Hydrocodone bitartrate and acetaminophen (acetaminophen; hydrocodone bitartrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Hydrocodone bitartrate and acetaminophen (acetaminophen; hydrocodone bitartrate)

Did not work at all had horrible nightmares. This manufacturer is putting all kinds of fillers in the medicine that gives severe side effects

I would not recommend to anyone

Chronic pain fibromyalgia neck and

Stomach upset headache joint pain kidney issues legs swelling little pain relief!

Some has iodine in it and I'm allergic. Also sodium as filler causing me swelling!

Prior to 2017, any manufactured hydrocodone worked very well for me, now none of these pain relievers work, seems as if the pharm company's have stopped or highly reduced the main ingredient, it's not me, I hear this from thousands of pain patients, considering the falsely reported so called opioid epidemic has caused the manufacturers to just not care, anytime the government agency's are involved nothing will or ever work correctly, thanks for making me suffer, ya bunch of losers, DEA,CDC,are reporting false information, and that's a fact.

Lower Back Pain (due to injury)

When I started this medication I had no problems with getting pain relief until recently (2020-2022) when the drug formula began to change. I could immediately tell the difference between my scripts being filled each month. My last script was horrible! I don't know what binder/fillers that were put into my medicine but it made me very sick. The medicine gave me no pain relief at all. I truly believe that there was no hydrocodone in any of the pills. I have a very sensitive stomach. This pill and whatever ??? the active ingredients they mixed together made me very sick. I had to immediately discontinue taking the medication and suffer with my daily back pain. I understand that there is a drug crisis but there is also responsible people administering their medication as prescribed. We should not have to suffer with pain because of people with a drug habit and who like to abuse this medication. It's so sad ! The pharmaceutical companies (Mallinckrodt) are going to start killing patients if they're not careful with the ingredients being replaced and put into pain medicines. I feel like the drug works well for me and probably others who do not get any relief from OTC pain medications. I just pray that no one including myself gets hurts or dies from taking a prescription medication that you trust and believe that it is what your being prescribed. Lately this generic Norco by Mallinckrodt is not a good medicine being prescri

Side effects are awful!Ringing earsNo pain reliefTired, restlessness and fatigueStomach painSevere constipationSo much more !

Itchy nose, drowsiness but it wasn't the kind of drowsy that made you sleepy.

There are a lot of people that have commented and I read them all about hydrocodone manufacturers within the last few years are not putting the real thing in or aren't being honest about the amount. I wanted to write this review because those comments are 100 percent spot on. I went to the hospital a couple months ago and was given a norco 10 325 pill and just one cured my back pain for a whole night and the next day. I was so pleased that I asked my doctor if he can switch my percocets back to hydrocodone and he did. I'm pretty sure the hydroocdone they gave me at the hospital was name brand because it worked really well I mean no negative side effects and I even slept at the hospital because I didn't sleep for days before that pill. I first tried the lupin brand and I swear that brand made me itch really bad which was unheard of with ne and hydrocodone. I then tried this brand from tris pharm and they seemed like there was literally nothing in their brand and there was no medical value to them at all. Now I am trying the mallankradt brand and the formula seems really close to tris pharm bit a little better. I literally have to take 3 to feel some sort of effect which is not my experience when I was at the hospital. I asked multiple pharmacies if they can order name brand and none of them will. They contract with these generic companies that produce these sub par generics and I'm pretty sure these pharmacies and manufacturers know what they are doing. It seems as if you ques

Irritable, ear buzzing, nightmares with random images making me feel I was going crazy.

No pain relief at all. Hydrocodone seem to be missing.(peach colored pill)

Arthritis and Herniated disc's and

Malincrodt, Lupin and Amneal offer no relief at all. When I was taking the pills with the V unscription on them, they worked great. I had mobility and freedom. Now these brands are not even worth asking my Doctor to prescribe for me anymore. No relief. The Pharmaceutical companies are a disgrace to the Country I served.

it depends on manufacturer. Watson is great..Mallinckrodt has NO hydrocodone in it.The FDA is major hurting chronic pain sufferers by allowing generics to be INEFFECTIVE.

the fillers cause headaches and block the pain killer from working. WHY FDA are you doing this to working Americans ?

A lot of nausea. Opiods always give me lots of nausea, so I take them only if pain is unbearable. It helped me with tooth pain, but not all that much.

Hives, constipated, some eye blurring

Stomack spasms..pain .back and neck

It made me weak..shaky .I felt no pain releaf

I have found Norco 7.5/325 to profoundly help my chronic pain. However, I have noticed a difference in generic brands. Qualitest seems superior to the rest.

Profoundly helps me to function with my chronic pain without significant Mark side effects. I have noticed the generic brands do very in quality.

Really bad withdrawal, end up needing more if taking for a long period of time, constipation

It has given me my quality of life back and making it easier to take care of my three children! It helps the pain!

Nausea, headache, vomiting, euphoria, withdrawl

Have had many times for different reasons. Should only be short term as it takes more to work very quickly. If a dr writes for this drug long term go to another or ask to change to med for chronic pain. You will need more and become addicted to it and more to relieve pain.

Extreme drowsiness with lingering effects up to 12 hours after a dose; slight headache

Did what it's supposed to. I wish I didn't feel so tired the next day after taking it, but it's worth it for the pain relief.

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

Works great when your suffering from flank pain caused by kidney stones and/or multiple bilateral renal cysts (PKD)

I've experienced constipation with severe pain in my back and side.

Have had this drug on and off for years for varied pain. It does not work anymore. It takes 15 MG MINIMUM to help me with the pain.

I am trying to avoid pain meds all together these days even with my chronic pain. It's addictive and I got used to it really fast. It takes stronger and stronger medications to even touch my pain.

Side Effects forhydrocodone bitartrate and acetaminophen (acetaminophen; hydrocodone bitartrate) - User Comments


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This is a WONDERFUL MEDICINE:):):) .. before Nasonex I was sneezing daily more than several times a day.. I was coughing from postnasal drip, I had severe nasal congestion and chronic rhinitis and was totally miserable Indoors and outside. I have tried other nasal sprays, but they didnt work. I even tried oral antihistamines like Allegra and Clarinex, but it didnt work for me. I finally decided to give Nasonex a try and within 2 days I was actually able to breathe through my nose again, and I sneezed a lot less. Within a week after use I still sneeze {Occasionally } and I no longer have runny nose and congestion. My cough is gone since I no longer have postnasal drip. Im breathing a lot easier now, and sleeping better at night. Thank God for this Wonderful Medicine :):):):)

not a very effective med for anxiety/delusions

Never accept this drug. When the psychiatrist first wanted me to take it, I refused. I then decided to take it, thinking I was giving the psychiatrists a hard time. Worst mistake I ever made. Never let anybody give you this drug. I will ruin your life.

heart attack and high cholesterol

not too many side effects, just complete and total loss of sex drive and i am a newly wed. i noticed i started getting ovary pains but thats about it. no weight gain no fatigue no mood swings or anything like that.

Worked great in prevented pregnancy :)

Hair loss, weight gain, no motivation, headaches.

I have constant burning in my feet and I feel like I walk on rocks.