Dilaudid-hp (hydromorphone hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Dilaudid-hp (hydromorphone hydrochloride)

Side Effects fordilaudid-hp (hydromorphone hydrochloride) - User Comments


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My doctor switched me to Loestrin from Yaz after all the negative Yaz press. I never had any problems with Yaz, it lightened my periods and curbed my PMS. I started taking Loestrin 10 days ago. I am hungry all of the time. I gained 4 pounds in 9 days! I am also very moody, paranoid, have had bad thoughts and had my first migrain-ever. I am exhausted, often going to bed before 9pm. I think I may have even had an allergic reaction as my lips became swollen and started to peel. I blamed this on the cold weather and use of heater but after ready the side effects, lip, tongue and facial swelling are a sign of serious allergic reaction. I immediately contacted my obgyn. The nurse stated that she thought I was having a reaction and should stop medication immediately. I have an appointment to see her this week. I found this site after I made the appointment and am shocked at all the side effect that were never discussed with me. In fact, I was told that this medication would be better than the

was told to take at bedtime. when I first started taking I felt light headed, had restless dreaming, tired all the time and had to urinate many times during the night and day. Now after 4 mo. symptoms are less dramatic. I am not sure how long I need to continue with since my surgery.

some drowsiness, mostly early in the day, but other than that this drug was well tolerated

I take it in addition to lithium. I find it has helped stabilize me but being overly tired causes me to be a wreck and worse off then before. I am going to try decreasing my dosage and see if I can sleep then.

I too am having the white clumpy discharge, but it did not start until 2 days after I finished the medication.

Sleep Sweats. Diminished sex drive and ability to have a sustainable erection. Had to take Viagra. Even then, difficult ejaculation at times. Sensitivity in Penis diminished. Had Sleep sweats. Yawning a lot. Slowed down thought processes..at times short term memory disfunction.

Tolerated very well except when I increased the dosage to the max during a flare-up, then I developed severe joint pain, swelling and inflammation in my hands. This disappeared when I stopped taking it for a few weeks, and since then I have resumed the usual dosage and it is working well.

After my second COVID SHOT I developed shingles and promised myself once it was resolved that I would get the shingles vaccine!Little did I know it would be worse than the bout of shingles. 24 hours after first Shingrix shot I started to experience extreme fatigue, fever of 101, headache and chills. My left arm is so sore I finally took a Vicodin that I had left from a surgery and it didnt even take away the pain. I am very worried as I have a 9 hour shift as an RN tomorrow and do not know if I will be able to make it through the day!!!I am very disappointed that my NP downplayed the side effects. She told me I might have slight flu-like symptoms the next day but completely downplayed it. I definitely will NOT be getting a second vaccine after reading about other people's experience being so much worse with the second shot!

Slight drowsiness, fatigue, nausea that drops my desire to eat, a little, constipation

Made me suicidal severe stomach pains and chest pains and almost put me in hospital still might and horrific diarrhea and cough bringing up phlem and a debilitating headache never again