Namenda (memantine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Namenda (memantine hydrochloride)

It helped my depression but I found it difficult to fall asleep at night. It got worse the longer I took it. I took it in the mornings. I also took sleep aids to try to mitigate the insomnia but I had early morning awakenings.

Back pain, legs and arms weakness. Sleepiness.

Mom taking this and i observed confusion, thoughts of conspiracy, disbelief, quick escalation from frustration to rage, very scary. I've never observed this behavior. She's off these meds, memory loss is bad but having no peace and fears is worse.

Extreme searing dissociative headaches and dizziness. Felt like I was 10 miles away. Spine snd back snd leg pain extreme burning .shakes. Pain in chest and no sleep.

Extreme confusion, bordering on hallucinations. Weakness in legs and arms with tingling.Loss of balance. Couldn't operate a vehicle. Felt like an out of body experience. Difficulty speaking, cognitively. It was a nightmare. I contemplated walking out in front of a tractor-trailer.

The bad side effects may be few, but to the extent that this drug can go wrong, practitioners should mention them.

Extreme confusion, hallucinations, drooling, fog. Do not take this poison

Mild constipation at first, light headed first two days. Both gone by third day.

Literally cured me of my chronic migraines I have suffered from for 6 years. I have been on EVERY possible drug and tried every homeopathic remedy. Still going to continue with Botox treatments every 12 weeks plus topamax for now but hoping to wean off of topamax in future. Anyone with chronic migraines try this!

During the titration period we noticed sligh constipation.

My father has been on this medication for almost 4 yrs. The medication has been very well tolerared. Although a major improvement is not seen the dimentia seems to remain at a steady manageable pace. We have thought about starting combination strategy with Aricept to further slow the decline but we have been very skeptical from all of the negative side effect associated with the med (which were identical to the ones Dad had with initial attempt 4 yrs back).Overall I highly recommend Namends. It will not create an improvement but it will slow down the deterioratio of your loved one.

My husband has become increasingly paranoid and depressed and has begun to isolate himself. His memory has improved, but his former memory is confusing to him because he can't put it in the proper time frame...he can't determine whether things happened yesterday, last week, or twenty years ago.

My husband was diagnosed with moderate dementia and he had a hemorrhagic stroke a year ago. It is difficult to determine how much of his problem is from the stroke and how much is from the dementia. The doctor has added Wellbutrin to help with the depression; he's only been taking it for a week along with the Celexa he was already taking. There has been no improvement, yet and his paranoia is getting worse.

Extreme dizziness, confusion, being in a dream-like state. Enough so by the third week of taking, I did not feel in control enough to drive a car.

I was not on the drug long enough to know if it helped my migraines or not.

My client experienced back pain legs were so weak couldn't walk and very very fatigue all he did was fall asleep, did not find namenda helpful at all ,only made things worse.

Would not recommend this drug.

My grandmother has been taking it for 10 yrs we dont see it working. Ur just has her drugged up. We don't like it At all. It looks like the medicibe made her worse

headache - loss of energy - loss of balance - leg weakness

no affirmative effects on me mentally but lots of negative effects physically.

My mother was prescribed Namenda along with aricept. after starting the Namenda she began to experience back pain and weakness in her legs. She could barely stand and needed a walker to get around. Even that wasn't enough and a wheelchair became necessary. My mother's cardiologist told us that it was probably the Namenda ( his mother in law had similar symptoms after starting Namenda ) her symptoms ceased after the Namenda was stopped. Also a physical therapist that was seeing my mother told me that his father had taken Namenda and had side effects of low back pain and leg weakness. Has anyone else experienced side effects such as these mentioned after taking Namenda ? I would appreciate any feedback.

Mother took namenda for memory problems. Hopeful that it would help her recall and foggy thinking. It gave her anxiety, uncontrollable rage and panic attacks that were extreme. She developed tremors of her entire body and long episodes of tachycardia (rapid heart rate). Her memory was further impaired after taking namenda. She also had bladder infections while taking namenda. In the opinion of our family namenda was taking her downhill fast. We did not taper down to take her off of the medicine. We quit immediately once we noticed her eyes were glassy and she was physically slowing down. Once off of namenda her panic attacks and tremors continued but began to subside over the course if the next three months. We had to give her Xanax for the tremors and panic attacks. Now she that she is off namenda she is bright, moving around again, the panic attacks and tremors are gone and she has an appetite again. I forgot to mention the almost ten pound weight loss in the short time she took this

I am Bipolar II, diagnosed 3 yrs ago, and the condition has been fairly well managed with three medications (Namenda, Lamictal, and a low dose of Seroquel). In late 2007 I took part in a clinical study that combined Namenda with Lamictal. The premise was that the two act synergistically for BPD treatment. I chose to continue with the Namenda after the clinical trial.Over the past couple of years I've had increasing difficulty with agitation and episodes of rapid heartbeat that come out of the blue. I didn't know the cause. Recently, due to other nasty side effects, I decided it is time to come off the Lamictal and try something else. I began the process by titrating down the Namenda (since I am only taking it because of the Lamictal). To my surprise, my episodes of agitation and tachycardia have reduced DRAMATICALLY since going off the Namenda (I haven't even started titrating down the Lamictal yet, so I know it is the Namenda).I've heard anecdotal evidence that Namenda causes agitation in the elderly, but because it is primarily used for dementia, it is likely hard to disentangle side effects from the symptoms of the disease. From my exeperience, I think it is very likely that Namenda can cause agitation in the elderly!

Prescribed for "off label" use for my 3.5 year old (now 6 year old) non-verbal son with autism to help with expressive and receptive language. Did not help with expressive but receptive has skyrocketed. Not sure if can attribute to solely namenda since he is also on depakote and has had therapy since he was 2.5 but he has made gains in the receptive areas that namenda was supposed to target.

Husband took Namenda for several years, I do think is slowed the process and he had a few "good" years because of it. Now in advanced stages it does not work anymore.

NAMENDA (MEMANTINE HYDROCHLORIDE): Memantine is used to treat moderate to severe confusion (dementia) related to Alzheimer's disease. It does not cure Alzheimer's disease, but it may improve memory, awareness, and the ability to perform daily functions. This medication works by blocking the action of a certain natural substance in the brain (glutamate) that is believed to be linked to symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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This is a very dangerous drug. I would rather know mama died of natural causes but I know this drug causes heart attacks in people with vascular dimentia. I would rather be safe than sorry. People want to beleive it works but it doesn't from my experience and many other people as well. I think this drug hurt my mother and hastened her death.

It helped solve the heartburn. when i took it everyday it caused all joint pain and dry eyes after long time of use. I try to take it every 3rd day and the side effects subsided. I can’t live without a ppi my heartburn is severe due to gallbladder removal

Ever since I began taking this pills I have experiened nausea just about every night. I also have experienced low sex drive and marked fatigue. I have continued the pills due to the positive remarks of no break through bleeding.


I always make sure to drink 32oz of water extra the day of contrast.

I have not had any side effects so far!Take note that several of the people rating on here are NOT reviewing the topical acne rosacea drug METROGEL, but it sounds like its oral antibiotic/anti-fungal form used for other conditions. They are clearly in the WRONG place for review.

sometimes it causes minor itching, rarely much of a problem.

I was on Lexapro for about 6 years. I had these side effects the entire time but at the same time I had started Lexapro I had moved to a new city and started a new career. I thought my sinus issues were from living in a polluted city. I thought my sleep issues were because my new career was very hard. After about 5 years I began to wean off it and the withdrawls were terrible. Now that I am off. I no longer sleep anywhere anytime - sometimes 14 hours at a time. I no longer have sinus problems and I have lost some of the weight. If you start sleeping more and more with this drug - consider talking to your doctor about getting off

On 3rd day had an allergic reaction, had a rash that covered my body, the itch was horrible, muscle and joint pains, after a month off of it I now have loose stool, now I have digestive issues.

maybe increased anxiety, and maybe I just was able to name those symptoms as 'anxiety' for the first time. Nothing NEARLY as bad as Prozac ... this is the right drug for me, I think.