Levo-dromoran (levorphanol tartrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Levo-dromoran (levorphanol tartrate)

I have used over 4000 doses of levorphanol in 27 years with out any problems. Usually 3 to 4 mg in one day as needed but not every day. Six months ago they were taken away and I was given drugs for treating Neuropathy. None of them work. So now I burn 24-7. Thanks alot North Dakota medical board.

LEVO-DROMORAN (LEVORPHANOL TARTRATE): This medication is used to treat moderate to severe pain. Levorphanol is an opioid (narcotic) pain reliever. It acts on certain centers in the brain to give you pain relief. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Remove excess water, lower blood pressure

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