Talacen (acetaminophen; pentazocine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Talacen (acetaminophen; pentazocine hydrochloride)

Gives me energy when the pain is merely awful. Makes me sleepy when the pain is deadly. No drugged feeling. Not addictive. Let me live like I was almost in good health.

Needs to be used with a super muscle relaxer like soma. Sadly the VA doesn't seem to be able to afford it so they use hydrocodone and additive drugs.

Took 1/2 of a 650 mg. tablet (325 mg.) 4xday. Only noticeable side effect was feeling 'out of it' some.

Excellent pain reliever with few side effects. Able to take 1/2 dose (325 mg 4xday). I don't take pain meds. on a regular basis, so that is probably why the small dose worked for me.

One had little effect. One and a half to two makes you a little tired and "out of it". This drug also left me feeling sick.

Good for moderate pain relief if taking 1.5 to 2. One seldom does anything.

Side Effects fortalacen (acetaminophen; pentazocine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Started this drug since I have perimenopausal migraines and I am allergic to all NSAIDS and aspirin -- the amount of Tylenol I was taking was going to fry my liver, so Topamax is the lesser of two evils even thought this is a very powerful drug. Prediabetic also so my doc would welcome a 20 pound weight loss, so she wanted me to try this. Sleep definitely improved -- sleep soundly and wake refreshed. Some daytime sleepiness but this has passed as I got used to it. Fat around my midsection has started to go away -- even though I've only lost a couple of pounds my figure looks better because of this slimming in this area -- guess it is due to less cortisol/stress hormone and therefore less fat there. Feel less stressed and am doing better at work ( a new career.) Topamax still scares me but I think it has definitely improved my life -- wish it weren't so expensive though!

very tired, very bad stomach ache, and put weight on, but it took the pain away that amoxicillin couldnt

Very very vivid dreams every night. Slight constipation. Slowness (i.e. lack of energy).

Its can be a very dangerous drug for those who have an intolerance to it.

Didn’t really experience much side effects. My only concern was the extreme night sweating

Dont take this medicine!!!! Its better to have a headache then to suffer from the horrible side effects of this medicine

Requested a sleep aid to help reset body clock, after 3years of extreme fatiguefrom taking Tamoxifen- post breat cancer. Ambien seemed superb for first 3 or 4 days. Then, I started having amnesia with regard to conversatiins, put dog's Rx's in garbage can ...??? Excessively sleepy..weeping and depressed. Thien read these varied reviews. THANK GOD YOU HAVE THEM ON HERE! THANKS TO WOMAN WHO REPOSTS EVERY 9 MONTHS! I HAVE BEEN WARNED. THERE IS NO WAY I AM GOING DOWN THIS PATH.

I was debating on getting the second shot because the dr. says my body just needs to get used to the drug and side effects will go away...reading others issues helped me decide no on my next shot. I'd rather have painful periods and end up pregnant than deal with this any longer.

I've read LOTS of negative comments on here from people taking this for anxiety and I can't help but wonder if these are unstable people who harbor negative feelings towards EVERYTHING in the world (lol). By taking only 1mg per day (night actually) I have no side effects whatsoever! It is so much gentler than Ambien, Lunesta, Sonata and Rozerem and has no hangover effect. In fact, I never even notice any effect from this pill at all -- I am just able to get to sleep when I want.

Felt like I was drunk, feelings of detachment from reality. When I tried to stop taking it the side effects were horrible: shaking, much worse anxiety, insomnia, strange feelings in my brain. The feeling that something was moving around in my brain lasted up to three weeks after I took the last pill.