Prednisone (prednisone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Prednisone (prednisone)

started to feel better after a few days - but was also taking azithromycin and a cough medicine called benzonatate

It has helped stop the hives, but the side effects are detrimental. Anger, anxiety through the roof, shaky tremors in hands, tingling in arms /legs, pins and needles all over, face looking swollen, heart palpitations, just had a panic attack even though it's 8:30pm and i took it this morning, day 2 of 50 mg. I have high blood pressure, osteopenia and anxiety so really not sure this is good for me.

I'm no longer taking this medication.

I have been off this medication for a year now and STILL suffer from some of the side effects. I never would have taken this medication had I done more research prior to accepting the doctors advice. It's not worth the long lasting affects this medication has given me

This is the 2nd time taking this medicine Both times relieved the symptoms that it was prescribed for.This time I began having a throbbing headache after a couple hours and could not get any relief I am an unmedicated diabetic controlled by diet so I checked my blood sugar it was 485Each day several hours after taking the medicine the same thing would happen. 14 days of severe pounding headaches blood sugars over 300 and face around eyes feel extremely swollenYou cannot stop until you are finished 5 more days I’ll be never here so glad to stop a medicine

Was not able to breathe due to a pulmonary exacerbation with in 2 days felt better no side effects wasn't hungry no pain in other places no headache I think alot of people just like to complain and get attention from family

Started taking this 2 days ago. Starting to feel better with my vertigo symptoms and some allergy. Having trouble sleeping and stsrted having digestive issues, such as lose stoll. I tend to get loss of appetite when I don't feel good.Hoping the mild issues stay mild and no more accrues

Autoimmune/Rheumatoid Arthritis

Insomnia, weight gain 30 lbs, moon face, elevated blood pressure, elevated sugar, decreased appetite, but the worst was the hot flashes and profuse sweating!

Even with the side effects, I haven't been able to stop it. I tried, and after being off it for a month, I was practically bed-bound because of the inflammation in my joints and body. Every joint in my body was hurting. I went back on it so I could function. It's definitely a blessing and a curse.

Anxiety, extremely agitated, mood swings, rage, weird pains in eyes, face, and head. Irritable, easily annoyed by everyone and everything, heart racing, mood swings.

Do not take this pill unless you don't have another option. I was only on it 2 days. Yes two days!! And all these side effects happen. The heart racing was bad, super anger over nothing. Everything just set me off. The mood swings where awful. Never again.

Rx was the kind you take 6 first day then 5 then 4 etc. After second day taking it I experienced itching in legs and arms. Third day (I stopped that day) extreme weakness all over body, difficulty staying awake, blurry vision, dizziness, heaviness in legs and extreme cold feet (as if I was wearing buckets of ice instead of shoes) After the fourth day and for the next week-week & half my feet continued to feel cold but this time the sole of my feet would turn bluish gray then red & white/yellow, similar to Raynod's syndrome. It started going away little by little and it would come on and off for the next two weeks. Dr agree it was a reaction to the prednisolone. Will never take it again!

Blurriness buzzing in head fatigue anxiety depression

I had been on prednisolone (UK) for 10 MTHS off now 9 weeks and still have buzzing and hissing in head will this ever go away eventually can someone let me know going out of my mind worrying about it

I got bilateral Avascular Necrosis on both femoral head. Fractures and then collapses.

my name is Bryan, I live in Alexandria Virginia. I was prescribed prednisone for three months last year as I had back pain from a previous back surgery and then I contracted covid and I was given more prednisone.Two and half months ago I started having pain in my left groin, my doctored thought maybe torn tendon and or labrum tear. After weeks and months of rest I was no better.After X-rays and a final MRI last week, I was informed that I have bilateral AVNs, the head on femoral hip bones have fractured and crumbled. They call this AVN or avascular necrosis, meaning my bone has died.Next week I am having my left hip replaced and then four weeks after my right hip replaced. I am only 40yrs old.The prednisone side effect states possible bone density issues, does not state that the bone dies, that the blood vessels die and then leads to hip replacements.

Insomnia, extreme anger and anxiety, became suicidal, hot flashes, increased appetite/cravings, gained 8 lbs, hand tremors, blurry vision, moon face, fat hump on neck, eye pressure, headache, hair loss & texture change, fatigue. After stopping I developed itchy scalp and face, face & chest acne, red, blotchy face.

Dr didn't warn me of ANY side effects even though I have a history of major depression and anxiety. I will never take it again.

Pounding heart, horrible insomnia, swollen, painful joints, jittery and anxious, unable to eat...horrible drug

I experience racing heart ❤ rate, nausea anxiety dry mouth, always thirsty

Shakey insomnia jittery wobbley legs very dizzy problems focusing fatigue and feel unwell

Am tapering off them down to 5mg but feel awful wish i had never taken them

Depression, mood swings, extreme anxiety, onset of panic attacks, shortness of breath, dry mouth, frequent thirst, nausea, dizziness, high blood pressure, racing heart, muscle spasms, cramping, pressure in head and ears, extreme fatigue, confusion, brain fog, sensitivity to light, easily overstimulated, headaches, having to eat smaller meals and drink tons of water throughout day even 2 mos later. Pleasure of life has dissipated. Would strongly suggest this drug be banned as it is dangerous.

My dosage was: 10mg, 6 pills for 2 days, 10mg 5 pills for 2 days, etc until I reached 10 days both times.

After taking 5 pills, I became extremely anxious, horrible sweating, wet hair, neck itching and broke out in hives. Blood pressure and heart rate through the roof. Dr said allergy don't ever take again. Bowels have been wrecked and still itching after stopping. Wish I'd never taken it. Turns out I didnt have temporal arteritis.

Took high dose 50 mg daily for a year until immune suppressor kicked in, then tapered for a year.Pretty much textbook as expected side effects; no sleep, moon face, swelling, glaucoma, grew a mustache lol. But I was mobile and functioning and did not die which actually came close when my illness began.Tapering was a nightmare, every month nausea, fatigue, flaring symptoms. Start to feel better, reduce dose again. Blegh. Glad to be off it but it does it's job well.

Bursitis/osteoarthritis in knee

Headache, stomach ache, loss of appetite, restlessness, anxiety, depression, crying spells and inability to function or work due to general feeling of malaise.

After just one pill, I immediately regretted it. I’ve never felt this horrible in my life. Aside from the physical side effects, the psychological ones were 1000x worse. I would never recommend anyone taking this drug! All this happened to me in one day! I have GAD with a family history of irregular heartbeat and can’t believe my doctor would prescribe this!

Mostly fast heart rate oral thrush every time I had to do a boost for persistent asthma

It does make you feel better but the side effects are very scary and it seems like I get oral thrush now with everything I take.Very upset

PREDNISONE (PREDNISONE): Prednisone is used to treat conditions such as arthritis, blood disorders, breathing problems, severe allergies, skin diseases, cancer, eye problems, and immune system disorders. Prednisone belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids. It decreases your immune system's response to various diseases to reduce symptoms such as swelling and allergic-type reactions. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Very effective but it takes time to work

I have not had any flare ups with my liver. I'm experiencing some joint pain and a lot of fatigue. My "get up and go" got up and "went!" Climbing stairs is a killer (only 13 steps). I'm generally in very good condition and I also wonder if these symptoms are side effects of the Imuran as well.

People I know have experienced bloating/constipation, but this was never a problem with me. I took Lortab with a full glass of water and food.

This is my second time on Topamax and for the most part I am very happy with it. It seems to "boost" the effectiveness of my antidepressant (zoloft), as well as offset its weight gain side effect. The yucky tasting soda is a blessing in disguise as I find myself drinking more water. My headaches are very few and far between. The worst part for me is the "foggy" mind and the writers/speakers block. I have not had tingling, numbness, or vision issues.

I felt that I was getting addicted. I quit and then I realized that the weakness and dizziness were caused by the Prilosec.

I had bad toothache didn't know how i was going to make it for my birthday its on easter plus i'm cooking

Irritability, occassional anxiety.

SEVERE lower back pain, SEVERE knee pain, SEVERE weakness, disorientation

The side effects are making me feel awful. Heart palpitations and fluttering. Bad headache and dizziness. A kind of ringing in my ears. I feel nauseous and on the verge of throwing up often. If I exert myself I break out into a sweat and feel an increase in nausea. It's affecting my ability to do everyday things.

Weight gain, periods not normal, bleeding for 20 days