Solu-medrol (methylprednisolone sodium succinate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Solu-medrol (methylprednisolone sodium succinate)

Side Effects forsolu-medrol (methylprednisolone sodium succinate) - User Comments


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Horrific nightmares & hallucinations after only taking a few days, continued for 1 week without positive results of any kind. Much worse than the negative side effects of Ambien's induced amnesia.

my 6 year old daughter just started this medicine 3 weeks ago and at first told me she felt leg pains..i thought nothing of it,maybe it was growing pains. She was acting a little weird and fighting with her 2 year old brother and us. Then just yesterday she looked very down and when i asked her what was wrong she said that "she was born". This totally shocked me and my heart broke. Why would she say that? Was she having trouble in school? Feeling neglected at home? We always have fun with the kids. Then she said she has been feeling really sad lately and she didn't know why. When I went to give her the dose last night, I realize it was the medicine!!The label with small writing on the side said to call doctor if you experience mood changes, sadness, depression.. She had been acting out of her normal because of it! Of course I didn't give it to her and will never give it to her again!!!!

I feel like a lab rat. If I'd had breast cancer and this drug might potentially save my life, it would be different. But over an operable simple cyst (they thought was endo, but wasn't)?? I can barely walk--and I used to hike 10 miles. Makes me want to cry!

Yup, it tastes hideous. Here's what helps: sucking on hard candy, eating or drinking, sucking on ice chips, chewing gum. Not great, but it keeps my mouth being unbearably bitter. Too bad you can't eat 24/7!

None. Especially none even remotely close to some mentioned on here. Am on 5mg, no problems and it did lower my cholesterol level within the first 3 months. Am still taking it for now and with any luck if my cholesterol levels keep decreasing i may be off any medication in the future. crosses fingers.

This pill should not be given to anyone with a medical history of ED, cutting, panic disorder, or past history of depression related ilnness. I feel like I have demons inside me and they want me dead.

I now split the pill in 1/2 & make sure I take it as soon as I get up in the morning. 1/2 is enough to completely clear my symptoms but avoid most of the unpleasant side effects (except the dry mouth).

I never had a problem with mental illness before taking prednisone. At first it gave me a sense of euphoria. That quickly changed to severe depression. I didn't want to do anything. I just wanted to die, but I was too depressed to kill myself. If I had had a gun or been around tall buildings, I definitely would already be dead. And the feeling didn't go away when I stopped prednisone. Manic-depression doesn't just go away on its own. I really wish I had never taken it. It has caused so many problems and really ruined my life.

I'm glad to say that I will have come to my 6th and final shot on 12/4. I had an ultrasound on 10/10. The largest fibroid went down a little but not significantly. I guess we'll check again the first of the year. I haven't had a period since August, only minor spotting which has been great. Picked up a little weight but looking to lose after surgery. My main goal is to get these large fibroids out of my body and hopefully be able to conceive.

muscle damage, joint pain, nerve damage, brain fog, weakening of myelin in spinal canal