Toradol (ketorolac tromethamine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Toradol (ketorolac tromethamine)

Went to ER with chest pain, work up was negative for anything serious. Gave me toradol through IV and felt okay right away, an hour later having extremely horrible very low pelvic cramping. Leg muscle pain and feel hot. The cramping is intense and horrible. I will never take this medication again. Regular Motrin works better with less side effects

At first the shot in my buttocks burned, then the hospital released me immediately after the injection, they should have monitored me, on the way home in my cab I began feeling extremely dizzy, then very nauseous, then I got to my apartment building, I was completely foggy brained, I still had lower back pain but it did help it slightly, and then my next 5 days on the medication were pure hell, I kept calling the doctor at the hospital back to ask is it normal to be throwing up and they said yes and so I would ask is it normal to be dizzy yes well I am extremely foggy brain and the people here at my apartment building we're making fun of me and I was just so upset with them that I began yelling so I didn't even have a filter typically I would just not care if they were making fun of me but I began yelling and they began yelling back at me and now my lease is being terminated, but I think that is a combination of the hospital's lacking to monitor me as well as my landlords not having any consideration for the fact that I was taking heavy medication, in addition to the nausea dizzy and foggy brain I also developed a cough and my throat and eyes begin to swell I was crying to get someone to come and help me with the mean people here in my apartment building which I normally wouldn't cry about something like that so it affected my mental state, I also had heavy diarrhea with strong stomach cramps and let me tell you I thought at least I'd be able to sleep at night but even I was

I literally went to the hospital with lower back pain and returned home to host of all other symptoms in addition to my lower back pain and now losing my housing because of the way the medication affected my mind.

Horrible stomach cramps, diahhrea, painful muslce spasms at night that woke me up it was so painful. Induced depression, and extreme pain in left hip, I'm 5 days in and pain is super bad, didn't even help the pain at all.

Was given an injection in emergency room

I have been dizzy, headachy, am constipated, have nausea Also still have chestdiscomfort. .

Got a shot of toradol in the ER for severe sciatic pain. Seemed to help ease the pain a bit. Noticed very little in the way of any side effects until I tried to go to sleep that night. Every time I closed my eyes it was just an explosion of colors, lights, people, movement. It was like I was being bombarded with some crazy psychedelic movie behind my eyelids. I could not shut it off. I had a horrible time falling asleep, and when I finally did drift off the dreams I had were incredibly vivid and cinematic.

Decent medication for pain, would not let my mind rest for a moment though.

Horrible pain, burning and throbbing in my arm. It caused me to have a very painful muscle spasm. I also had nausea, awful abdominal cramps and diarrhea.

My ankle still hurts after all that. Will never let anyone give that shot to me ever again! Most painful shot I've ever had.

Horrible stomach cramping, nonstop diarrhea with blood. Facial flushing and feeling sick

Would never recommend this to anyone. I trusted my surgeon but after how I felt and reading the extremely scary warnings- I will never take this again!

No issues aside from mild headache and dry mouth. Knee is still tender, but I waited a week before doing anything about it. I didn't expect miracles, just some relief so I could walk again. I suspect it will continue to improve as long as I stay ahead of it and return to Dr if it gets worse or no improvement. At this point improvement is pretty significant so I'm happy.

Was given via injection in hip along with steroid shot in other hip.

Legs feel like lead, injection site pain (both hips), racing heartbeat, difficulty breathing, flushed/warm 6hrs post injection

Experienced severe pain x 2 months, finally got doc appt and a steroid shot with a Toradol injection. Severe burning at injection site. Pain moderately alleviated but returned. Side effects started as the drug wore off.

I had an impacted wisdom tooth my whole jaw neck throat mouth head cheek whole right side of my face was swollen and in so much pain.. I couldn't open my mouth to eat talk or drink anything! On the 4th day enough was enough I couldn't get into my dentist so I went to the ER ! they prescribed me some generic Toradol (ketorolac) and a antibiotic within 15 minutes I felt the pain being relieved and it was such a good feeling after being in extreme pain for the last four days! I had no side effects I always took my pill with some milk and somthing small to eat with it ! Highly recommend!

I experienced complete and total pain relief from a dental extraction complication: dry socket. This works excellent for dental pain. Highly recommend

I received an IV of Toradol in the hospital and then took 10 mg orally that night before bed. It helped my pain. I felt fine until the next day. That's when the side effects started- severe headache that is very persistent, weird taste in my mouth, grogginess, anxiety, and depression. None of these things are normal for me. The headache and grogginess have been the worst side effects. I had toradol through IV the first afternoon, then an oral tablet that night, and then 10 mg for 2 nights after that. I haven't even had any more toradol since 3 days ago but I still feel like crap.

I can't imagine why they would prescribe this crap, it's just as dangerous as ibuprofen I take enough of that so why would you use this drug with so many bad side effects it's just not that effective to chance the BAD SIDE EFFECTS ITS NOT FOR ME!!

Torodol injection. An hour or two post injection I started having awful stomach cramping that was eventually accompanied by the feeling of extreme gas in my stomach. It has now been 24 hours and I am still experiencing these side effects. I received a smaller dose about 2 years ago for an injury and had no side effects, so I thought I would be fine. I was very very wrong. I will not except this injection again. My stomach cramps are not worth it.

Highly recommend this medicine. Anytime I go see my pcp or visit er for migraines I get this shot and works great and super fast!! I've noticed for me I must get the shit the pills don't work for me

Been given this drug via iv once when I was age 63 and now at 65 back then I was warned and I quote " it might make you a little anxious" my behind, I was bouncing off the walls with anxiety so much I was ready to pull the iv lines out of my arm and yelling bc I needed help! Flesh forward I'm in the ER again w headaches and this nurse says we're going to give you a cocktail, cocktail ! The cocktail include toradol and another drug to take the edge off of the side effects of if ( I guess by now they knew how terrible this drug is ) yet they still want to give it to me,and to you SMH and it didn't take a New York minute for me to demand that they unhook the IV drip bc again there was the sudden high anxiety and nervous feeling I get when taking this drug..they need to ban this drug!!!!

Passed out after a few hours of taking injection

Toradol iv. Helped a lot with pain and movement. Have been anxious and upset stomach, tight muscles. 3 days post

Surgery - Uterine Polyp removal

Given IV Toradol post op - It is 3 days post op. No pain, but have nausea, burping, lightheaded, dizzy, still tired, but not sleeping well, hot flashes (I have been post menopausal for >1 year and never had hot flashes before). Unusual rapid heart rate after nominal exertion. I don't feel steady/safe enough to drive a car. Feels like my blood pressure is too low.

I would not use it again. Rather have had no pain meds than this. Missed day of work.

I didn't notice any reduction of pain or discomfort for about an hour. Now 2 hours later my muscles are still aching and cramped in my back but not as bad. Other areas like shoulder and abdominal muscles still hurt. It wasn't a cure-all for me. I am also very tired.

TORADOL (KETOROLAC TROMETHAMINE): Ketorolac is used for the short-term treatment (up to 5 days) of moderate to severe pain in adults, such as after surgery. Reducing pain helps you recover more comfortably so you can return to your normal daily activities. This medication is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It works by decreasing inflammation, swelling, and pain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Shaking and excessive sweating and very dry mouth and easily agitated.

Woke up sick as a dog head Banging. I took the generic smvastain

Strange, sleep disorders, such as hypnogogic hallucinations and yelling out in my sleep which would freak out those around me...only one of two drugs to do this to me (the other being Manerix). Generally feeling like a slug which resulted in eventual weight gain

made me sleepy, made me much less irritable, helped with anxiety attacks. When took to close together made me sort of manic. Did not increase sex drive, but did help with the stress hindering from being able to have sex

Chronic migraines after whiplash

hell of a drug, DO NOT TAKE, poison!!

I have been on depo shot before this and that was a breeze compared to this. Buy the depo did cause me pelvic floor problems due to doctor letting me be on it to long. Then they put me on birth control pills...between pills and covid vaccine I got a blood clot in right lung....had to be on blood thinners...only option I had left was this birth control and I'm really not liking it.....I got it put in on August and I about flew off the hurt so bad.....and the pain lasted for a long time after.....I will not re due it after 5 years....after that head aches started....I am used to no periods cause depo did that to me and was use to spotting.....but tender breasts..Hate it....I went and got a pregnancy test......negative....a woman shouldn't have to worry.... I did have anxiety before this due to the blood clot and this thing has made it worse....I am. Noticing other stuff starting but not sure if it's this or something else...we will see...

Some sleepiness, constipation, loss of sex drive.

Despite how hard I tried weight loss has been impossible! Will see what happens when I stop this drug.

I was prescribed 500mg three times a day for ten days.Took for three days. On third day felt like I had cold water running through my joints. Didn't think anything of it. Next day took first two then as soon as I took third felt like I'd had a stroke.I couldn't speak my face had gone numb and I felt like it had dropped to one side. I was dizzy felt sick and extremely frightened with a feeling of impending doom.I rang the emergency doctor and he said I had had a very rare reaction to it and couldn't take it again. Thank God