Nucynta er (tapentadol hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Nucynta er (tapentadol hydrochloride)

Very little, Mental Status--UNALTERED,Focus--UNALTERED Irritability--UNALTERED, Clarity-UNALTERED, Fatigue--NONE Drowsiness--NONE

A MV accident in 2000--severe spinal injuries--9 sugeries--crippling pain-- limited.Then came NUCYNTA & NUCYNTA ER. It has changed my life. With no side effects I have about a 6/10 pain control and also the ability to do things like drive, write, conduct business again. Truly a Miracle...

Thoracic disc, lumbar, SI pain

Note: Jansen Labs, but it is the immediate release Nucynta, not ER.At a level that helped pain (~75mg-100mg), this med made me EXTREMELY light headed/loopy compared to Vicodin or Percocet.Had similar reaction to NSAID Indomethacin - progressively severe headaches and increased stomach upset/pain. The headaches were so severe - thought I had a status migraine. NOTHING helped except stopping the Nucynta. First week on the med was fine, but then each week I'd get headaches more and more frequently, to the point where they were daily and then they started turning into migraines...daily migraines (throbbing pain, eye pain, side of head pain, light sensitivity). Taking more Nucynta made the headaches worse, pain only resolved after the Nucynta was out of my system (~6-8 hours).Also, I noticed a few times while on it that my pupils were VERY large. Granted head pain was severe at the time, but usually opioids like Nucynta make the pupils CONSTRICT, not expand. Each time it happened

Horrific debilitating back pain with muscle spasms. Almost went to ER last night. I've been off it 24 hours and I'm improving already. The back pain started the day after my first dose but I didn't recognize that it was the nucynta that was causing it. I wouldn't recommend this medicine to my worst enemy. If I didn't take myself off it, I probably would have eventually had a heart attack.

I really liked this medicine because it was one that didn't zone me out or cause constipation. For a good bit of time I researched why I was having welts and skin redness (unrelated to other issues). I finally stayed off the Nucynta for 2 weeks and discovered that the welts and skin inflammation pretty much went away. This, after about a year trying to identify what was going on. For clarity,while I didn't have any withdrawal problems, the pain came back with a vengeance while off the medicine. I kept blaming an allergy to my cats, food, pollen, etc, only to find out it was none of them causing these problems.

Low Back pain, herniated discs...

Shot my anxiety level SKY HIGH! Appetite dropped extremely. Just felt very abnormal, Extreme hot flushing, very tired, lowered energy. Made me feel out of sort....driving was thrown off!! Never again!! Not one person along my medication chain warned me!! PLEASE be very careful if prescribed this medication!!

I have been on narcotics for almost 14 years for low back pain from DDD. I have NEVER felt this miserable & out of control. This has been one of the worst experiences of my life, medically speaking!! I gained more information online than in the print out given at pharmacy!! Would NOT RECOMMEND it to anyone!!

Upset stomach for the first week, could have also been from Butrans ending. Slight constipation after.

Stomach pain briefly in the beginning which subsided.

This medication has helped be feel normal, and has kept my pain manageable.

Worked for the terrible neck pain BUT gave me horrible migraines! I took it back to my pain doc and asked for a different med (changed to Percocet)

dizziness, blurred vision, dry mouth, euphoria. nothing too bad.

Great pain relief and helps me sleep at night which is when I am in pain the most.

NUCYNTA ER (TAPENTADOL HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to help relieve ongoing severe pain. Tapentadol is an opioid (narcotic) pain reliever. It acts on certain centers in the brain to give you pain relief. Tapentadol may also be used to help relieve nerve pain (peripheral neuropathy) in people with diabetes. Do not use this medication to relieve pain that is mild or that will go away in a few days. This medication is not for occasional ("as needed") use. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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No side effects...and no real effects