Norco (acetaminophen; hydrocodone bitartrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Norco (acetaminophen; hydrocodone bitartrate)

NORCO (ACETAMINOPHEN; HYDROCODONE BITARTRATE): This combination medication is used to relieve moderate to severe pain. It contains an opioid (narcotic) pain reliever (hydrocodone) and a non-opioid pain reliever (acetaminophen). Hydrocodone works in the brain to change how your body feels and responds to pain. Acetaminophen can also reduce a fever. This product is not recommended for use in children younger than 6 years due to an increased risk of serious side effects (such as slow/shallow breathing). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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My period has never been regular and after taking the pill I never experienced any spotting and my period came when it was supposed to, which I liked. However the mood swings were horrible for me. I did not feel like myself and anything or anyone could set me off. I was also never in the mood to have sex.

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no period what so ever during the time l was taking it and gained major k.g's and a very big stomach also came with it, no sex drive and my hair started to to thin.

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Foll. compress fracture in spine

I gained 15 pounds on this which was OK for me as I've always been slim and it was better to be a little plump and happier. However recently it seems to have stopped working for me so I will probably try something new.

None, absolutely zero. My life was going down hill from anxiety until my I stumbled across a doctor who prescribed .5 mg twice daily for me. I've been taking it for 6 years and it's helped me deal with so much. I'm not sure why I had suddenly gotten Panic Attacks, (10-40 per day), but that doesn't matter..., I could have searched and searched and searched but this medication allowed me to CHILL OUT and be able to work again. I went from laying in bed, depressed because of my anxiety to being able to work my job again. I speak in front of large groups of people now and am fortune to have a very well paying job. I also was able to meet my wife and we have 1 child and many of my friends know me to be the happiest person they know. It's unfortunate that the drug hasn't helped some of you in the same way I benefited. I hope and pray something works. Also, regarding addiction. I have had some trouble when trying to get off the drug, (which my doctor didn't recommend). I'm ok with

Asked his pediatrician well the nurse if Nasonex could be causing the Eczema and she said no. Took him off about 4 days ago and the Eczema is going away. The eczema is mild on cheeks little on arm. Saw a study that some people get eczema while on Nasonex but it went away after 6 months. Have yet to talk to his E.N.T. that prescribed the Nasonex. Hope this helps.

I take Entyvio every 6weeks, I haven't been able to move up to 8weeks. My body metabolizes the medication to quickly and i begin to have crohns symptoms again.The infusion appts usually take about 1hr-1.5hrs