Percocet (acetaminophen; oxycodone hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Percocet (acetaminophen; oxycodone hydrochloride)

Feeling that I can do anything (physically) which I could as I didn't feel my body.Mental laziness, sleepiness times, increased pain, night terrors if taken to close to bedtime, dullness. I'm sure it hurt my cognitive abilities but sharp when on the pill but confused after. Itching skin and incense sensitivity to pain.

When I was given Percocet for the first time I didn't know what I was given. For the first 2 years I used it on and off when needed. I took no more than one or two a day but with time it made more damage than help. The feeling of the body relaxed is really good as suddenly you have no pain, you can breathe, but with time it will increase my pain sensitivity and my ability to tolerate the pain. I stopped after I suffered a 2nd dgree burn on a big part of my body, and for 2 weeks I used 4 pills instead of 2 (as a single parent I had to function). I realized how easy it is to get addicted and I stopped it completely. It did took me a year before the burn when often thought about stopping, but didn't. I remember counting my pills and it made me feel like an addict.

Interstitial Cystitis/ Severe back

No side effects which is why it was the perfect drug for me for pain relief

Now Percocet is BACKORDERED?! I haven't been in this much pain for over 10 years!! What is going on?! You never will understand pain until you're in it. All the ppl who abuse it RUIN IT for everyone else.

Worst nightmares of my life, feeling over medicated

Didn't do much to take away my surgery pain, just made me not care about being in pain. Effect lasted 3 hours at most. Had much better luck relieving pain when I swtiched to 3 ibuprofen and 2 acetaminophen taken together.

Percocet works great for pain relief

Degenerative Discs, Gastroparesis

Increased energy. Euphoria, constipation. Occasional vomiting. Decreased appetite. Pain analgesic.


Wow! Before taking Percocet, I didn't realize euphoria, warmth, and comfort were possible as such a level. Percocet just feels that good. This drug also caused me to have awesome psychedelic dreams. Yes, it is a tremendous pain reliever.

It didn’t seem to help my pain for long enough, the side effects were too bad for the little pain relief I had

Please take with food or anti nausea med.those that stopped because of stomach sickness should ask doctor for zofran.really good pain med

Spinal Stenosis,Herniated Disc

In the beginning I had slight nausea. It passed quickly.

Percocet is the only drug that has helped my pain. I have been suffering for 10 years and finally this is working. Now with the new laws they want to take it away. Pain is a terrible thing to live with and until you are in such pain you will not understand.

They take care of my pain. I take them as prescribed. I don't abuse them.

Migraines and Restless Leg Syndrome

Calm happy feeling, pain relief!

I suffer from migraines and RLS. I spent many years going to different doctors and got handed drugs that either didn't work or worsened my conditions. I had tried everything, even Botox for the migraines, but still didn't get relief. Then one day, a doctor wrote me a script for Percocet, and it has greatly improved the quality of my life. It is the only thing that takes away the persistent pain of migraines and RLS. It does give me a bit of euphoria, but I only take my pills as needed and don't abuse the prescription. I wish people didn't abuse these, as they can be very helpful to people who legitimately suffer from chronic pain!

Felt a little light headed after taking it. Had nightmares while sleeping. Felt like I had a hangover in the morning.

I ate a meal before taking the Percocet. Kept well hydrated. I do not take any kind of medications however, to get through the MRI I had to take just one to make the pain tolerable to have the procedure done. It worked for me. I don't think I would want to take this on a long term basis however, we are not all built from the same mold.

Sever nck, back, and rumatoid arthi

Afterawhile I began to get cold sweats, sick to my stomache, dizzy light headed, and real bad headaches

These effects didn't start till after I had taken it over ayear.

None until December pick up medication and now I have experience flu like symptoms and I'm wondering if they've added a flu shot too it really? Has anyone else had these symptoms?

December pick up medication and now I have experience flu like symptoms and I'm wondering if they've added a flu shot too it really? Has anyone else had these symptoms?

Bursitis,arthritis ,Sacroiliac pain

Upset my stomach at the start, make sure you eat first. Eases my pain and lets me have a normal life.

I was hesitant to take opioids, but after giving myself an ulcer and Barrets Esofegus from taking OTC ibuprofen, I have found relief at last. I don't have side effects from Percocet, they're a god send for me. I have a great Dr, he listens to what I have to say, has been really patient with me. It's sad though that some people abuse Percocet just to get high, it ruins it for us that are in chronic pain. My best to all that's really suffering, take one day at a time and don't push your body, listen to it.

Anxiety, nausea, couldn't eat any solid food for a whole month straight, my mind was frequently cloudy, also had chills

Dizziness, lightheaded, fainting, drowsy, calm

It reduced my pain and made me feel very calm. My only big problem with it is that on the first day I fainted twice. Make sure you take it on a full stomach by the way so you aren't nauseous.

It was awful.First you are constantly sleepy so you can do much but sleep on it. Then the nausea comes and never leave.I took half a pill at 9pm because the pain was unbareable and then the other half at past midnight. A hojr later I was on the floor shaking and sweating while my heartbeat went nuts and I thought for sure I was overdosing.The pain is back and I cannot fall asleep thanks to it.

Head rush "high", extreme drowsiness, dizziness, shaking

I had my share of side effects from this however they weren't severe. The head rush would happen when it kicked in, and it helped me not to care about the pain. The pain relief was nice but only stayed passed out pretty much the whole time I was on it, I was constantly fighting sleep. I made sure family members monitored me on this. Overall it helped but not a fan of the drowsiness as it affected my daily activities.

PERCOCET (ACETAMINOPHEN; OXYCODONE HYDROCHLORIDE): This combination medication is used to help relieve moderate to severe pain. It contains a opioid (narcotic) pain reliever (oxycodone) and a non-opioid pain reliever (acetaminophen). Oxycodone works in the brain to change how your body feels and responds to pain. Acetaminophen can also reduce a fever. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I hope negative side-effects from Biaxin will be reported to patients' doctors and that these doctors take appropriate action to inform the drug-makers. As consumers, we have the ability to report these incidents to the FDA as well.

complete loss of libido; dramatic loss of creativity and loss of ability to play my piano even though I have been studying for over 9 years; constipation

Anger, frustration, angst, introversion, depression, fainting

Going to stop it I have stomach cramps almost every eve and spotting and something like periods it just made things worse

I was fine with Tri-Sprintec (although after reading this site I am thinking my headaches may have been caused by it).Trinessa is being horrible for me. Have taken it for two months and was sure I was pregnant. Had to pee constantly, felt huge, had mood swings, and extreme and unusual vaginal dryness.

Caused a shingles outbreak on my face resulting in some nerve damage to my eye/distorted vision). Did suppress the nasal allergy response however.

I do not recommen this drug. The physicians do not tell you the side effects you may experience. I have my period but the cost is aweful. I am trying to feel better but I still have all the symptoms of the side effects. Research before you take it and try something different if you feel it is making you sick.

Reading all these negative comments on this page, I got very concerned about taking Clomid but I am on day 3rd now and no side effect whatsoever!

weight gain. urinary retention.

Worst headaches in my life, blinding lights in my eyes, vision problems, terrible nightmares, aggression, crying and mood swings. Had asthma my whole life. This inhaler is a nightmare.