Fentanyl (fentanyl citrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Fentanyl (fentanyl citrate)

Sometimes sweating, don't know of any other issues.

So far it's a life saver, I couldn't deal with life without it, was bed ridden mostly, could not sit in chair, can't drive in car, from the pain sitting up. Now I am up and moving much more them in the last 2 years since my surgery. I hoping to do even more, going up to 50mg soon.

Zero, I was a couch potato for 5 years because of debilitating pain

If used as prescribed I could finally get off the couch and do things that I could not do for years. Friends could not believe how I changed back and started doing work that I only dreamed of. I am not high from the fentanyl, all it did was make my pain bearable.

Pain two bad hips,back spurs,vertab

It took a year for my body to adjust. Dizzy, I did not want food. I still Itch on some brands, mainly scalp.It is VERY sun sensitive. Can kill you. Take warnings seriously.

It is not supposed to help you with weight, but I lost over 80 lbs, because my appetite just was not there. (I needed to) And I continue for over a year now to maintain the same weight, because my taste buds changed so. Foods I liked or loved- are no longer good. Small portions are all I want.

Neuropathic and Spinal cord injury

The drug was fine for 9 1/2 years, then the patches would leave complete red patches that would become so itchy that you could not keep them on for more than 4 hours. The skin ulcerated and became infected. WE had to finally quit and was started on Oxycodone / Naloxone and it is working much better. The skin is starting to heal but it will be weeks if not months before it is completely healed. Dr did not know what was causing the problem.

I believe it was the adhesive and not the Fentanyl. I do not know what to do. It was very good for so many years and it seems as though the glue started the problem and nothing we could do to stop it.

severe upper back pain (Thoracic)

Due to dose I have breakthrough pain thru out day. At times I have sweats.

This medication has truly saved my life. I finally sleep after 6 yrs of suffering. I'm losing weight.feel much better if only I can get the dose correct to fix the breakthrough pain I would just maybe be able to work again.

Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain Syndrome

Constipation, drowsiness. Note: these do not make me high, though I am sure that my body is physically addicted to them - I have been taking them for 14 years now.

The Fentanyl Patch gave me my life back. Before I was placed on it I was in constant pain, so much pain that it made me nauseous and would keep me from sleeping. I began with the 50 patch but soon realized it was not enough so went to 75. After a few years I went up to 100, but it made me too drowsy - back to the 75. That seems the best for me. I place them on my upper chest alternating sides. I've found the one's with the liquid reservoir to work the best. To maintain the correct dose I change patches every other day.

Worked well for pain at first. After two years became drug resistant withFlu-ish symptoms. Changed to morphine. The withdrawal from Fentanyl was TERRIBLE. The worst thing I've experienced.

Nausea, dry mouth, dizziness, nervousness.

I was given Fentanyl as a part of my sedation "cocktail" and to ease any pain I might experience during my procedure. I didn't make me feel calmer, it only made me feel nervous and sick to my stomach. I hated it. I don't usually take well to pain killers, and this one was no exception. I know it helps some people deal with their pain, but this stuff is just not for me.

Im noticing people are rating Fentanyl that don't regularly use it. They've just had an experience w/it as part of a surgery.That's interesting. I have been using this med for over six yrs after trying most every other pain therapy and med. and it is by far the less addictive -it hasn't caused me to need or crave more. It provides excellent pain relief for a severe chronic pain problem.It also -at least in my state -has by far the lowest deaths by overdose as compared to other opiates. It's ideal for people with nerve pain who need a steady stream of pain med.I get the kind of patches w/o the gel inside so I can cut them in half and put a half on every other day. It makes the dose more even.Also,I have better luck putting them on by my hipbones then on my back-not sure why? But I do-the skin is thinner and they stick better there. I do take hot baths and they still work well. Not recommending the hot baths for everyone but for nerve pain it helps. The directions say it releases the med faster,tho,so? Might make your patch not last as long, Seems fine for me. Doing the patches in half I get no creepy withdrawals and they work well. Good luck to everybody :) hope your pain becomes better n easier. The side effects are some tiredness and feeling a little checked out sometimes.

Helps with pain very well with little side effects, mostly constipated.

Great medicine and I think because it's a patch vs pill, it is abused less by street people.

The Fentanyl Patch works very well WHEN I get the correct dosage, but they are unreliable. sometimes the patches do not deliver the correct amount of Fentanyl. I am chemically dependent on the patch and easy to tell when low dose

I wish they would check their dosages more carefully - fairly often I do NOT get the correct amount. When I am getting the correct amount in the patch I do quite well.

Severe headaches after 5 days post-op. This has happened twice. October 2010 and May 2011. Was told by Doc that I was also given Versed... so don't know if reaction was from Versed, Fentanyl or both

Good news was I do not have any memory of the procedures... but only tied the severe headaches to the meds today. When the headache occured in October, PCP did not identify that they could be from procedure done by other doc 5 days before... so went through a series of test (CT scan, eye test, blood work) in Oct 2010 that never identified the root cause. So I tied the headaches today after recalling the last severe headache occured 5 days post op past time.

patch for back,butt,leg,foot pain

slightly tired, a little dizzy at times.

I lived with severe back pain for about 13 years. Basically lived in my bed for 10 of those years. I had SEVERAL surgeries, procedures and therapies but no relief. I hurt so bad I wished I would not wake up at times. Depression became a monkey on my back that I thought would never go away. Using this and Neurontin has given me back a life. Not a perfect life but a thousand times happier one.

until time to detox-that was pure hell. Overall, I am glad it was there when I needed it since nothing else worked.

I was drowsy from the Morphine and when given Fentanyl I literally went from feeling drowsy to being wide awake.

The physician needed to remove my sheath after an Angiogram. He requested 25 mcg IV, which woke me up. The nurse gave me 50 mcg more, which woke me up even more. This medication did not make me tired at all. The removal of the sheath was very painful. I am not sure if this is common, but Fentanyl is not for me.

Great pain medication. This is the only narcotic analgesic I did not experience negative side effects with; it controlled my pain as required. I would take this medication any day over a horrible drug like morphine. The euphoria with this medication is awesome. Given pre-procedurally, it works like a charm.

Sedation, unable to keep anything down.

I was given fentanyl in an IV first when it helped a little, and then was given the patch while I was in the hospital for a chronic migraine that wouldn't go away after 5 days. I barely remember much of went on because of constant medications that were given to me, but I do remember being given the patch and not having much pain relief, but not being able to do anything besides sleep and throwing up.

Sweating, nausea, unreliable dosage, sometimes too much, sometimes nothing, allergic to adhesive.

Maybe some drowsiness-hard to tell because I take a few medications.

This has been an absolute miracle for me. As for lawsuits and danger warnings-all the cases I have read about have been caused by abusing the drug or drs prescribing Fentanyl for patients that were not tolerant to opiods.This is he only med. I have taken that provides me with complete pain relief on many days. If I do a lot of physical stuff I have breakthrough pain, bt it is NOTHING like what I used to have. I have taken most every pain med and these patches have far, far less side effects. I am so thankful for this drug!!

I was given Fentanyl in combination with Versed for a routine colonoscopy. The procedure went very well - little pain, but I vomited for 12 hours afterwards and had vertigo, especially when driving for the next 4 days. I had to take an additional day off work to recover. I am not sure whether the Versed was to blame or the Fentanyl or both??

FENTANYL (FENTANYL CITRATE): This medication is used to help relieve severe ongoing pain (such as due to cancer). Fentanyl belongs to a class of drugs known as opioid (narcotic) analgesics. It works in the brain to change how your body feels and responds to pain. Do not use the patch form of fentanyl to relieve pain that is mild or that will go away in a few days. This medication is not for occasional ("as needed") use. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I went to Planned Parenthood, where I was examined, supplied with the abortion pills, RU-486 or, also called as Mifepristone, and a few mild pain killers, and, then, send home with instruction to take the pills by myself. After taking them, I was suffering prolonged, severe and disabling pain. I was crying, moaning from pain for 2 hours, then, just lying down. I had been just lying down for 6 more hours in such severe pain that I wasn't able to move my body, lift my head, and call for help. In 10 hours, when I was able to hardly move, I called emergency of Planned Parenthoodand and told about my pain, on which I was told that they couldn't help me, it was a part of a procedure, and I just gotta take it.

First,only and last time taking this drug. DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG OR STOP TAKING IT ASAP! I spent $150 for it as my insurance did not cover it. Seems they developed a money saving strategy to stop covering anything related to coughs or colds during the months of October thru February (flu season). How slick of them because of course you don't know this until you go to retrieve your prescription. I experienced extreme vomiting which really threw me for a loop because supposedly you can take this drug with or without food. I had just finished a very hearty Sunday dinner, took my med and not even 15 minutes later, it was happening. Vomiting, sweating, etc.I strongly advise anyone against taking this medicine. Be the opposite of Nike and JUST DON'T DO IT!

Horrible headaches, leg cramps, abdominal pain, lower back pain, breast tenderness, mood swings.....This was all within the FIRST three days! Then I started noticing brown discharge which turned into heavy bleeding, I go through a pad almost every hour-2hours! I am in almost unbearable pain!

Irritability, mood swings, brain fog, depressed, dry skin, hair loss, insomnia, fatigue, loss of mobility, change in appetite, change in libido.

Got rid of my everyday migraine but am having side effects of itching all over my hands, feet, and legs, and extreme insomnia. No more than 4 hours a night and I take it at night, anyone know if taken during the day helps?

I am an elite athlete and college coach who has never had any cramping of my legs in all my years of sports. After 5 days of levofloxacin to treat a stubborn bout of step, the throat infection was completely gone yet I could barely walk from the worst calf cramps I could imagine. I've been off the drug for a week now and still cannot walk at more than a leisurely pace. If I try running at all my legs lock up with excruciating pain below the calf muscles. Everyone thinks I'm crazy when I tell them them, but I was never told, warned or informed of the risks by either my doctor or pharmacist. I am an otherwise fit, employed professional who is starting to think this will never get better. Any suggestions?

It was convenient to only have to take a pill a month. Wish it would have worked for me.

I gained about 20 lbs. while I was taking Lexapro and was feeling very tired, so my doctor switched me to Wellbutrin because she said it had the least amount of side effects. I was on it for only a few days and stopped because I felt more anxious than ever. It was horrible.

weight gain, cravings for sweets, irratibilty.

Don't use it leaves you with more pain and discomfort