Fentora (fentanyl citrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Fentora (fentanyl citrate)

Sores on gums, nausea sometimes

Works extremely well!! God send. Wish it lasted longer.

burnt gums, some minor withdrawal after 2 years of taking

best painkiller out there. kills pain in minutes although doesn't last very long.

severe degerat knee osteoarthritis

Avulsed Brachial Plexus C-5 - T-1

extreme sleepiness, sore gums, burnt gums, jaw pain

I have severe nerve pain, and this is the only drug that knocks it out when I desperately need it. Make sure you move it around while it's in buccally to stop it from burning your gums. I coat my gums with probiotics after it dissolves. Watch out with this potent drug...only 1/hr.

sarcoidosis, chronic pericarditis,

This is an amazing drug. I have been in such severe pain and this is the only thing that has been able to REALLY REALLY work and FAST, especially for when my heart is involved. Too bad my damn insurance co. BCBS after two years of me taking fentora, they have decided that since I don't have cancer, I can't have it anymore, unless I want to pay out of pocket $5500 a month. Which I don't have. I am appealling as we speak, but it doesn't look good. Does anyone have any suggestions, to help me fight them, I really need to have this approved. I have every other narcotic you can name, they don't come close to the releif the fentora offers! (oxycontin, dilaudid, fentanyl patch, MS contin, methadone, neurontin, etc) please contact me if you can help me!! Thanks Tee

Dry mouth, not that bad. Better then Oxycontin and many of the other meds I've taken. I recommend

I also take Duragesic, Nerontin, Cymbalta.

sore bleeding gums, mild headache, occasional dizziness with nausea and vomiting( only if taken without food)

Fentora is a Godsend! I have chronic intractable pain with a spinal cord injury and Fentora is the only med that makes the pain tolerable. I only use Fentora now for my pain, I take 800mcg qid. I was able to stop taking oxycontin,methadone,and dilaudid. This med really helps! I used Actiq 1600mcg prior to Fentora and this form of Fentanyl is much stronger. Plus, it is sugar free, so even though my gums get sore, my teeth are safe. On Actiq I had 6 cavities in the first year. I just went to the dentist and I have zero with Fentora.

Fentora works extremely fast and is effective since it is absorbed throught the gums and cheek. When my pain is at its worst I can not keep a pill down. Fentora is a life saver.

complex regional pain syndrome

some dry mouth, bitter taste both short lived

acts very quickly. relief in 5-10 minutes. Lasts about an hour. More effective than Actiq. Lower dose works better.

FENTORA (FENTANYL CITRATE): This medication is used to help relieve sudden (breakthrough) cancer pain in people who are regularly taking moderate to large amounts of opioid pain medication. Fentanyl belongs to a class of drugs known as opioid (narcotic) analgesics. It works in the brain to change how your body feels and responds to pain. This medication should not be used to relieve mild or short-term pain (such as due to headache/migraine, dental procedures, surgery). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Hospital gave it in place of Nexium

was given 3 days sample blister packs with out warnings or side effects. plus I have just had a L5/S1 lumber fusion on 7/08 and a c5 thru c7 cervical fusion on 10/08 .I had a lot of IV antibiotics for both surgeries. THIS MED MUST BE TAKEN OFF THE MARKET ASAP

I am a totally different person! I have been a food addict for years, and WXL coupled with glucophage (blood sugar stabilizer) has completely changed my lifestyle. I actually can get off of the couch and get things done! I am more social, I am working on being more socially comfortable, but at least I'm getting out in the world. I joined Overeaters Anonymous and because WXL helps me with motivation, I've been very successful in the OA program. My food cravings have nearly completely stopped (also due to giving up chocolate, pasta, candy, and fruit juices/fruit flavored foods. I absolutely LOVE the excessive energy I have now. I first was on the 150 dosage, but after a few months it quit working, so I upped to 300, and it was a little strong the first couple of weeks, but now it is leveled out and I can function quite effectively. I lost 15 pounds immediately in the first couple of months of being on the WXL & glucophage drugs, and now through OA and the meds I've lost a total of 36

I really wanted it to work so I wouldn't tic as much, but sadly it made me feel evern worse. Was a big disappointment.

Breathing heavy very tied hurting more very. It just makes me weak I don't feel right

I like the way it lulls me into a good nights sleep except when I've relied on it for too long.

i have cut back to 50 MG per day. Im seeing the dr this wekk i want to try Celexa

None. It does what it is supposed to do. I suppose if you abuse it and take a handful of tablets, you'd get high; but you won't hallucinate like you will on Amcien. No amnesia. And it's good for insommia. My father recently died and due to family uproar, I had terrible insomnnia. I was rx'd wellbutrin for depression, but that unfortunately can increase anxiety and insomnia (thought for me, it's the best antidepressant). During this period, I had horrendous insomnia and klonopin really helped: it helped me calm down and it helped me relax enough to sleep. Much, much better than xanax becaues of the longer half-life: no rubber band effect.

Chest pain, irregular heart beat, extremely irregular periods, excrutiating cramps, thick white/yellowish discharge, slight odor, severe mood swings, hot flashes, crying fits.

Worked great; sleep all through the night and wake up refreshed.