Opana (oxymorphone hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Opana (oxymorphone hydrochloride)

No side effects except mild constipation. Can be quickly cleared up with Miralax

Made me feel too good, so I got my doctor to switch me to Vicaprofin.

Great drug, took care of my dental pain and made me feel great. The dentist says patients prefer opana (oxymorphone) over Percocet or Vicodin for pain relief.

"Break thru" pain 2x/day MsContin

It helps my BT pain w/o the drowsiness!

Very expensive, even w/ insurance; I may have to return to Morphine IR 30mg in addition to MsContin (taken for 8 yes) 60mg x 3 for my 70° scoliosis w/ severe rotation & 6 herniated discs, etc...

Opana immediate release did a great job controlling my pain after knee replacement surgery when morphine and Norco could not.

Side Effects foropana (oxymorphone hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Asthma & constant resp infections

muscle pain and tiredness after 3 weeks. He stopped taking it. 3 weeks after that he jaundiced, and 10 weeks later he died of liver failure.

I have been on Doxepin for almost 3 weeks. Before that I had been back and forth to the doctor and emergency room for what seemed like a severe allergy attack. I had been breaking out with itchy red bumps for nearly 2 months then all of a sudden it started affecting my breathing and the redness was swelling. They admitted me to the hospital and from that point the steriod shots began. After I was released I was to take steroid packs for 2 wks. It helped reduce the itching but the redness kept coming back with no clue as to why and I was gaining weight. I took everything from benedryl to allergra nothing helped. When I went to the allergist he put me on Doxepin...wonderful! It stopped the itching and the redness completely but was causing more weight gain. So now I am taking a fat reducer called xenical to help with the weight gain...but thats an entirely different story.

Was taking hydrocodone 10/325 5 x daily. Switched to morphine 15 mg 5 x daily. I have received absolutely no pain relief. Taking them on a set schedule and never have a moment of relief. I was having better relief on hydrocodone. I was told that this would be a step up and actually this has been like taking nothing at all.

Aching muscles and joints especially hips/hands/shoulders/forearms and upper back ,nonpitting edema of feet/ankles/hands, stiffness especially in mornings, neuropathy/partial numbness in hands (worsening of carpal tunnel),weakness in hands, increase in frequency & severity of hot flashes, lack of libido, weight gain


extreme fatigue,unexplained depression, mood swings

Had to discontinue because of the severe nausea.

I don't believe any drug is truly safe. I recommend this drug be used with caution and that it be used for the shortest period possible. It affects many areas of the body and brain.

a 300 mg dosage and did not seem to contribute to helping my migraines lessen. The constipation was unbearable. I took colace and dulcolax every night. I went off the Verelan a couple of weeks ago and have already lost ten pounds and my stomach is almost flat again. I dont know for sure if the night sweats are related to verelan, but I havent had them since I quit this drug.