Fentanyl-100 (fentanyl) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Fentanyl-100 (fentanyl)

I am on Fentanyl 100mcg patch every 2 days, this medication helps allow me to best manage my horrific personal pain problems.

constipation, lack of concentration, mild irritation at the patch site, possible short term memory lapses

I've been on the patch for about 6 months, and have tolerated it pretty well. I've been on morphine ER, methadone, and oxycontin, and the fentanyl patch has helped more than the others. For me, as with others, it doesn't last the intended 3 days, so my doctor has me replacing the patches every 2 days instead, which works out well. The best thing about these patches is that they have limited the severity of my most intense pain ("attacks" as I call them), and I can at least move around the house while on the patch, as I am bedridden without it.

griting teeth, immediate withdrawal symptoms, itching, loose stools, depression, loss of appetite, emotions all over the place, and it goes on and on.

My doctor and I strongly feel that I had allergic reaction to this medication because I am allergic to vicodin too. This medication was suppose to last 72 hrs instead I started having withdrawal symptoms as soon as I placed the patch on my arm! Be careful! I felt like I was better off dead and thought i was going to be.

failed lower back surgery, fibromya

sleepiness, loss of concentration, very bad side effects if you don't change patches every three days

have been through withdrawal because a doctor told me to just stop using them so I could change to opana. Do not just stop at once! You must decrease your patches very slowly to avoid nasty withdrawel symptoms.

FENTANYL-100 (FENTANYL): See also Warning section. This medication is used to help relieve sudden (breakthrough) cancer pain in people who are regularly taking moderate to large amounts of opioid pain medication. Fentanyl belongs to a class of drugs known as opioid (narcotic) analgesics. It works in the brain to change how your body feels and responds to pain. This medication should not be used to relieve mild or short-term pain (such as due to headache/migraine, dental procedures, surgery). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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low blood sugar, aura part of migraine, stomach pain, fast heartbeat at times while taking drug. After stopping drug, have severe pain walking. pain is in knees and ankles and still have two months later. Also burning in toes at times, and headache. These side effects were not present before taking the drug.

nausea -- strong at first, then after a few weeks come and go, mild --, very sleepy, however not able to stay asleep, vivid weird dreams, sweaty both at night and in general (never had that before), lack of appetite, also feel sort of numb emotionally

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Some hyperactivity at first, insomnia which went away, no nausea but it has (over time) reduced my cravings. I still have an appetite but i am able to make more rational decisions regarding food so am able to lose a little weight in the process. Feel a bit more upbeat now in the winter.

narcolepsy (without caterplexy)

i'd avoid this stuff like the plague

I had mild hallucinations after my first 10mg dose. I never had them with the 5mg dose, but the 5mg dose didn't work to well for sleep. It probably wouldn't have been a problem if I had gone straight to bed instead of staying up. On the plus side, I realized that I was hallucinating at the time and thought it was funny. It only lasted for about 5 minutes and then eased up and I went to bed. It has not happened since that first dose.

I thought my wife was going to die...... I believe the nurses od'd her on this med... She was in such a deep sleep that she stopped breathing... Her O2 level dropped into the low 30's......

Flu symptoms next day, for 24 hours, fatigue for a few days. A few days later SEVERE foot,knee lower leg pain. Swelling hands,feet. Worse after sitting for extended period, better after movement. Worsened existing constipation issues.Water,heat, massage, helped IMMENSELY. I'm 6 weeks out and still having all of these symptoms. I'm not a faithful water drinker, and I think that would have helped immensely if I had been more diligent with that. They seem to be better at times. I've also been taking Acetaminophen,and Naprosen once daily. Water seems to have a SIGNIFICANT impact.I also highly recommend Deep Tissue massage and soaking in a hot tub or Whirlpool if available. I'm told the half life of Reclast is 90-120 days so I'm hopeful it will subside soon.Water Water Water! I think that should have been stressed as an instruction!

Verses all the other meds I have been on for Bi-Polar, this one has had the least side-effects. Minimal weight gain. Assists in getting to sleep. I only take at bedtime as it does make your drowsy.