Cataflam (diclofenac potassium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Cataflam (diclofenac potassium)

No side effects, just afraid of possible stroke etc.But it's the only medicine I have found that allows me to function

Derived arthritis all joint pain.

Absolutely no side effects but wear off suddenly but last good 20hours so timed properly 1 in 24hr.

Heaven sent after illness left me with chronic arthritis. started taking cataflam 6mths into illness and within 15mins my world changed. I also commend its cheap price compared to other drugs that did not work. 7yrs on them when weather/season changes to damp cold typically Ireland weather and no side effects whatsoever Barr they do their job properly. Taken after food as slow release.

Extreme period paid Endometriosis

Extreme pain relief. I take about 4 a day and go through 30 tabs each menstruation cycle. This drug was heaven sent. The active ingredient which ive now found in cheaper tabs is diclofenac potassium 50mg. Same relief found. Its the only relief i get. Only

Stomach pains, gass, dry mouth and drowsiness. Wonder if arm rest wouldn't have delivered same result without the need to take drug

Go buy candy. It's cheaper and have the same effect on pain. I take it with 2 propain (40 mg each) at a time, or 2 mypaid forte (Ibuprofen 400 mg Paracetamol 325 mg each) (Don't do this!!!) and it don't work for more than an hour.

rectal bleeding, collapse. Emergency admission to the hospital

I would never recommend this drug to anyone. It is not worth the chance of GI hemmorage which is what I experienced.

No symptoms of GI distress BEFORE Cataflam but 4 days on it and I ended up in the ER and hospitilized.....My drs dismissed Cataflam as the reason yet my discharge papers have NSAIDS" listed under patient allergies.?...

fibromyalgia, cervical arthritis

was given this to replace ibuprofen (possible sun sensitivity developed with ibu) but it doesn't relieve any pain for me or reduce inflammation.

Sciatica, Arthritis, Endometriosis

None, unless too much is taken too close together, then it can cause gassy abdominal cramping.

It is the BEST pain reliever I have ever been prescribed and I will never do without it! I happen to have Endometriosis that has attached to "everything" in the backside, including my Sciatic nerve. Sciatic Endo is rarely seen, but they found it in me. I do Restorative Yoga postures to get myself loosened up every day, but keep the Cataflam handy as nothing works better for the pain, unless I have an extremely bad time where I have to take a Demerol with it (rarely). However, I have noticed in the "patient info" they give with my Rx that now warnings of NSAID's causing heart attacks and strokes are written where they were not before when I started this Rx. The best dose for me (per my doctor) is 2 pills to get in your system, then 1 every 8 hours afterward. Luckily, I only need this a few days a week at the most, here & there. I highly recommend this especially for lower lumbar arthritis and to women for will do the trick!

Cataflam Linked to Stevens Johnson Syndrome

Side effects are some drowsiness and some dry mouth. Can take it on an empty stomach with no problem. The drowsiness is nice and helps me sleep, as well. Overall an excellent drug that works better than any other NSAID I've tried!

I was surprised to find that this drug noticeably lowers my pain level after about 45 minutes. I still have to take it in combo with a stronger pain reliever, but it's just a good drug for aches and pains. Better than things like Vioxx and OTC stuff, for sure.

I was originally taking 150mg per day, but cut it to 100mg because the lesser dose seemed to work as well. My internist had urged me to take Vioxx, Celebrx and Bextra (at different times, of course), but the relief I experienced was not as dramatic as the Cataflam. My orthopaedic surgeon prescribes the Cataflam. It has a slight effect on my blood pressure, but, since my pressure is usually low, that is not considered a health risk.

This is the only NSAID I've ever taken that gave me discernable relief within 90 minutes of taking it. Gastrointestinal problems were due largely to my taking the drug too close together, or after having consumed large amounts of alcohol.

CATAFLAM (DICLOFENAC POTASSIUM): Diclofenac is used to relieve pain and swelling (inflammation) from various mild to moderate painful conditions. It is used to treat muscle aches, backaches, dental pain, menstrual cramps, and sports injuries. It also reduces pain, swelling, and joint stiffness caused by arthritis. Reducing these symptoms helps you do more of your normal daily activities. This medication is known as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). If you are treating a chronic condition such as arthritis, ask your doctor about non-drug treatments and/or using other medications to treat your pain. See also Warning section. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I was given benadryl through iv at the ER for dizziness, ear Infection, headache & chest pain! Our ER Dr's are idiots anyway! I will politely decline if they ever try to give me this again! I dispute the comment about people with anxiety will find problems with sugar pills. Just because people have anxiety doesn't mean that they are stupid and can't differentiate between anxiety symptoms and symptoms related to medications and other reasons. I am so sick of people with anxiety being treated like idiots because of a disease that NONE of chose to have. There are usually reason that people have anxiety. EG.. ptsd, depression etc.. Which usually comes down to extremely bad things happening in a persons life. Like me for instance, I was robbed at gunpoint, beaten by an ex husband and just had a very bad car accident where a dump truck landed on our car and dumped thousands of quarry rocks on top of us as well. I also came very close to losing My Moma in that accident. Praise God I didn't! Then lost my Dad a few months ago and now My Brother having had open heart surgery at the age of 47 and now waiting for a pace maker and defibrillator. These are the reasons people have these issues! Not because We choose to have it! We would do almost anything to live normally! And we aren't idiots, we can distinguish the difference in our anxiety issues and other medical issues! So don't judge! You never know what has happened in someones life to cause these problems! "Judge not

horrible menstrual bleeding and clotting. 1 full month of bleeding. Last time (5 yrs ago) I took it, I had 3 months bleeding.

Always tired and daily lower muscles and join pain(legs, knees, ankles).

1st few day had severe fatigue.Pounding,racing heart.Now I take at bedtime with little side effect.

REALLY irregular! trying for babY

Jardiance caused tinglings and sore muscles .

The first few days taking Latuda were pretty good but then my ups and downs started getting even worse than they were before. I started to feel like I was going crazy. At times, I did not have a full grasp on reality.

Effexor XR did help with the anxiety and depression. I've tried other anti-depressants (zoloft, serzone) and Effexor XR was the only med that didn't make me feel like an emotionless zombie.I advise anyone considering going on this drug to KNOW the withdrawl symptoms. I've heard that they're harsh and last for weeks. You can expect lots of dizziness and nausea when coming off this drug. Do your research! The withdrawl symptoms are similar to those of Paxil.

Extreme nausea starting at 36hrs on med and continued from extreme to severe whole time on drug even though I was taking with a low dose of Zofran(anti nausea drug). Eating or not made no difference. Very weak and tired. Couldn't get out of bed for 6 days. On day 6 had shaking, dizzy. Dr has advised to take 2-3 day break and resume it along with a higher Zofran dose.

I stopped taking the med after 9 months ONLY because it decreased my sexual drive and even when I did have sex, I couldn't have an orgasm. It's unfortunate because Paxil was WONDERFUL for my anxiety disorder but intimacy is an important aspect of life too. BEWARE: Don't stop this drug cold turkey!