Darvon (propoxyphene hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Darvon (propoxyphene hydrochloride)

Darvon is a strong pain medication and when I take it I go to bed. It does affect ones mental state and a person should not make legal decisions when taking it or drive or mow the lawn.

I have taken this drug for decades and I have had doctors prescribe other prescription pain medications and either they were ineffective or I became addicted. Now that it has been recalled by FDA I don't know what I'll do. I check out every new medication for migraines and there are reasons I cannot take any of them. I can't believe that Reglan and Avandia are available and had hearings but not Darvon. It seems that it should be my decision and my doctors as to my risk in taking Darvon. I guess since medical marijuana is now legal in this state, that might be what I have to use. Now that is sad.It's being banned in Canada, too.

worked well to relieve the pain

I take what is called Darvon 65 which was manufactured by Lilly. I have taken it since it was first on the market and have had no problem with this medication. I do take it with food or milk and I never drive or do dangerous activities or make major decisions because it does alter ones judgement. But with the headaches I wouldn't be driving, etc. anyway.

Darvon 65 was manufactured by Lilly and then it was sold. I hear that someone is suing FDA for not banning this drug. It is narcotic and should be used sparingly as it is potent. Without darvon I'd be in the ER with my headaches and probably vomitting from the severe pain. I've tried other medications and I became addited to them in a few days.

The first day it helped, took away the pain, made me a bit stupid and sleepy. The second day it still helped with pain but it made me anxious, paranoid, and despairing. The third day (generally the worst after surgery) I decided to live with the pain. Better some pain than feeling crazy and filled with despair. Scary.

This is such a disappointment. In the past I took it with no ill effects. I guess my body just can't handle it anymore. A smaller size is listed in the PDR, and I requested it, but the pharmacist was not even able to find a place to order it! You'd think there would be some effort to help people take LOWER doses of narcotics. If I have to take it again I will open the capsule and dump out half the medicine first.

Side Effects fordarvon (propoxyphene hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Had a very bad rash that (Although not the cause of my hospitalization at the time) was hard to cure and full body and if had not been in the hospital for a related issue I'd have been in trouble.

Merck should do the responsible thing and take this drug off the market. I'm fed up with the drug companies trying to give us a pill for everything. I'm really glad I never took hormones! Wish the doctors would be more open-minded to their patients and stop believing all the propaganda the drug companies produce!

Weight gain, swelling in the ankles, leg pain, hair loss. I lost about 1/5th of my hair (I'm female and it doesn't run in my family). A 2nd opinion from another doctor said that hair loss occasionally happens with Hyzaar. Am now on an older drug - no side effect, and I've lost 2 lbs. in 2 weeks, as opposed to gaining 20 lbs. in 4 months. Plus, the cost is outrageous!

Weight gain. Was somewhat sedating at first, but it wore off quickly.

I am highly sensitive to medications. I am so thankful to have seen this sight- now everything makes sense; unfortunately, today is my last day!Symptoms have included: dizziness, loss of thought/unfocused/foggy, metallic taste in mouth, constant naseau, broken out red/bump face, extreme moodiness, depression like feelings, crying at nothing/overly emotional, lack of appetite. This might some it all up- I will NEVER take this again.


I took this drug and loved the results until the side effects started. Its been almost 3 weeks since I stopped taking it and still feel the side effects. Drug was made from snake venom..how can ppl who call themselves doctors prescribe this to ppl knowing exactly what it is..

I am not a smoker. I have a presumed auto-immune disease called Ulcerative Colitis. I've read research that nicotine helped control the symptoms of UC. It did for me, but the trade off in side-effects was not worth it for me. I am now trying to get off this stuff and I am dependent on nicotine. I would use the 7 mg patch a few hours a day until I couldn't stand the side-effects anymore, then rip it off (man what a negative glucose ride that is all by itself). Then sometimes I would put a new patch on several hours later. Anyway, I hope my UC doesn't flare back up again that I have to get back on nicotine.Health History: Diagnosed UC in 2001. Otherwise healthy.Current Flare History: Started end of Jan 2007 till early April 2007. Treated with prednisone Feb 07-Apr 07, nicotine (feb 07 - jun 07), lialda (ongoing), MSIR (for pain and diarhea. ongoing taper down). If anyone has similar experience please post here.

Couldn't fall or stay asleep .

Cerebellar dysfunction: (aka, difficulty walking, speaking, hand tremors, difficulty concentrating, difficulty swallowing). Autonomic dysfunction (aka, low heart rate, heart palpitations, loss of appetite, constipation, nausea, temperature irregulation, heat intolerance, shortness of breath, altered mental state including anxiety, depression, panic attacks, paranoia,disorientation, lowered stress threshold). Misc symptoms related to neurotoxicity: fatigue, weakness, headaches, neck pain, stiff neck.muscle aches, ringing in ears