Qnasl (beclomethasone dipropionate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Qnasl (beclomethasone dipropionate)

It burns, but not as bad after the first few days.

It works A LOT better than any of the liquid sprays. I have used Rhinocort, Nasocort, and Flonase and this is superior to all of them. I don't know if it is shrinking the polyps, but it prevents me from constantly having to blow my nose, which is a major improvement.

To prevent polyps from coming back

Side Effects: My nostrils HURT, nostrils were dry, throat burned all day. The effects were so bad, that I waited until bedtime to spray this so I could just go to sleep!

I had nasal polyps removed and was given this to use to prevent re-growth. I did 2 sprays, each nostril, once a day. If you don't mind using liquid nasal sprays (with steroids) such as Nasonex, Rhinocort, etc. then stick with those. My doctor let me try Qnasl before I had the prescription filled. The 9 days I was using it, I dreaded having to spray it. I know it's a dry nasal spray, but it HURT! My throat burned all day (literally) and my nasal passages were so dry and uncomfortable. Did not like this spray at all. I have used Nasonex and Rhinocort and will be going back to those. Liquids felt much better in my nose!

QNASL (BECLOMETHASONE DIPROPIONATE): This medication is used to treat seasonal and year-round allergy symptoms such as stuffy/runny nose, itching, and sneezing. It may also reduce other symptoms of seasonal allergies such as red, itchy, and watery eyes. This medication belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids. It works by reducing swelling (inflammation) in the nasal passages. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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