Soma compound (aspirin; carisoprodol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Soma compound (aspirin; carisoprodol)

I don't know how I could have survived the past ten years without this wonder drug. I have never abused it and it's the only thing that has given me any sort of quality of life. For those that are prone to drug abuse of any kind I can see how it could be dangerous, but for those of us who actually suffer from life long debilitating pain from muscle spasms it's a god send.I've recently had two level acdf surgery and I've had to bump up the dosage a bit, but if all goes well I should be able to go back to my normal dosage.

Neck and shoulder spasms, back pain

I have been taking Soma, off and on, for over 10 years and occassional drowsiness is the only side effect I've even experienced...but even that is dependent upon other circumstances, such as time of day and whether I take it with food or alone.

SOMA is one of the most effective muscle-relaxant drugs I have ever taken. Chemically, I know that the drug does not really act directly on muscles, but instead acts on the brain pathways. Regardless of the actual process, the effect is still to relieve muscle tension and the pain that accompanies muscle spasm.It is a drug that could be addictive if you overdose on it and like the effect of being in a drunken stupor, which is an awful feeling top begin with. Howeever, when taken properly Soma is not addictive at all, IMHO, but then again, I have never been addictive to anything, either medicinal or non-medicinal. Considering that I have been taking Soma for over 10 years, I can skip taking Soma for extended periods w/o any withdrawl symptoms at all.It is a wonderful medication, and when combined with analgesics, the effect is synergistic and complimentary.

Side Effects forsoma compound (aspirin; carisoprodol) - User Comments


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It began with severe fatigue and vomiting. Sometimes diarrhea sometimes constipation and sometimes both. I would experience extreme body pain after being injected that would last around 3 days. While on invega i felt constantly fatigued and irritated.

After 2 pills, I felt extremely dizzy, racing heart, and heart palpatations. I called the Dr. and she said my symptoms were probably not caused by Cipro but agreed to switch me to Bactrim. I took one pill of Bactrim and felt the same symptoms. I went to urgent care thinking I was having a heart attack.. My blood pressure and pulse were elevated. The Dr. ran an EKG, tested heart enzymes, and took a chest x-ray, which all turned out to be fine. He diagnosed me with a normal sinus arrythmia and told me to continue taking Cipro and remove caffiene from my diet. After my 1st dose back on Cipro, I had the same symptoms as before only worse. I finished my last dose and hope that I am one of the lucky ones that do not have long lasting side effects.

Would not recommend this drug. I will not continue taking this. Have heard of an alternative called Osteo-valin. Will check that out and let the doctor have the rest of my meds!!

This drug made me feel so wierd...not myself and extremely sad with nighymares.Also ended up in the ER on a heart monitor for several hour BPM @ 128.Scary experience im still trying to get back to norm.I would never recommend.

Doc said that was very unusual, but to stop taking it. Then a friend of mine told me that it suppresses TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). I have no idea if that is correct, but I am hypothyroid. If it suppresses TSH, I would think that the doctors would know that and not prescribe it for someone like me. Has anyone else ever heard this or had this experience?

Urinary frequency, disturbed sleep, headaches, anorexia, vivid dreams, fatigue.

Spacey,found it hard to find the right words for things. Sleepiness, but this cleared up after a couple of weeks.

we think my husband's symptoms of parkinson's was caused by/brought on by Lipitor's lowering of coq10 and interrupting many other metabolic pathways within the body including selenium production. time is required to determine if reversal of symptoms permanent. Have received letter about a case of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis dianosis changed to

Dizness, VERY ADDICTIVE, hard to stop...

This drug made it so easy to stay within a reasonable calorie range. It also gave me energy. I lost quite a bit of weight and after I stopped taking phentermine I was able to keep most of the weight off (until I got pregnant, anyway...). I am taking it again and it is taking away my appetite but it's not giving me energy like it did before. I think it makes me a bit irritable this time around. I am only taking it every other day this time.