Duragesic-100 (fentanyl) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Duragesic-100 (fentanyl)

DURAGESIC-100 (FENTANYL): See also Warning section. This medication is used to help relieve sudden (breakthrough) cancer pain in people who are regularly taking moderate to large amounts of opioid pain medication. Fentanyl belongs to a class of drugs known as opioid (narcotic) analgesics. It works in the brain to change how your body feels and responds to pain. This medication should not be used to relieve mild or short-term pain (such as due to headache/migraine, dental procedures, surgery). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Was taking Boniva without problems. Bone density showed improvement over the past 3 years. Doctor switched me to Actonel because research indicated better results. I'm switching back to Boniva.

Took only 10mg daily (found it best to take in the A.M. Worked wonders after approx 2 weeks. Didn't like the increased urge to eat constantly (I work as a fitness trainer) and gained 5-7 lbs over a 3 month period, even though I increased my workouts. At approx 4 months I figured it was time to stop. Well, HOLLY !*#!All hell broke loose. Dizzy,major headache (nothing helped) whooshing feeling through my head,sweating, crying, impatient and short tempered. This lasted till I searched the net and read other peoples withdrawal stories. Have re-started with Cipralex (the new Celexa) and on my 6 day (I feel 1/2 normal at least so far)Would never have started the drug if I realized I may have to taper over 3-4 months and the STILL suffer some side effects for 2-4 weeks

After trying all the SSRI's and multiple reuptake inhitbors I requested Tofranil PM specifically. I read on this site that others had good luck with this medicine. Unfortunatly I went to my GP instead of my pdoc to get it because I could not get in soon enough with my pdoc. My GP started me out at a dose that was much to high (100mg per night). It wacked my brain so hard that my memory quit working, I got lost in the middle of sentences when attempting a short interchange, I lost words that were normally a part of my vocablulary, I was like...Duh! After one week at 100mg I was able to see my pdoc who reduced my dose to 50mg per night. After one week my mind has cleared, but now I am easily agitated and fly off the handle at the most minor irritations. I spoke with my pdoc today and he wants me to up my dose to 50mg in the morning and at night for a total dose of 100mg per day. I dont want to mess with taking pills all the time so I am going to try to get a script for 75mg of Tofranil PM and work back up to 100mg. I am having some negative sexual side effects and I cant drink beer anymore, too bad. (I like German Wheat Beer...Its gooooood!) No sex and No beer is a very good reason to be depressed and anxious.

L4/L5 Ruptured, spinal stenosis

Peri-Menopausal Hormone Replacement

Like most of you, I get that very bitter taste in my mouth that makes liquids taste horrible. After trying everything I could think of, I finally came across these "Vegan Empty Capsules"On Amazon. So I now put my pills into these clear and it cuts the taste down, I think because it dissolves with the capsules in my stomach. I hope this helps. I LOVE the sleep I get from it. It's the only one that will work for me. Good luck to y'all.

It's helped depression/anxiety, but I'm not sure it has helped more than the Paxil or Celexa I tried before, meanwhile I don't like being a slave to it. I've lost about 10 pounds. I still have depressive episodes a few times a year. I feel unmotivated but not unhappy. Don't look forward or dread anything particularly. It's a weird place to be in.

Ok, I gave it a 4 because I am getting over the Swine (H1N1) pneumonia because of the generic z-pack made in isreal. I am happy to have the medication, and believe it probably saved my life!!!! HOWEVER, I have had more anxiety and this strange pressure around my eyes with an odd blurred vision problem. I have sweats and dizziness. I have one more day to take this medicine...tomorrow and I hope I make it.

I have inflammatory bowel disease and my symptoms are exaggerated during my period, and this pill made those symptoms much worse than normal.