Methadose (methadone hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Methadose (methadone hydrochloride)

Constipation, overwhelming onset with swift withdrawal starting 12-14 hrs. post medication, insomnia, weight loss, nausea, brain fog, high B/P, extreme chills, anxiety.

Having a medicine work for 20 years and then being forced to switch to something not nearly as effective-is a nightmare. I wish it works but it doesn't. Setting people up for failure.

Chronic pain and opiod addiction

Occasional constipation and withdraw if I miss a dose.

It gave me my life back. Has allowed me to achieve so much and be a very productive member of society. Prior to getting on the methadone program I was definitely a burden to society and quite frankly a sorry POS. Methadone changed all that. It got me past heroin addiction but due to chronic pain I have continued to take it. And I'm OK with that.

To get off herion. At the time 50

Csn't sleep .gain weight, it dosnt hold at all..It s. Not 10 -- 1. Like they. told every one. ..

This was the wrong. Stuff to give ppl .Now. uou.have ppl going out & dying cause they lied to us about this dtug ..Its awful .

Constipation, Excessive Sweating, Blurry Vision, Drowsiness, intense cravings for sugary foods.

The side effects are bothersome but still worth it in my opinion as it greatly reduces my cravings for other opiates.

Methadose saved my life however the ONLY lofe altering side effect is that i am extremely in i literally cannot stay awake, the minute i close my eyes (have to give in)i sleep and sleep and dobt want to wake up. It is scary while driving, while working, and cooking. It isnt the same as nodding, i dont feel high. Just have never ever felt as exhausted as i do on it.

Sure beats beating down doors to get a fix. Once a day. No withdrawals at all.

Extremely sleeepy,no sex drive,and agitated easily!!!

Extremely sleeepy,no sex drive,and agitated easily!!!

Im fine when im moving around or working but when I'm not doing anything i can't stay awake

The best thing i did for myself

Gained 30 pounds,constipation, exhaustion, sleepy, weak, drowsy, sugar cravings, cant lose weight, painful intercourse and no sex drive, fall asleep everywhere. Heart palpatations, water retention, shallow breathing, depression, anxiety, laziness, lack of activity.

I don't know what "Methadose" is, im takingMethadone.Is that the same thing?

Major weight gain. Change in diet. Don't want healthy foods very much. Crave mostly carbo hydrates ( cakes, cereal, oatmeal, chewy stuff) Also lack energy

I was unaware that my de switched from methadone to methadose and I noticed major mood and emotional breakdown.

I get drowsy and some agitation.

The only side effect is severe weight gain

Sleepy all the time, constipation

Love Love Love it, got a bit fat but hey? keeps me sane.

extreme physical dependence (TERRIBLE withdrawal symptoms if you don't take it for a day or 2, which last for MONTHS), serious tooth decay, chronic constipation, digestive problems, depression, difficulty sleeping, acne, sore muscles/bones, chest pains/shallow breathing, no pain relief after the first 2 wks, inconsistent relief of opioid withdrawal symptoms (esp compared to tablets), sore joints, lowered sex drive, anhedonia

I could not stay awake, bump into walls, lost weeks of my life due to not much memory while on this drug, severe vomiting, constipation, and an anaphylactic lips and tongue swelled. I ended up in the ER where doc said I was having adverse reaction to methadone. I was so sick during this time I lost 4 lbs and I am not a large woman so four lbs. was a lot to lose. I could not eat for more than a week after stopping this medication. This medication is a very serious medicine and should not be given as first choice as many pain doctors seem to do nowadays.

Please only take this medicine as prescribed as it can have very serious side effects when taking as prescribed and even worse if not followed exactly as prescribed.

sweating,decreased sexual function,itching,dental carries at the root of the tooth beneath the gumline,dry mouth, constipation

I was a competitive figure skater for 10 years. Six hours a day six days a week. Began having low back pain at the age of 15. After having three children the pain progressively became unbearable resulting in depression and thoughts of ending it all. Started out on Vicodin, Lortab, Norco progressed to Oxycontin. The Oxycontin was very constipating among other unpleasant side effects. As a nurse of 23 years I was apprenhesive to even try the Methadone given it's reputation. I finally gave in and found the Methadose to be less harsh on the constipation and was less "heavy" feeling than the morphine. I was not informed about the effect on my teeth (they are basically rotting from the roots) nor about the near impossibility of getting off of it should I choose. I despise being controlled by a pill but I must admit the drug has been a God send in my life. It has allowed me to be an active mom and wife and to participate in things that I was previously unable to do.

This medication saved my life after 20 years of active opiate addiction and 13 trips through rehab! I cannot say enough good things about it! If only people would learn what it is and how it works before making prejudiced and ignorant remarks about it.

METHADOSE (METHADONE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat severe ongoing pain (such as due to cancer). Methadone belongs to a class of drugs known as opioid (narcotic) analgesics. It works in the brain to change how your body feels and responds to pain. Do not use this medication to relieve pain that is mild or that will go away in a few days (such as pain from surgery). This medication is not for occasional ("as needed") use. This medication is also used to treat addiction to opioids (such as heroin) as part of an approved treatment program. It helps prevent withdrawal symptoms caused by stopping other opioids. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Migraines, joint pain, rashes, fatigue, weight gain, sensitivity to light, weakened immune system, tachycardia, kidney stones, buldging discs in my spine. I've become overly sensitive to tons of medications that I was on for years, as well as foods. I may have developed an auto-immune disorder as well after having been on this medication. I'm not sure if the two are related or not but my symptoms didn't start until being on the medication for 3 months.

My 6 year old son has suffered from chronic constipation since birth. He has been on Miralax since June and he hasn't had any accidents. I don't know if he'll be on this is temporary or if he'll have to be on it permanently, but I do know it's helped him a lot and has boost his self-esteem.

Will never ever take this again

Been on Celexa for 10 years now, up and down in dose as lifes stresses went up and down... 40mg now for past 2 years. Doctor added abilify for possible Bipolar 2. I took at 7pm and within 2 hours I was sweating profusely and kept doing so for the next 24 hours, then it started to go away. I wasn't hot, I even cranked up the air conditioner, didn't help at all. I soaked my clothes and sheets. This caused some dehydration which didn't help the nausea. That was also extreme.I never actually vomited but still laid on the bathroom floor just in case. The first few bouts of it I could barely move. I was flushed and weak and trembling it was so bad.I also couldn't sleep, which I'd already been fighting insomnia the past few months. But this made it worse as I couldn't sleep more then 10-30 mins at a time. The constant sweating didn't help when trying to sleep.I'm not saying don't take this med. I dealt with bad nausea for weeks when I first started it, and also when I went without for over a week. Just wanted to share what happened to me

Had stomach removed in 2013 due to gi cancer,& other parts. Oncologist made me a small pouch connected directly from esophagus to jejunum, as I lost duodenum. I struggled to weigh 125, with incredible problems. Literally within 1 month I gained 20 lbs, mostly in abdominal area, face broke out with a type of bumps that don't respond to anything. Migraines worse, body aches, severe insomnia. He knows my med history yet prescribed this knowing my pouch can rupture. I have no stomach,duodenum, & had a small bowel resection. I've weaned myself off,& am on the strict regimen for my condition. I craved sweets like a maniac on doxepin, whereas they nauseated me before. I'm very concerned. I developed esophogitis,which have the same symptoms as throat cancer. My gi doc immediately did an endoscopy,& biopsy,lucky it was esophogitis. The bad part is that where my pouch, fake stomach is suture to my jejunum, it's stretched & inflammed, which compromised the ability to stay properly connected. I'm terrified that I won't lose this 20 lbs now. And the outcome could be quite serious. Does anyone have long term knowledge on if the weight goes away permanently after stopping doxepin? Please contact me at [email protected]. ty.

Breakthrough bleeding lasted 22 days followed by yeast infection

bronchial and sinus infections

Extreme period paid Endometriosis

I would rather have the pain I had before starting this medication. These side effects are much worse than the pain.

stomach bug picked up in Mexico