Prednisolone (prednisolone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Prednisolone (prednisolone)

PREDNISOLONE (PREDNISOLONE): Prednisolone is a man-made form of a natural substance (corticosteroid hormone) made by the adrenal gland. It is used to treat conditions such as arthritis, blood problems, immune system disorders, skin and eye conditions, breathing problems, cancer, and severe allergies. It decreases your immune system's response to various diseases to reduce symptoms such as pain, swelling and allergic-type reactions. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

I have experienced extreme sweating since I can remember. My doctor suggested this medication for me and it works. I started with 1mg which didn't really work. I take 3mg when needed but you have to make sure you drink PLENTY OF WATER!!! Also, when you take the pills, make sure they don't touch your tongue. This will help combat dry mouth. Place them as far back on your tongue as you can and wash them down with water. I dink at least 20oz of water immediately after taking them and sip on water all day. This prevents the dry mouth ad headach. The pills last all day. I may need to take another 3 the next day. In the winter, 2 mg will suffice, but summertime will require 3mg. Good luck, hope this helps.

After two weeks on TRICOR 145mg starting experiencing muscle pain. Pretty much all over my body but knees,wrist and chest are the most affected. Didn't attribute the problem to Tricor because Dr. said this med. had no such side effects. Discovered this website (thankfully) and realize he was wrong,wrong,wrong. My 2nd day off and am feeling better already.Hope I make a full recovery. Wondering how long it will take????

I hold great respect for this simple compound. It is abused, and that is not its fault. Withdrawal is difficult; I would keep the dose low (I range from 1mg to 3mg [rarely]) [usually 2mg]. It is helpful at supporting sleep. I read that REM sleep is reduced w/Klonopin, but I dream lovely things, and sleep well when I take my meds as prescribed. It works well for anxiety, but one must give it extra time (more than Xanax) to help. It acts for about 8 hours. It passes through the liver twice, so it can be slower, and thus longer-acting if your liver is stressed. It is a good med to go with others. I rely on it to stop the "up" effects of Provigil, a stimulant. I'd rather not be on anything, but this drug has helped save my life. Care must be taken to not stockpile this drug. It is not really that dangerous, but a lot of people try to overdose with it (and related drugs). It's a safe drug for responsible adults.

I am extremely satisfied with this medication in the short three months that I have been on on it I have been able to acquire a job, and have had more energy to do things. I have noticed that my moods are more under control being on invega.

anxiety depression anger bipolar

Of all the SSRI's I've tried, Lexapro makes me feel the most like myself. It takes away the edge but doesn't overpower your emotional state and make you feel like a "zombie." However, I have severe jaw pain, and my hugest problem of all is WEIGHT GAIN! To be fair, my diet has not been phenomenal, but over these past years on it, I have gained 35 pounds. This is what did me in, and I am considering stopping taking it because of that. Since side effects differ, I would recommend trying it if your doctor suggests it. It has worked wonders for me mentally, and has helped me through very rough times and huge decisions.

abominal pain, loss of appetite, hair loss

Increase in migraines, became manic, agitated, circulation so poor had to sleep in flannel pjs, socks and winter gloves in summer, poor mental function, blurred vision, increased suicidal ideation, uncontrollable anger, paranoia, Poor sleep pattern with increasingly disturbing nightmares with crying and screaming while asleep, immediate weight gain (fluid retention?).

I recently started having pain in my chest and finally realized it was the Prilosec OTC. I had tried the generic omeprazole but it gave me chest pains immediately. After 6 or 7 years on Prilosec OTC, the chest pain has just started. But, after reading the side effects others have experienced, I realize I do have other side effects from the Prilosec, such as tingling in my feet & hands, mild IBS, muscle spasms (recently) and tightness in my throat.

First dose received Sept 2020. Arm pain for 3 days, but no other complications. 2nd dose received Dec 2, 2020. Arm pain for 3 days. BUT, on third day, started feeling ill - extremely fatigued, body aches, low grade fever, headache...thought I might have covid. Covid test came back negative. It's been over a week since my 2nd dose and I still can't work. Still have flu-like symptoms with low grade fever. The body aches and exhaustion feeling are hammering me. I've developed a loss of appetite and I wake up every morning with a bad headache. My migraine meds help keep that bearable. I sure hope this was worth it! (And hope I can return to work soon.) *I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and I'm wondering if that has caused my symptoms to be worse?