Numorphan (oxymorphone hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Numorphan (oxymorphone hydrochloride)

Side effects for Opana (see comments) 10mg IR tablets: 1) elevated mood, 2) decreased anxiety, 3) suppressed appetite (enabling me to diet and lose 25 lbs, which is a good thing!), 4) drowsiness, 5) difficulty falling into a deep sleep for a couple of hours after taking it--basically I just doze (so I just avoid taking it immediately before bedtime). Overall, the side effects for me are overwhelmingly positive, actually!

Opana is apparently essentially the same thing as Numorphan: (I contacted the site owners about adding the brand name "Opana" but received no response as of yet, so I am posting my review on this page). I am taking Opana 10mg IR tablets. It has relieved my TMJ-related jaw pain significantly, where none of the other pain meds I have tried (hydrocodone, oxycodone, tramadol) have.

Lumbago-Sciatica-Disc Degeneration

The usual narcotic side effects, but much less itching and redness in the face.

Most people get the 5 mg suppositories, but the ampoules are the hydrogen bomb of pain-killers -- 20 mg up the main line (for me, with my terrible narcotic tolerance) tackled the worst breakthrough pain I have ever had and allowed 100 per cent pain relief for the first time in more than seven years. It would be good by mouth as well, so I hope Endo succeeds in bringing back the tablets and marketing an oxymorphone analogue of Ms-Contin like they are trying to.

Side Effects fornumorphan (oxymorphone hydrochloride) - User Comments


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servere abdomen pain. dizzness, loss of cordination, naseau, and intense headaches

I've been on Wellbutrin XR two separate times. The first time, started on 150mg and my depression lifted within weeks (this was after nearly a year of failed SSRI treatment - I wish I'd found Wellbutrin sooner). Increased to 300mg a few months in; side effects worsened, but the antidepressant effect seemed to work. Stayed on for about two years, then weaned off and was okay without it for a year.That was a year ago. The past month my depression came back full force, so I went back on it yesterday. Today I was able to get out of bed early for the first time in weeks, and I am already feeling less hopeless and have more energy.I highly recommend Wellbutrin for anyone whose depression consists of low energy, increased appetite, loss of pleasure, etc.

Symptoms began on 2nd day of taking levaquin, but medication was continued. My mother has seen many doctors since the symptoms one thinks it is a result of levaquin...but, none can give her a diagnosis.

suicidal/homicidal hopeless thoughts, irrational broke a tooth grinding them incessantly, erratic menstrual periods, intense dreams that I could not tell from reality and could not wake from. Sleepiness and bouts of sleeplessness extreme lethargy developed diabetes type II high blood pressure and was hospitalized twice when trying to ween off of the drug.

Fatigue, anxiety and some backpain. But overall it's bearable had a different medication before and micardis is muc better personally.

extreme joint pain, finger joints snap, can't stay asleep.

at first, sleepy, constipated, dizzy, mild euphoria. Had some nausea at first, but taking a drink of water would stop it.Now only get sleepy sometimes, and have to watch for constipation. I take a stool softner daily, and laxitive if Ihave not had a daily B.M.

Can i still be going through withdrawal from tegretol its been since september 6,2017

This med has changed my life. I have never able to run or play sports because I have had such problems with shortness of breath and wheezing. I also have seasonal allergies which are quite severe (I had to do allergy shots as a child) and exacerbate my asthma. I went from not being able to run around the block, to running my first 5K road race last month!!!! I'm going to do another next week. I do have a chronic sore throat and am hoarse, but those side effects come and go, and I try to be vigilant about rinsing well after using the med. But I consider those small prices to pay for the ability to breathe and live well. Hoping I don't encounter some of the more severe side effects others have talked about here. Much of the other side effects mentioned here with respect to flovent(aggression, behavioral changes, depression) I experienced when taking zyrtec to control my allergies.

800mg tabs - This drug did nothing to relieve my pain, seemed to have no real effects at all until after my third dose at which point I began having stomach discomfort which after my fourth dose in 24 hours turned to severe stomach pain. 24 hours since my last dose and I am still suffering severe stomach pain.