Triamcinolone acetonide (triamcinolone acetonide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Triamcinolone acetonide (triamcinolone acetonide)

Muscular pain, joint pain, skin rash, sore throat

This is the 2nd time i take steroids and i discovered i am sensitive to it. Only a small injection to infiltrate a scar and i am knocked out. The first time i took prednisone felt similar effects. Scar is not iching anymore and seems to be better in appearance. It's only two days though.

Greasy, thick, slow to absorb. Steroids can be dangerous.

Did not work for itching, redness or swelling of skin. Itching subsided only minutes before returning worse then ever! Not worth the risks involved with taking a steroid if it doesn't do anything.

TRIAMCINOLONE ACETONIDE (TRIAMCINOLONE ACETONIDE): This medication is used in a variety of conditions such as allergic disorders, arthritis, blood diseases, breathing problems, certain cancers, eye diseases, intestinal disorders, collagen and skin diseases. Talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of triamcinolone, especially if it is to be injected near your spine (epidural). Rare but serious side effects may occur with epidural use. Triamcinolone acetonide is known as a corticosteroid hormone (glucocorticoid). It works by decreasing your body's immune response to these diseases and reduces symptoms such as swelling. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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After being on it for a little more than a year for mood stabilization and insomnia it dawned on me that there may be side effects other than the liver function studies the docs do every 6 months. I had been having all the above things going on and my general care primary doc was referring me to a rheumatologist for possible fibromyalgia when a-ha it is the stupid pills. Started weaning down and wonder of wonders, they are easing their grip!!! I use over the counter diphenihydromine sleep aids and Ativan to help with the withdrawl and smoke like a fiend for now. Smoking is temporary so no lectures and it does help and I don't drink or do illegal drugs so hold your horses. I had a brain tumor and many of the side effects mimicked lingering problems from the surgery to remove that and I thought the temp control thing was from hysterectomy. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, should be foresight if you are not psychic.Gotta laugh and stuff or you'll never stop crying!

Added to Synthroid dose. Brain fog and light-headed after taking, anxiety, difficultly falling asleep and generally felt off. However t3 levels did improve.

Feeling like a zombie and massive rapid Weight gain,loss of energy and motivation.

extreme constipation, dry mouth

I took it in the past, no problems. Then suddenly all these reactions.

Bone and hip pain, only a shot...The one and the last!!!Bone into bone un my fémur (radiografía and centellografy detectes), pain un this legal, doctor says It Is nota because of prolia...I'm so sad and temerous! (I'mFrom Argentina)

Was put on citalopram & had terrible reaction. Akathisia, suicidal ideation myoclonic jerks, sweats, no sleep, all sorts. Came off that & went on zoloft Got worse. Some citalopram side effects died down but ramped up again on Zoloft. The blackness in my head was unbearable. An intense, buzzing, suicidal feeling all day every day. Couldn't sit or lie comfortably EVER. Rapid heartbeat, sweats, cowering under the duvet, couldn't think, couldn't remember things. Tried to kill myself (never considered this in my life before this dreadful drugs). No happiness at all. Every day a total nightmare. Like being in hell.Came off the drug hoping to improve but then discovered withdrawal syndrome. 3 months on and I still have the original suicidal ideation and Akathisia, inner shaking, tremor etc. in withdrawal I have brain zaps every few seconds, massive crying spells, extreme exhaustion, blurred vision, double vision, difficulty focusing, problems moving my eyes from side to side or circling them, inability to function, loss of everything that made me me, loss of friends, inability to work, living in a horror movie. No relief. I've been off the drug for 3.5 months and nothing has improved. My life is ruined. I was really happy before all of this. I only took the stupid tablets for anxiety.

Demographism, Hives and Allergies

This sort of worked for my gastritis, but caused a myriad of other issues. I have found the cure, though. It's called Mastic Gum. As soon as I started taking it, it relieved my stomach issues and I was able to stop taking Prilosec. I've suffered for more than 2 years with this awful condition, and Mastic Gum has helped exponentially with the pain in no time at all, and more importantly, took away my need to dose myself with Prilosec. I hope this helps someone out. Order Jarrows Mastic Gum from Amazon. You won't be sorry. Contact me if you have any questions, or want to discuss something.

Extremely dry mouth, cough, hoarseness, feeling something caught in my throat most of the time. Also anxiety and waking up with panic attacks.