off

anyone else have this problem? I dont itch when I first take it but when its starts to wear off i itch severely

Did not upset my stomach or disorient me like other pain medicines

Side Effects forroxicet (acetaminophen; oxycodone hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Aggression, temper tantrums, sleepiness, but also waking at night and unable to settle back down without help.

I am not smoking near as much, but still want them. It just helps me go a little longer without one.

Clomid worked for us in that I did ovulate, but we didn't conceive, even with 2 iui's - ttc our first for 18 months now. It was torture taking it. I stopped after 3 months, then got put back on it for 1 month - begged my dr not to put me on it. We refuse to use it anymore b/c it depressed me, made me gain a ton of weight, and made my belly pooch out. We're just ttc naturally now and if it was meant to be, it will be.

Pain in shoulder, muscle pain in legs and feet,pain in stomach,gas and latest but worst side effect was the psoriasis. Extreme psoriasis of scalp.

bloating sleeping but it helped

First of all, I got addicted to it after the first month, 2-3-4 a day... Makes me feel extreamly depressed, suicidal thoughts, people even mentioned I was better of using Marijuana then stopped 4months ago.. Now I would like some feedback... How to get off this whatsocalled "medication" I'm prescribed 30 for the month 54mg... 1 dayly... But I feel like a normal person and don't even concentrate better than usual... Its expensive and a waiste of money and health.. Eating disorder, uncomfortable sleep... Chest pain..

Severe anxiety which led to rapid heartrate and high blood pressure. Was taking 100 mg/night, and the two days I tried 200 mg/night led to obsessive anxiety bordering on paranoia. Even 100 mg proved to be too much and I had to stop taking it. It also caused some mental "dopiness", i.e. I couldn't think what I was doing or trying to say. (A lot of "um, um" moments.)

I've had none. Any aches and pains that I deal with, I've had before Boniva since I do have arthritis and have had a knee replacement.

This drug has changed my life after many years of being in my own world ,I can know look forward to a normal life again after. Last felt like this good when I served in the Royal Air Force. I am able to love people again.

I've pretty much experienced every side effect.I had been on and off it for 3 years prior. I wasn't consistently using the drug every day, twice a day, until about 1 years ago. At which time I suddenly shot up 25 pounds, even though I was working out 3 times a week. The weight was also in my mid-section and arms (which does not run in the family). I crave food constantly.I am sick ALL the time. Every cold that I am exposed to, I catch it. I bruise just by grabbing or touching, especially on my legs. My periods are severe, painful, and I am extremely emotional (which prior was not a problem).I get yeast infections constantly. I have developed severe skin sensitivities with in the last year. I can't wear any metal jewelry without breaking out into hives and bouts of extremely dry skin.