Demerol (meperidine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Demerol (meperidine hydrochloride)

Stinging/burning at the injection site (left lateral thigh). I felt cloudy the next few days I still feel cloudy.

Anytime I have severe pain Demirel is really the way to go. Far more effective than oxycodone and doesn’t have the itchy side effect

This opioid will not show up on a tox screen with the dipstick

The dose of Demerol I was given via IV alleviated my acute 10/10 pain within less than a minute. I was very grateful.

Liver disease and advance cirrhosis

After having injections on my rear daily for last 4 months, I get severe burning at the injection site at the end of med, continues burning for 1-2 minutes.

Pain due to third degree burns

Intense burning, painful muscle spasms, burning eyes, difficulty breathing upon injection. Sore muscles and headache afterward.

Once the initial side effects wore off, which could take anywhere from seconds to several minutes, it was only moderately effective at pain management, and the pain of injection was not in my opinion worth it.

I felt like boiling water was being poured over my hand and fingers, intense almost instant swelling of the hand, skin too tight to make any sort of fist, I saw the doc pushing the needle and it was from the tiniest amount also. 15hrs later now, still got my club hand but improving, ALLERGIC?

Severe nausea, flushing, dizziness ; fast heart rate ; difficulty breathing

This made me so nauseated I couldn't even look at food. It was awful how this med made me feel.heart rate went into the 120's...awful medication

I dont know how I felt after I was given 50 mg of Demerol in post op. I was given that God awful drug Versed that causes amnesia and I cannot remember anything. They give Versed w/o ur knowledge for every colonoscopy and procedures. U may think they are side effects from the Demerol but think again.

Extreme paranoia while trying to give birth, thought my baby's heart beat stopped, major psychosis during c-section, facial expressions in people melting into dramatic frowns, dark cloud hallucinations. Minor hallucinations still occur from time to time nearly 9 weeks later, with no prior history of any mental issues. Extremely terrifying for a mother trying to give birth. I was later told that it did lower my baby's heart rate when first administered, very scary. Thank goodness baby was unharmed, but it should not be given during birth or pregnancy. Obviously dangerous! What were they thinking?!

Nausea, vomiting, chills, muscle spasms,headache, anxiety,

It started with an intense burning sensation in both collar bones and then radiated throughout my entire torso and back. It hurt so bad to even take a breath. Intense burning & pain. I thought I was going to die.

Kinda helped at first then the pain started to come back both shots were given in each arm. How ever now 5 days later my arm where the first shot was given is not burning as if it's on fire. Before this my muscle was very tight and pained. I have no feel at the injection site but the muscle under neat is on fire and can't be touched. My body is still burning up....

Given to me on occasion for severe chronic migraines and this medicine is the only medication that works for taking the headache away pretty much immediately.Only side effect is dry mouth and I get very sleepy but that might be the vistaril they mix it with for nausea

I told Doctors I had itchy eyes

I thought I was going to have a seizure and die. I was already on painkillers from my surgery and the Doctors should have known better. I thought they were trying to kill me. I was already on oxycodone and they knew it. I hate them whoever ordered this will get theirs someday I hope to God.

Never take this drug. IV and at a high dose!!! Horrifying. Paranoia and death thoughts and aliens. I was 57 and am lucky to be alive.

woke up from the procedure, answered questions but have no memory of it, ate a burger, again no memory, got home fell into the best most wonderful sleep of my life, felt great when I woke

I can't wait for my next colonscopy

Vivid, terrifying hallucinations

I was given Demerol about 30 years ago when the docs in emergency suspected I had broken my elbow. I was 6 at the time so do not recall what other side effects I experienced. I was put under but I am unsure whether that was due to the Demerol or another drug. When I awoke in the night I had hallucinations that there were aliens in my hospital room who were trying to kill me. I also saw bees and thought my skin had turned yellow and died. A horrifying experience for a six year old who was alone because the nurses told my mother I wouldn't wake up until the morning.

As soon as this hit my veins my body ached and I felt pain travel up both sides of my head. After the procedure my feet and lower legs feel week and I have been in a constant state of feeling flu-like with a constant achy body, especially in my shoulders. Since the procedure my hands and feet feel shakey. The procedure was at the end of December and it is now nearly the end of February and I still don't feel well. Demerol is the only drug that I was told was used.

I am pretty sure I had Demerol once before during a difficult childbirth. I remember it making me feel really good for a short period of time. I think that is more typical. This time I felt nothing but pain and achy body, no euphoria, nothing good, was totally awake through the procedure, felt everything. Makes me wonder if they gave me the wrong drug or if something is wrong with me that I reacted this way. I can't find where anyone else reports having a very similar reaction. The pain crawling up my head was pretty strange. It just traveled up and then stopped. Ever since, I have been left feeling just awful.

Until recently I had no side effects, it was like taking water. You never knew you had taken anything other than a little relief for a little while. Now I take it and it makes me so drowsy and sleepy. Can't figure out what has changed.

It is the only pain med. I can take. I allergic to everything else and even have to take benedryl with it or else i will start itching.

I had a cough immediately as it went into my system.When got home rested all day.never felt that bad (previous)Developed bronchial spasms. Bad coughs..extreme itching internal and rash on outer body. Benadryl..was prepared to go to theER..Dr. Called advised to to a medical default???I hate this drug glad I didn't croak!Ask and question before yourprocedure

Intestine infection inflammation

The nurse gave it to me through IV. I am a petite person so she only gave me half of the usual dose for an adult. About two minutes after she gave it to me it felt like a ton of bricks had landed on my body. My arms, legs, and chest were so heavy I could barely move. I felt like I couldn't breath and my heart rate shot up. My breathing got shallow because my chest felt so heavy (not tight) it was hard to take breaths. Thank goodness she was still right there in my room because I couldn't talk. She gave me oxygen right away and had some other drug on stand by to inject in my IV in case I fully stopped breathing. After a few min. my blood pressure started to come down and I was able to communicate. I thought I was going to die. They said it was some sort of histamine reaction. It was so scary. I passed out asleep after that. I will never take this stuff again.

DEMEROL (MEPERIDINE HYDROCHLORIDE): Meperidine is used to help relieve moderate to severe pain. It may also be used before and during surgery or other procedures. Meperidine belongs to a class of drugs known as opioid (narcotic) analgesics and is similar to morphine. It works in the brain to change how your body feels and responds to pain. Meperidine should not be used to treat long-term or ongoing pain. It should only be used to treat sudden episodes of moderate to severe pain. See also Precautions section. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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