Morphine sulfate (morphine sulfate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Morphine sulfate (morphine sulfate)

Once in a blue moon (itching all over) Notice it messes with my colors and what I'm thinking about in my head.My intestinal slows way down. Take a poop once a week!

Great control pain meds. 10 years without I'm sure I would take my life because this S1 nerve burns my heel constantly and I'm scared of that pain and I know the morphine covers it up and I know it's there!!!

Cervical spine injury, nerve pain

I can’t concentrate if take too much but it’s better than Tramadol or Lyrica in that aspect, get edgy when going without (I always go a few days without) constipation is minor, gone of drinking beer & don’t enjoy food so much

It has definitely helped me continue working, I am a supervisor on demolition site & responsible for workers safety etc so cant take too much, very fine balance, take enough to do job & activites like swimming with daughter etc.if used responsibly it helps but worry about long term damage

i had a spinal stimulator fitted and it went wrong to the point i developed a massive blood clot. So was given it then then doctor said if it helps for my conditions stay on it. Also when conditions are bad to taken as a to up to Zoamorph, and pregablin.

Was on dihydrocodein for 14years for chronic pain suspecyted endrametriosis. Got a womb procedure done an endometrial ablation and woke from anaesthetic with severe pain in the lower left back and sciatica. The MST only takes the edge off the actual pain but better than nothing I do agree that dihydrocodein was brilliant for pain relief.

Major constipation ,unless u eat a sh*tload of fruit daily

It's garbage ,don't waste your time, just smoke weed, it's natural & good for u

1st day it was great, no pain. Useless after that. In 3rd day, cannot even go from computer to kitchen without a ton of pain

Was taking hydrocodone 10/325 5 x daily. Switched to morphine 15 mg 5 x daily. I have received absolutely no pain relief. Taking them on a set schedule and never have a moment of relief. I was having better relief on hydrocodone. I was told that this would be a step up and actually this has been like taking nothing at all.

just makes you feel a little dried moth

I titrate morphine and take when needed. Helps a lot when I feel I can't breathe.

Complex regional pain syndrome

It works wonders when I am having horrible pain. Pain is generally 6/10 but anythingni wr that, I take one and pain is helped

Brain dysfunction--I find it very difficult to think or to organize my day

It's the one MED that gave me my life back from the pain but fighting depression from inability to plan/organize

Chronic Lumbar back and Knee pain

On occasion feel tired, however without this medication I am not able to get out of bed in the morning.

Morphine has helped to have atleast some quality time whereas without, I lay in bed miserable.

deterarating disk and torn siotic n

If don't have it I sweat can't sleep can't eat upset stomach dizzy bad head aches

No side effects, no relief it was like taking a tic tac.

Dr. swears it is 2x stronger than Percocet, I am out of Percocet Morphine Sulfate is useless. Can't see Dr. until 5/16/2016 and the only thing he says is "Make it work" Does Tim Gunn have that copyrighted?

Headaches stomach upset intestine upset for two months

Upon stopping this drug I had terrible headache for 2 months

Inability to sleep, upset stomach, can't focus. Head is foggy

Helps with the pain some what. But I close my eyes and can't sleep. My stomach hurts and when I try to focus my brain becomes foggy.

because I was taking hydrododone wi

Nausea brain hurts and feel all my pain but with a feeling of borderline numbness and harder to breath normally

I feel that by other pain meds I have been prescribed hydro codone and lortab used to work, but the fda did something tomake the hydro codone I have been prescribed many years ago used to work within 15 to 20 minutes taking the pain away from my foot which I severely broke and didn't get the proper help making it heal wrong.i have been in chronic severe pain the very first day I injured it which has grown worse as time I feel that by taking morphine sulfate will work, unless they have changed it to be unaffected Please email me back and if you have a true knowing that morphine sulfate will work well for me. Thanks Sonny Harper

MORPHINE SULFATE (MORPHINE SULFATE): This medication is used to help relieve severe ongoing pain (such as due to cancer). Morphine belongs to a class of drugs known as opioid (narcotic) analgesics. It works in the brain to change how your body feels and responds to pain. The higher strengths of this drug (100 milligrams or more per tablet) should be used only if you have been regularly taking moderate to large amounts of opioid pain medications. These strengths may cause overdose (even death) if taken by a person who has not been regularly taking opioids. Do not use the extended-release form of morphine to relieve pain that is mild or that will go away in a few days. This medication is not for occasional ("as needed") use. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

Good at the start after the side effects wore off but pls don't take without omoprazole etc

I started taking this med at 18 when my dad died. It did well for me at the time, but I was always battling the fact that I should be able to handle my emotions on my own - without drugs. I would take myself off of it, just to need to start it again within a few months. I have never really had a "clear moment" with this med and have tried others in between. I am up to 40mg a day and it is not doing anything for me anymore. I am moody, my sex drive sucks unless I drink alcohol, I sleep at least 12 hours a day when it allows and I still want to sleep the other 12. I have been put on Effexor to try to see if that will help, instead of the paxil. Here it to hoping!!!

I'm glad I'm a non smoker. But don't exceed the recommended use length of time. I don't agree with 'nicotine makes you feel alert' as others say. I feel a bit dopey when sucking a lozenge. It's extremely concerning how these products make us all feel awful. Interesting how side effects differ, well done to all for quitting smoking. My advice ? Go cold turkey and avoid these poisons .

The best pill I've ever been on for panic and anxiety. Wipes it right out. I've been taking 1mg per day for over a year, and have not had to increase dosage.

Hands pain, severe foot pain, dizziness, blurry vision. Ankle pain and dry skin

This stuff helped kill my marrage, I was on the drug for 6 months. Dry mouth, the sweating was awefull.The fatigue was out of this world.Felt spaced out. Just had a baby boy in Aug. when I got home from work I was shot just wanted to sleep. I had no energy to help with the daily routine with my son. My sex drive sucked.Painfull orgasms, I thought it was all related to a compressed disk. Switched to Vyvance been on it for 3 days. Night and day differance. have energy and much better focus.

Perhaps some of the problems with Diovan result in faulty studies by inside people who lied about its effectiveness and with conflicts of interest. "Following a long series of accusations, retractions, and the resignation of a prominent professor, it now is clear that data from a large Japanese study of valsartan (Diovan, Novartis) was fabricated. Recently, officials at Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine said that “had patient records been used in their entirety,” the Kyoto Heart Study “would have had a different conclusion,” reported AFB.In 2009 the Kyoto Heart Study investigators, including the chief investigator, Hiroaki Matsubara, reported that treatment with valsartan resulted in significant cardiovascular benefits independent of the drug’s blood-pressure lowering effect. Now officials at the university say the drug had no such effect. Norihisa Tamura, Japan’s health minister, said data had been “fabricated and falsified.” (Cardiobrief)

Low bone density & risk of osteoporosis

My insurance company, Oxford, had been covering name brand Wellbutrin XL until last year. I then started receiving the drug through the patient assistance program at Direct Success. The program was great; I was able to get 90 tablets through a script from my doctor costing 150 dollars. Last week at my appointment my Doctor mentioned that he had faxed a new script to DS. Usually DS would get in touch with me shortly thereafter to let me know when I could expect my order to arrive. I waited a few days and finally called them. It seems the drug company, Valeant, has now dropped the program! DS still covers WBXL through Valeant's discount coupons but will only fill 60 tablets at a time and only as long as the coupons don't expire. If you google Valeant you can find numerous articles as to why they are no longer working with DS. That being said DS NEVER advised me of this change which took place back in October. No phone call, no email. I suspect in the very near future DS will no longer be able to supply Wellbutrin XL at all. The generics don't work for me and at 1600 dollars for 30 tablets of name brand it's not a consideration to pay out of pocket. When the time comes I will be forced to stop taking WBXL. Sure there are other antidepressants but after 15 years on this med I'm not anxious to start a trial and error with other meds.

Increased fatigue, increased appetite, headaches, not much help with the depression