Meticorten (prednisone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Meticorten (prednisone)

sweet cravings, anxiety, social phobia, panic, fear.

Increased appetite, weight gain because of it and acne on mu face, neck and back

METICORTEN (PREDNISONE): Prednisone is used to treat conditions such as arthritis, blood disorders, breathing problems, severe allergies, skin diseases, cancer, eye problems, and immune system disorders. Prednisone belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids. It changes how your body responds to different medical conditions to lessen symptoms such as swelling and allergic-type reactions. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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fatigue, dry mouth, weight gain then loss.

worked ok on the depression except not having any sex drive at all when you're normally a horndog is really depressing. Stuck it out for long enough to decide the side effect wasn't going away. Switched to Celexa, no major side effects with that.

I have decided not to take this medication after reading this website & other literature. It does sound scary. My MD wants me to take Fosamax for 5 years. My ND (Naturopath Doctor) never said not to take Fosamax. She did state that Vitamin K is supposed to help with osteoporosis of the spine, in particular. I didn't ask my MD about the Vitamin, assuming he wouldn't be as up to date on those things as the Naturopath. I decided to take a supplement with Vitamin K & other vitamins & minerals prescribed by the Naturopath. I plan to have new bone scan in 3 - 6 months & see how things look, but I doubt I will ever go on this med. Am also increasing weight-bearing exercise.

Not going to take the rest of the cycle, this is the end of day 2.

I have cronic kidney stones that are not inherited. Percocet didn't even work. I had a shot in my butt, 75mg demerol, it was the only thing that took the pain away after 40mg of morphine over the 12hrs in the hospital....

Mood swings, breast tenderness, weight gain, and yeast infections.

Pain both legs, ankles and shoulders. Weakness is unbearable. Stopped taking it on 7/19/22 and pain went away for my legs, but weakness and ankles are still an issue.also had vertigo but that went away in 5 weeks. Any fully recovered?

My doctor gave me this as a sleep aid. I had no idea a drug could make you want to kill yourself. If someone told me, I wouldn't even believe them. But that's what happened with me. I am really lucky I didn't. I see other comments saying they were prescribed this FOR depression. I find that odd: this drug actually MADE me depressed. I would be very hesitant about using this drug. I would never let anyone in my family take it. I can't believe something like this is FDA approved.

Very bad knee pain. At times excruciating. Swelled up to 2 to 3 times the size of my other knee. Could not sleep at night due to the pain. And could barely walk.

Good effects were decreased anxiety, feelings of confidence, more tolerant in daily life and less frustration, loss of road rage, loving feelings towards others, better able to handle conflicts or dissapointments, plus less