Nucynta (tapentadol hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Nucynta (tapentadol hydrochloride)

This medication did very little for relieving my chronic pain. Over time it gradually made me very talkative. I would sometimes speak about whatever popped up in my head, offensive or not. I would brag and become boastful often about little things. It caused insomnia something I've been fighting for more than 25 years. Most nights I couldn't sleep at all! Sometimes I'd stay awake for more than 24 hours. My doctors didn't know what was wrong. After 2 years they started blaming it on me growing older. As if I'd become that cranky old grandpa. A few doctors diagnosed me as bipolar. One day after my monthly pain clinic visit I was told to talk with another patient. Why? Because as one nurse put it: “you two can talk a lot.” I asked the patient: “what medications are you taking?” The last one was…Nucynta ER. Later that night I stopped taking it. I told no one. I wouldn't advise it because it's not the recommended way of getting off of this medication. Today, I do get more sleep, but, It's very rare for me to get a full nights sleep without sleeping far into another day. Just exhausting! One thing that stands out was the fact that I wasn't talking as much. After the first two months I would talk even less. I walked into my do

Within 1/2 hoirEars full and ringingOff balanceWonkyShoulder and neck painKept waking up every 1/2 hour that nightIn the morning.......Extremely dry mouthFelt hungoverFullness around eyesSensitive to noiseHeadacheSome friends called and were worries about me the way I was talking.

Been on opioids for 18 years, never had anything like this happen. Glad I took while I was at home, I wouldn't have been able to drive. Usually something new, same old same old. I took 1/2 a Xanax once and never again. Even Sudafed messes with me and I won't take it. Dr said to try 1/2 a pill and see. I have things to do I very the weekend and won't try till Monday. This opioid crisis bs is causing people like me who have never had a probl3m, to have pain relief taken away. SADLY..... nucynta was my last hope for an IR opioid. I AM AFRAID.TO EVEN TAKE HALF.

Within 30 minutes felt wonky. Ears felt full and had to turn tv way down as background noise was intolerable. Was off balance, like I was in the twilightzone. Woke up every hour last night, never really slept. Haven't drank for 30byears and have a hangover from HELL, headache and off balance.

Have been on methadone and oxycodone for 18 years. New dr won't prescribe oxy so prescribed Nucynta 75mg. Got it yesterday. Glad I was home and not driving, probably would have gotten a dui. Took 1, 6 hours later another. Am afraid to take another today. Am waiting for a call from my doctor. Don't know if it helped with pain or not, feel too weird.

Profuse Sweating, chills, restless, insomnia, hot

DO NOT like this drug side effects get worse the longer you take it.

Weight gain of 30 lbs, feeling of extreme exhaustion... like almost falling asleep but absolutely can not, clenching jaw, headaches, nausea and stomach issues.I'm not happy with this drug, I'd rather go back on tramadol.

L4 l5 disc bulge l5 S1 disc bulge

This drug is poison not only does it wreck your memory you can't sleep you sweat you get chills your balance is off can't remember if it's day or night your zombie.

If I could warn anybody please do not take this drug I'm warning you it's poison

Don't understand why it's a schedule 2...Not any different than taking a baby asprin..Defently don't understand what it can help except breaking your pocket book...Also aspirin is cheaper lol..

Anesthesia Dolorosa nerve pain in face

Helps ease the burning and stinging in my face but I have been a very emotional wreck since the 2nd pill I took. I have kept on taking it because I have been in pain for 2 1/2 years every day, 24-7... hoping I will get acclimated to it over time.

Insomnia no appetite Depressed Very little pain relief

5 herniated discs, DDD, osteoarthritis

I like this drug. I like that its not super harsh, but Nothing has really knocked out my severe sciatica and back pain. But I take this 75 mg 3x day along with gabapentin 800 mg 3x day and ibuprofen 800 mg 3 x day. All together that helps me sort of function and work and live. It does not take my pain away but makes it more bearable. Like the tip of an iceberg.

Feel very foggy and lots of chest tightness, feels almost like I may pass out at any time. My heart rate has been normal but I feel weird.

It’s supposed to have less side effects than tramadol but this is NOT the case.

Experienced period of feeling so tired and exhausted that that I felt so tired Ilike I was 90 years old. Finally went to my doctor and she found out that my Heart rate was 110 and my Oxygen level was 95 ( not good. The doctor also did an EKG and found a possible arrythmia. In short: DO NOT TAKE THIS MEDICINE!!!

I also think I put on about 7-10 lbs due to the Nucynta in one mos- and I'm not that tall- 5'2"

Severe hot flashes and profuse sweating, cramping type pain in hands and feet, swelling of feet and calves to the point it hurts to even wiggle my toes ( that’s how I know that the medication is wearing off. Some insomnia and anxiety and the depression I have I think just comes from being as limited as I am and not even being 40.

I have been on almost every single pain medication from Naproxen to Fentanyl patches over the last 6 years for debilitating pain from nerve damage and now scar tissue. The pain keeps gradually getting worse again and I do not want any more surgeries! The first first surgery ended up causing more pain and my surgeon waited (1.5 years) to long to do surgery leaving at a young age (31-32) with pain that ended my career I loved as an RN.Yes, most doctors are afraid they will lose their medical license for prescribing medicatios like Oxycodone, Soma or Fentanyl. The FDA made this huge crackdown on opioids which is a double edged sword. On one hand you have drug seekers and addicts who move from Vicodin to Percocet all the way to heroin. Then you also have people who are in so much pain they have no quality of life and they can barely get a prescription for Tramadol much less anything stronger. These desperate patients are forced to hit the streets to find relief (supply and demand). Sadly some find it in a needle because it’s cheaper. Then there are those who can’t take the pain so they chose to end their lives.My point is this: if you are going to take away the affordable medications needed to have any quality of life then you should make sure other options are covered. I have Medicaid and they will not approve lidocaine patches or creams, I am allowed 1 physical therapy session a YEAR!!! They will only cover the trial for the spinal Cord Stimulator NOT the a

Back Pain & nerve pain in legs

No noticeable side effects compared to many other options. Due to digestive issues, each dose doesn’t work as good as some. Also may need to take with or without food to work better for some people I think. Give it a try.

After 6 years doctor wants to take me off of this due to new DEA rules and crazy lawsuits by State Attorneys. Doctor says the drug should not be schedule 2 narcotic but FDA & DEA got it wrong. Lobby lawmakers to make this drug more accessible. Getting ridiculous for people with true chronic pain to get meds they need, unless you’re dying or having surgery. Already had surgery. Didn’t stop pain. Did straighten back, for which I am grateful. Can’t take nsaids due to bleeding issues. This is only drug that offers relief without severe side effects and addiction. Can’t sleep most nights due to pain, so I usually have to take one at bedtime.

Extreme depression never felt like that before. Dr said it was prob withdraw from Percocet. Depression to the point of laying in bed crying for unknown reasons. Felt I was a mental pt. No pain relief. Would never recommend this med

CRPS in legs/feet and back problems

Severe headache, racy heart, severe sweating, vision disturbance and seem to intensify the pain in my legs.

This medication is AWFUL. I began feeling bad effects within a couple of hours of first dose. I thought my head was going to split in half but tried to continue the medication for 2 days...It was HORRID. Called the ER to ask advice because it was a holiday weekend and doctor's office wouldn't be open till Tuesday. They couldn't tell me what to do but I should probably stop taking it and if my side effects got worse to come in or call 911. I didn't go to the ER and hoped I would get through it since I stopped taking it. I still have a headache 3 days after stopping the medication. This medicine is GOOD FOR NOTHING in my opinion and to top it off it charged my insurance $420.00 for 60 pills!!! (30 day supply) I only receive 3 prescriptions a month and on disability...this was a waste of one of my prescriptions and money! I would not recommend this medication at all!! I want my new pain doctor to put me back on Norco. I have taken that for years and have no bad effects plus it help my pain!! The FDA and CDC are pressuring doctors to not prescribe and or take chronic pain patients off the medications that has giving them their lives. We should not be suffering needlessly...DO NO HARM!

Severe shoulder pain (4 surgeries)

Helps nerve pain, but over all pain seems worse when using my arm. Insomnia very bad, and foggy memory, loss of appetite and increased irritability

Severe dry mouth, severe constipation, swelling hands,legs and feet, very sleepy, take 1 pill every 12 hours

Fibromyalgia and syringomyelia

Hot flashes, hallucinations, severe chest pain and shortness of breath, headache, blurry vision, irritable, sudden depression (no previous diagnosis of depression either) my RLS became about 20x worse even during the day, heart is racing and i keep getting confused. Did entire french language lesson and dont even remember doing it, 10min feels like 5hrs, almost complete loss of appetite, severe dry mouth, constipation, paranoia, crying spontaneously, sudden bursts of energy and then sudden crippling fatigue, my insomnia is also significantly worse, and little pain relief, in fact my back pain actually feels worse than it was before. Nerve pain is gone but not worth the side effects

Will be stopping this immediately, contacting dr. On monday and hopefully go back to what i was on before, or nothing at all. I would rather have the pain than all this.

NUCYNTA (TAPENTADOL HYDROCHLORIDE): Tapentadol is used to help relieve moderate to severe short-term pain (such as pain from an injury or after surgery). It belongs to a class of drugs known as opioid (narcotic) analgesics. It works in the brain to change how your body feels and responds to pain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

I’ve gone back to only two pills a day and I’m taking them at morning and at lunch. I’m still having some weird side effects. Primarily, the ‘tired, but wired’ feeling and sleep deprivation. I also have periodic bouts of what can only be described as dread. I feel like something very bad is going to happen. I have not felt that feeling since I was a small child and it’s very bothersome. Still, my options in terms of medication are very limited so I’m going to do my best work through the side effects in the hopes that the medication might actually work for me. Meditation and breathing exercises help. I’m also blessed as I have a wonderfully supportive husband and a very understanding boss.

although this drug helped me to not want to smoke, i can't reccomend it to anyone. i have never had an anxiety attack in my life until i tried this drug. i've also never had any problem with depression, and now i feel out of my mind half the time. i really hope this goes away once it gets out of my body. i dont know which is worse smoking or this stuff.

Within 15 minutes of taking the pill, experienced intense vaginal and anal itching that nothing except time can relieve. I have taken this in the past with no adverse reactions.

Severe knee pain from torn miniscus

Works great as a birth control b/c I'm a newlywed and waited to have sex until I was married. I couldn't wait to have sex, and now I'm not at all interested in it. This pill has lowered my sex drive like crazy. I was also very moody when I first started taking it, but it went away once my body got used to it. I was very much against taking birth control in the first place (I tried Natural Family Planning for 3 months and could never get the hang of it), so when I gave in, I was very pleased to find out that nothing changed as far as my body is concerned. I just wish I had a sex drive again, b/c what's the point of the pill if I never have sex? Also, I barely have a period, which I actually hate. I was the poster person for perfect periods-- never had a cramp and always had normal/light bleeding, always on time. Since taking this pill, I never bleed, I only have a thick, dark discharge. I can't stand it and I want my period back. I assume, though, that this is great for most w

MS pain and stiffness/leg cramps

I felt edgy most of the time, although it did curb my appetite. I would not want to stay on it for a long time though.

Tiredness has been counterbalanced since i've been taking 300mg lamictal bd.

I'm on my 3rd ring. It has greatly improved the dryness so sex is no longer painful. I do occasionally have a smelly discharge for a few days but then it stops.

Hard to sleep at bedtime without it.