Prednisone intensol (prednisone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Prednisone intensol (prednisone)

Pediatrician prescribed 5 day course for upper respiratory sx, coughing and a rash that developed after taking azithromycin. After 1 dose of prednisone, daughter experienced severe tightness and tingling in leg and tongue along with excessive thirst not relieved by drinking water. Also had extreme anxiety and emotional crying. Discontinued med. 4 days later still had extreme anxiety/panic and difficulty catching breath. Took to ER because she felt like she couldn't breathe and dr said could take as long as 6 weeks for sx to subside. Those who are super sensitive to meds should be cautious to take this. The side effects are bad and long lasting. Do not recommend as psychiatric effects are documented.

some weight gain & swelling; a bit anxiousness and bit jittery; sometimes loose temper quickly.

For me very effective drug. I had UC flare and was constantly running to bathroom with diarrhea, mucus & blood. This stopped it and now life is normal. tapper down very slowly. weight gain was minor. I was on the drug 8 years ago for my last flare and had the same symptoms and results.

rash on face, neck (unknown cause)

Headache, facial skin was extremely dry, jittery, trouble sleeping, slightly nauseous, very thirsty and "loopy" feeling. My itching and irritation has gone down, though (only on day 3).

He prescribed 30 mg 2X/day for 3 days; 20 mg 2X/day for 3 days; 10 mg 2X/day for 3 days; 10 mg 1X/day for 3 days. I have only been taking the morning doses (30mg 1X/day, etc.) because of the side effects.

Cystic acne, acne scars, weight gain, clinical depression, loss of sex drive,

Couldn't sleep the whole seven months I took it. Got high blood pressure and never had any problems with that before.

Constant hunger and even though I am a slim guy I gained a lot of weight. Never had a problem with my weight before. Not even around holidays. Got acne and my face got real large and swollen. Was losing my hair. I looked very sick. My wife was embarrassed to go places with me, she stopped asking. Can say for certain we wouldn't be married if she were just meeting me today. You learn things about people on this drug.

Cystic acne all over my face, mood swings for no reason, depression, buffalo hump, moon face, loss of sex drive

Bad acne, depression, mood swings, insomnia, sweating, heart palpitations

Major depression, attempted suicide, anxiety, cystic acne, weight gain, infections, mood swings, rage, euphoria, hair loss, insomnia, extreme fatigue, bruises, dry eyes, moon face, buffalo hump

It raised the levels of hormones in my body. Now my skin is always ice cold and yet at the same time I sweat profusely. The doctor said corticosteroids can affect thyroid functioning and I just have to live with this now. Also experienced the other typical side effects most others write about...acne, weight gain, depression, etc.

When prescribed this drug must be used with EXTREME caution.

Hair loss, acne, major depression, suicidal, memory problems, weight gain, sexual side effects, red eyes, heart palpitations, yellow skin...Go here to read what the Mayo Clinic has to say about the psychiatric effects of corticosteroids: are some excerpts: "It is important that clinicians in all specialties become aware of the potential psychiatric adverse effects associated with corticosteroids and explain these effects to their patients.""The corticosteroid dosage is the most important risk factor for the development of psychiatric symptoms." "Psychiatric disturbances can occur at any point during corticosteroid treatment, including almost immediately after initiation and even after cessation of treatment." "Patients should be evaluated for any suggestion of suicidality." "Corticosteroid-induced psychiatric disturbances are common and include mania, depression, psyc

"Educating patients about potential adverse effects and asking about such effects at each patient encounter can enhance early intervention for adverse corticosteroid-induced psychiatric reactions." "Although a powerful therapeutic option, corticosteroids are associated with serious adverse effects, both physiologic and psychiatric." "In our literature review, we found that the potential psychiatric adverse effects of corticosteroids span a symptom spectrum from subtle mood changes to full-blown affective syndromes and frank psychosis.""Cognitive deficits, particularly declarative or verbal memory deficits, have been well documented during both long- and short-term corticosteroid therapy." "More severe cognitive impairment consistent with delirium or dementia has also been described."

I was on a very high dose; I don't know anyone who's taken such high doses as I did. Side effects: Suicidal ideation, depression, bipolar disorder, large acne cysts that scarred my skin, weight gain, thyroid disease, rapid heart beat, decreased healing ability; dry, red eyes...too many to mention. In short, it ruined my life.

If anyone tells you prednisone is safe, don't believe them. I really wish I had been assigned a different doctor. When I became sick, I was assigned someone, Anne Sullivan, whose medical interests supposedly are adolescents and chronic disease--and because I was an adolescent with a chronic disease, I suspect that's why I was assigned this doctor. She told me prednisone was safe and not to worry about side effects; I believed her, as I would've believed any doctor. I started experiencing side effects right away and the doctors denied them--and now they're permanent, because they refused to treat them. Also: prednisone didn't help my disease at all. In fact, just weeks later I was told I was going to die and my mom and I had to drive five hours all the way back to Iowa City, to the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics, to see my doctor. The reason why I, a teenager, was going to do, however, was related to the stupid advice my doctors in the hospital gave me, not my disease. Basicall

Prednisone gave me Cushing's Syndrome - which for guys means a lot of bad things, like Erectile Dysfunction, weight gain, high blood pressure, hypertension, depression and anxiety, thin, fragile skin that bruises and scars easily; facial flushing; rounding of face; pink and purple stretch marks; slowed healing of cuts; infections and even insect bites; muscle weakness; and acne.

This stuff is worse than drinking battery acid. Good doctors use it only as a last resort because it is so terrible.

Premature aging, sexual side effects, hair loss, corticosteroid induced psychosis, seizures, irregular heart beat, shortness of breath, vomiting, thinning of skin, skin atrophy, acne, buffalo hump, weight gain, moon face, muscle turned to fat, dry eyes, stretch marks, joint pain, sore throat, nervousness, mood swings, euphoria, rage, sadness, violent nightmares, bruises all over body, night sweats, redness in eyes, itching all over, couldn't sleep, oh and worsening of my symptoms.

I was just at a doctor about the side effects prednisone gave me. He said that prednisone's effects are long-lasting and you can't undo the damage. Even for the people who think they didn't have side effects, they most likely did and still do. For example, prednisone reduces your ability to heal for the rest of your life.

Psychosis & Loss of time where I dont know what I just did likegoing into library and waking up on buss.The wieght gaine and,moon face stinks.Burning stomach with assortted mania's.

Severe depression. Suicidal. Attempted suicide. Mania. Panic attacks. Anxiety. Impaired thinking. Impulsiveness. Acne from hell - large red acne cysts. Acne scars. Ruined skin. Hair loss. Dry skin. Red blotchy skin. Dry eyes. Red eyes. Thyroid disease. Yellow skin (possible liver damage). Extreme insomnia. Increased appetite. Weight gain. Stretch marks. Mood swings. Rage. Feelings of hopelessness. Tremors (couldn't shave or I'd kill myself). Joint pain. Heart palpitations. Infections. Suppressed immune system. Bruising. Couldn't heal. Nausea. Vomiting. Headaches.

Before I took prednisone, I had perfect skin, and, besides an occasional pimple, never really had much acne. Prednisone changed that; it ruined my skin, and, as a result, destroyed my self-esteem. People I haven't seen since taking prednisone don't even recognize me. My eyes, from prednisone and all the other drugs, barely produce tears at all anymore. My eyes are so dry, I can't wear contacts. The whites of my eyes are almost entirely red. My skin is still yellow. People stare and ask about it; pretty embarrassing. I have lost faith in doctors completely. I've only been to one doctor about my yellow skin. He mentioned the possibility of it being drug-induced hepatitis. I loved my life, but, because of this drug, I hate my life. It didn't even help my disease. I wish my doctors had told me about the side effects and other treatment options--I found a strict diet and probiotics to be more effective than prednisone and all the other drugs combined.

severe joint pain, lowered immune system lead to pneumonia, no energy, fever, night sweats, depression, did I say severe joint pain?

PREDNISONE INTENSOL (PREDNISONE): Prednisone is used to treat conditions such as arthritis, blood disorders, breathing problems, severe allergies, skin diseases, cancer, eye problems, and immune system disorders. Prednisone belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids. It decreases your immune system's response to various diseases to reduce symptoms such as swelling and allergic-type reactions. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Day one My throat began to hurt terribly, then my upper palette began to hurt as well. My tongue turned white but I thought it was from zinc lozenges. Day 4 I felt like I had burned my throat and mouth with hot liquids, and felt as if my throat was peeling skinand I coulnd swallow well. By day 7 I had bloody sputum and red bumps all over the back of tongue and throat. I scrubbed my tongue thoroughly and some of the white stuff came off, but my whole mouth was burning and sore, bleeding in spots. I got my medications and looked up Flonase side affects, found out about it causing candida overgrowth from steroid suppressing immune system, along with the antibiotic I had taken for the sinus infection I had the week before. Omg I will never use this again or recommend it. It did clear my congestion but the side affect was HORRIBLE. Went back to dr for fluconazole prescription. Hopefully that clears this up quickly.