Ponstel (mefenamic acid) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ponstel (mefenamic acid)

PONSTEL (MEFENAMIC ACID): Mefenamic acid is used for the short-term treatment of mild to moderate pain from various conditions. It is also used to decrease pain and blood loss from menstrual periods. Mefenamic acid is known as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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My daughter was prescribed cefdinir for a skin rash. The next day severe anxiety set in. She became depressed, withdrawn, exhausted, stomach cramps. I stopped giving to her after a friend shared that her daughter had a similar experience. I pray she is back to her normal happy self soon and that this is not permanent.

I took this drug twice earlier this year for sinus infections w/ great results and zero side effects. I was surprised this time, after day two days, to have the side effects noted to the left. I read the online literature for this drug, and it seems that when the side effects are this severe, the cause is an overdose of this drug. This makes sense, since my sinus infection this time was very mild - I made the mistake of using the big guns on it. Also, I believe some people are slow processors of drugs, and that is why many have had rashes, etc., which are severe reactions due to overdosage. If you have any of the severe side effects (read the literature), they advise you to discontinue the drug. No one says you have to finish taking a drug that is not working with your body chemistry - probably nothing wrong with the drug itself, it just doesn't work well in all situations for all people. I am a case of that. Wondering if I should stop the drug entirely until I can talk to my dr. on Mo

ABSOLUTELY AWEFUL!! extreme breast tenderness, irritability, moodiness, depression, anxiety and bloating. extreme thirst and hunger led to weight gain. libido dropped to almost 0!!!!

Mouth sores, depression, anxiety, fatigue, joint pain.

I take 5 different pills for diabetics, I also have hepitise C, mY CHOLESTROL IS WELL BELOW 200

under no circumstance should you take avandia for any purpose do not let your dr write you a precription for this drug. this all happened to me after taking only 16 4mg pills.if you ignoreall side effects listed on this site you will regret it

Between the Seroquel and the Risperdal (which I was on for nine weeks before starting Seroquel) my life has pretty much been destroyed. The'side effects'(consequences, really)started a month after starting Risperdal, and have only gotten worse with time...I'm down to 50 mg of Seroquel a day (from 400 mg) and have noticed ABSOLUTELY NO IMPROVEMENT in the side effects I mentioned...like I said, things only seem to have gotten worse, and there doesn't seem to be any end in sight...I feel helpless, hopeless, and terribly desperate at this point...

After just 2 dosages I began to lose my appetite, followed by racing heart, moved into diarrhea then uncontrollable vomiting of white foamy mucus for 7 hours. It did help my pain but the side effects were devastating

Changed my life. I was on cipralex for 8 months with no improvement, after 2 weeks on wellbutrin I started to feel like myself again. Had more energy, motivation, increased sex drive, and most importantly I got control back over my emotions. And that was all from just a 150mg dose. Can't recommend enough.

Doctor and nurse both elaborated on potential drug side effects including amnesia, which did occur. I remember nothing after the Versed was administered intraveniously until I awoke in the recovery room. I felt no pain or post-examination discomfort. I was lucid minutes after leaving the OR.